# Test basic single node 10GB shuffle with a small number of partitions. # This doesn't require object spilling. - name: shuffle_10gb owner: mail: "ekl@anyscale.com" slack: "@proj-data-processing" cluster: app_config: shuffle/shuffle_app_config.yaml compute_template: shuffle/shuffle_compute_single.yaml run: timeout: 3000 script: python shuffle/shuffle_test.py --num-partitions=50 --partition-size=200e6 smoke_test: cluster: compute_template: shuffle/shuffle_compute_smoke.yaml # Does not exist yet # Test single node 50GB shuffle with a large number of partitions. - name: shuffle_50gb owner: mail: "sangcho@anyscale.com" slack: "@proj-data-processing" cluster: app_config: shuffle/shuffle_app_config.yaml compute_template: shuffle/shuffle_compute_single.yaml run: timeout: 3000 script: python shuffle/shuffle_test.py --num-partitions=50 --partition-size=1e9 smoke_test: cluster: compute_template: shuffle/shuffle_compute_smoke.yaml # Does not exist yet # Test single node 50GB shuffle with a large number of partitions. - name: shuffle_50gb_large_partition owner: mail: "sangcho@anyscale.com" slack: "@proj-data-processing" cluster: app_config: shuffle/shuffle_app_config.yaml compute_template: shuffle/shuffle_compute_single.yaml run: timeout: 3000 script: python shuffle/shuffle_test.py --num-partitions=500 --partition-size=100e6 smoke_test: cluster: compute_template: shuffle/shuffle_compute_smoke.yaml # Does not exist yet # Test multi nodes 100GB shuffle with a small number of partitions. - name: shuffle_100gb owner: mail: "sangcho@anyscale.com" slack: "@proj-data-processing" cluster: app_config: shuffle/shuffle_app_config.yaml compute_template: shuffle/shuffle_compute_multi.yaml run: timeout: 3000 prepare: python wait_cluster.py 4 600 script: python shuffle/shuffle_test.py --num-partitions=200 --partition-size=500e6 smoke_test: cluster: compute_template: shuffle/shuffle_compute_smoke.yaml # Does not exist yet # Test multi nodes 100GB shuffle with a large number of partitions. # TODO(sang): Not working due to a bug https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/16025. # - name: shuffle_100gb_large_partition # owner: # mail: "sangcho@anyscale.com" # slack: "@proj-data-processing" # cluster: # app_config: shuffle/shuffle_app_config.yaml # compute_template: shuffle/shuffle_compute_multi.yaml # run: # timeout: 3000 # prepare: python wait_cluster.py 4 600 # script: python shuffle/shuffle_test.py --num-partitions=1000 --partition-size=100e6 # smoke_test: # cluster: # compute_template: shuffle/shuffle_compute_smoke.yaml # Does not exist yet