from collections import OrderedDict import gym import logging import re import tree # pip install dm_tree from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TYPE_CHECKING, Union from ray.util.debug import log_once from import TFActionDistribution from ray.rllib.models.modelv2 import ModelV2 from ray.rllib.policy.dynamic_tf_policy import TFMultiGPUTowerStack from ray.rllib.policy.policy import Policy from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch from ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy import TFPolicy from ray.rllib.policy.view_requirement import ViewRequirement from ray.rllib.models.catalog import ModelCatalog from ray.rllib.utils import force_list from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import ( DeveloperAPI, OverrideToImplementCustomLogic, OverrideToImplementCustomLogic_CallToSuperRecommended, is_overridden, override, ) from ray.rllib.utils.debug import summarize from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf from ray.rllib.utils.metrics.learner_info import LEARNER_STATS_KEY from ray.rllib.utils.spaces.space_utils import get_dummy_batch_for_space from ray.rllib.utils.tf_utils import get_placeholder from ray.rllib.utils.typing import ( LocalOptimizer, ModelGradients, TensorType, AlgorithmConfigDict, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from ray.rllib.evaluation import Episode tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @DeveloperAPI class DynamicTFPolicyV2(TFPolicy): """A TFPolicy that auto-defines placeholders dynamically at runtime. This class is intended to be used and extended by sub-classing. """ @DeveloperAPI def __init__( self, obs_space: gym.spaces.Space, action_space: gym.spaces.Space, config: AlgorithmConfigDict, *, existing_inputs: Optional[Dict[str, "tf1.placeholder"]] = None, existing_model: Optional[ModelV2] = None, ): self.observation_space = obs_space self.action_space = action_space config = dict(self.get_default_config(), **config) self.config = config self.framework = "tf" self._seq_lens = None self._is_tower = existing_inputs is not None self.validate_spaces(obs_space, action_space, config) self.dist_class = self._init_dist_class() # Setup self.model. if existing_model and isinstance(existing_model, list): self.model = existing_model[0] # TODO: (sven) hack, but works for `target_[q_]?model`. for i in range(1, len(existing_model)): setattr(self, existing_model[i][0], existing_model[i][1]) else: self.model = self.make_model() # Auto-update model's inference view requirements, if recurrent. self._update_model_view_requirements_from_init_state() self._init_state_inputs(existing_inputs) self._init_view_requirements() timestep, explore = self._init_input_dict_and_dummy_batch(existing_inputs) ( sampled_action, sampled_action_logp, dist_inputs, self._policy_extra_action_fetches, ) = self._init_action_fetches(timestep, explore) # Phase 1 init. sess = tf1.get_default_session() or tf1.Session( config=tf1.ConfigProto(**self.config["tf_session_args"]) ) batch_divisibility_req = self.get_batch_divisibility_req() prev_action_input = ( self._input_dict[SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS] if SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS in self._input_dict.accessed_keys else None ) prev_reward_input = ( self._input_dict[SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS] if SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS in self._input_dict.accessed_keys else None ) super().__init__( observation_space=obs_space, action_space=action_space, config=config, sess=sess, obs_input=self._input_dict[SampleBatch.OBS], action_input=self._input_dict[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], sampled_action=sampled_action, sampled_action_logp=sampled_action_logp, dist_inputs=dist_inputs, dist_class=self.dist_class, loss=None, # dynamically initialized on run loss_inputs=[], model=self.model, state_inputs=self._state_inputs, state_outputs=self._state_out, prev_action_input=prev_action_input, prev_reward_input=prev_reward_input, seq_lens=self._seq_lens, max_seq_len=config["model"]["max_seq_len"], batch_divisibility_req=batch_divisibility_req, explore=explore, timestep=timestep, ) @DeveloperAPI @staticmethod def enable_eager_execution_if_necessary(): # This is static graph TF policy. # Simply do nothing. pass @DeveloperAPI @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def get_default_config(self) -> AlgorithmConfigDict: return {} @DeveloperAPI @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def validate_spaces( self, obs_space: gym.spaces.Space, action_space: gym.spaces.Space, config: AlgorithmConfigDict, ): return {} @DeveloperAPI @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic @override(Policy) def loss( self, model: Union[ModelV2, "tf.keras.Model"], dist_class: Type[TFActionDistribution], train_batch: SampleBatch, ) -> Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]]: """Constructs loss computation graph for this TF1 policy. Args: model: The Model to calculate the loss for. dist_class: The action distr. class. train_batch: The training data. Returns: A single loss tensor or a list of loss tensors. """ raise NotImplementedError @DeveloperAPI @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def stats_fn(self, train_batch: SampleBatch) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: """Stats function. Returns a dict of statistics. Args: train_batch: The SampleBatch (already) used for training. Returns: The stats dict. """ return {} @DeveloperAPI @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def grad_stats_fn( self, train_batch: SampleBatch, grads: ModelGradients ) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: """Gradient stats function. Returns a dict of statistics. Args: train_batch: The SampleBatch (already) used for training. Returns: The stats dict. """ return {} @DeveloperAPI @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def make_model(self) -> ModelV2: """Build underlying model for this Policy. Returns: The Model for the Policy to use. """ # Default ModelV2 model. _, logit_dim = ModelCatalog.get_action_dist( self.action_space, self.config["model"] ) return ModelCatalog.get_model_v2( obs_space=self.observation_space, action_space=self.action_space, num_outputs=logit_dim, model_config=self.config["model"], framework="tf", ) @DeveloperAPI @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def compute_gradients_fn( self, optimizer: LocalOptimizer, loss: TensorType ) -> ModelGradients: """Gradients computing function (from loss tensor, using local optimizer). Args: policy: The Policy object that generated the loss tensor and that holds the given local optimizer. optimizer: The tf (local) optimizer object to calculate the gradients with. loss: The loss tensor for which gradients should be calculated. Returns: ModelGradients: List of the possibly clipped gradients- and variable tuples. """ return None @DeveloperAPI @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def apply_gradients_fn( self, policy: Policy, optimizer: "tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer", grads: ModelGradients, ) -> "tf.Operation": """Gradients computing function (from loss tensor, using local optimizer). Args: policy: The Policy object that generated the loss tensor and that holds the given local optimizer. optimizer: The tf (local) optimizer object to calculate the gradients with. grads: The gradient tensor to be applied. Returns: "tf.Operation": TF operation that applies supplied gradients. """ return None @DeveloperAPI @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def action_sampler_fn( self, model: ModelV2, *, obs_batch: TensorType, state_batches: TensorType, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[TensorType, TensorType, TensorType, List[TensorType]]: """Custom function for sampling new actions given policy. Args: model: Underlying model. obs_batch: Observation tensor batch. state_batches: Action sampling state batch. Returns: Sampled action Log-likelihood Action distribution inputs Updated state """ return None, None, None, None @DeveloperAPI @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def action_distribution_fn( self, model: ModelV2, *, obs_batch: TensorType, state_batches: TensorType, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[TensorType, type, List[TensorType]]: """Action distribution function for this Policy. Args: model: Underlying model. obs_batch: Observation tensor batch. state_batches: Action sampling state batch. Returns: Distribution input. ActionDistribution class. State outs. """ return None, None, None @DeveloperAPI @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def get_batch_divisibility_req(self) -> int: """Get batch divisibility request. Returns: Size N. A sample batch must be of size K*N. """ # By default, any sized batch is ok, so simply return 1. return 1 @override(TFPolicy) @DeveloperAPI @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic_CallToSuperRecommended def extra_action_out_fn(self) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: """Extra values to fetch and return from compute_actions(). Returns: Dict[str, TensorType]: An extra fetch-dict to be passed to and returned from the compute_actions() call. """ extra_action_fetches = super().extra_action_out_fn() extra_action_fetches.update(self._policy_extra_action_fetches) return extra_action_fetches @DeveloperAPI @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic_CallToSuperRecommended def extra_learn_fetches_fn(self) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: """Extra stats to be reported after gradient computation. Returns: Dict[str, TensorType]: An extra fetch-dict. """ return {} @override(TFPolicy) def extra_compute_grad_fetches(self): return dict({LEARNER_STATS_KEY: {}}, **self.extra_learn_fetches_fn()) @override(Policy) @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic_CallToSuperRecommended def postprocess_trajectory( self, sample_batch: SampleBatch, other_agent_batches: Optional[SampleBatch] = None, episode: Optional["Episode"] = None, ): """Post process trajectory in the format of a SampleBatch. Args: sample_batch: sample_batch: batch of experiences for the policy, which will contain at most one episode trajectory. other_agent_batches: In a multi-agent env, this contains a mapping of agent ids to (policy, agent_batch) tuples containing the policy and experiences of the other agents. episode: An optional multi-agent episode object to provide access to all of the internal episode state, which may be useful for model-based or multi-agent algorithms. Returns: The postprocessed sample batch. """ return Policy.postprocess_trajectory(self, sample_batch) @override(TFPolicy) @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def optimizer( self, ) -> Union["tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer", List["tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer"]]: """TF optimizer to use for policy optimization. Returns: A local optimizer or a list of local optimizers to use for this Policy's Model. """ return super().optimizer() def _init_dist_class(self): if is_overridden(self.action_sampler_fn) or is_overridden( self.action_distribution_fn ): if not is_overridden(self.make_model): raise ValueError( "`make_model` is required if `action_sampler_fn` OR " "`action_distribution_fn` is given" ) else: dist_class, _ = ModelCatalog.get_action_dist( self.action_space, self.config["model"] ) return dist_class def _init_view_requirements(self): # If ViewRequirements are explicitly specified. if getattr(self, "view_requirements", None): return # Use default settings. # Add NEXT_OBS, STATE_IN_0.., and others. self.view_requirements = self._get_default_view_requirements() # Combine view_requirements for Model and Policy. # TODO(jungong) : models will not carry view_requirements once they # are migrated to be organic Keras models. self.view_requirements.update(self.model.view_requirements) # Disable env-info placeholder. if SampleBatch.INFOS in self.view_requirements: self.view_requirements[SampleBatch.INFOS].used_for_training = False def _init_state_inputs(self, existing_inputs: Dict[str, "tf1.placeholder"]): """Initialize input placeholders. Args: existing_inputs: existing placeholders. """ if existing_inputs: self._state_inputs = [ v for k, v in existing_inputs.items() if k.startswith("state_in_") ] # Placeholder for RNN time-chunk valid lengths. if self._state_inputs: self._seq_lens = existing_inputs[SampleBatch.SEQ_LENS] # Create new input placeholders. else: self._state_inputs = [ get_placeholder(, time_axis=not isinstance(vr.shift, int), name=k, ) for k, vr in self.model.view_requirements.items() if k.startswith("state_in_") ] # Placeholder for RNN time-chunk valid lengths. if self._state_inputs: self._seq_lens = tf1.placeholder( dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None], name="seq_lens" ) def _init_input_dict_and_dummy_batch( self, existing_inputs: Dict[str, "tf1.placeholder"] ) -> Tuple[Union[int, TensorType], Union[bool, TensorType]]: """Initialized input_dict and dummy_batch data. Args: existing_inputs: When copying a policy, this specifies an existing dict of placeholders to use instead of defining new ones. Returns: timestep: training timestep. explore: whether this policy should explore. """ # Setup standard placeholders. if self._is_tower: assert existing_inputs is not None timestep = existing_inputs["timestep"] explore = False ( self._input_dict, self._dummy_batch, ) = self._create_input_dict_and_dummy_batch( self.view_requirements, existing_inputs ) else: # Placeholder for (sampling steps) timestep (int). timestep = tf1.placeholder_with_default( tf.zeros((), dtype=tf.int64), (), name="timestep" ) # Placeholder for `is_exploring` flag. explore = tf1.placeholder_with_default(True, (), name="is_exploring") ( self._input_dict, self._dummy_batch, ) = self._create_input_dict_and_dummy_batch(self.view_requirements, {}) # Placeholder for `is_training` flag. self._input_dict.set_training(self._get_is_training_placeholder()) return timestep, explore def _create_input_dict_and_dummy_batch(self, view_requirements, existing_inputs): """Creates input_dict and dummy_batch for loss initialization. Used for managing the Policy's input placeholders and for loss initialization. Input_dict: Str -> tf.placeholders, dummy_batch: str -> np.arrays. Args: view_requirements: The view requirements dict. existing_inputs (Dict[str, tf.placeholder]): A dict of already existing placeholders. Returns: Tuple[Dict[str, tf.placeholder], Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: The input_dict/dummy_batch tuple. """ input_dict = {} for view_col, view_req in view_requirements.items(): # Point state_in to the already existing self._state_inputs. mo = re.match("state_in_(\d+)", view_col) if mo is not None: input_dict[view_col] = self._state_inputs[int(] # State-outs (no placeholders needed). elif view_col.startswith("state_out_"): continue # Skip action dist inputs placeholder (do later). elif view_col == SampleBatch.ACTION_DIST_INPUTS: continue # This is a tower: Input placeholders already exist. elif view_col in existing_inputs: input_dict[view_col] = existing_inputs[view_col] # All others. else: time_axis = not isinstance(view_req.shift, int) if view_req.used_for_training: # Create a +time-axis placeholder if the shift is not an # int (range or list of ints). # Do not flatten actions if action flattening disabled. if self.config.get("_disable_action_flattening") and view_col in [ SampleBatch.ACTIONS, SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS, ]: flatten = False # Do not flatten observations if no preprocessor API used. elif ( view_col in [SampleBatch.OBS, SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS] and self.config["_disable_preprocessor_api"] ): flatten = False # Flatten everything else. else: flatten = True input_dict[view_col] = get_placeholder(, name=view_col, time_axis=time_axis, flatten=flatten, ) dummy_batch = self._get_dummy_batch_from_view_requirements(batch_size=32) return SampleBatch(input_dict, seq_lens=self._seq_lens), dummy_batch def _init_action_fetches( self, timestep: Union[int, TensorType], explore: Union[bool, TensorType] ) -> Tuple[TensorType, TensorType, TensorType, type, Dict[str, TensorType]]: """Create action related fields for base Policy and loss initialization.""" # Multi-GPU towers do not need any action computing/exploration # graphs. sampled_action = None sampled_action_logp = None dist_inputs = None extra_action_fetches = {} self._state_out = None if not self._is_tower: # Create the Exploration object to use for this Policy. self.exploration = self._create_exploration() # Fully customized action generation (e.g., custom policy). if is_overridden(self.action_sampler_fn): ( sampled_action, sampled_action_logp, dist_inputs, self._state_out, ) = self.action_sampler_fn( self.model, obs_batch=self._input_dict[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS], state_batches=self._state_inputs, seq_lens=self._seq_lens, prev_action_batch=self._input_dict.get(SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS), prev_reward_batch=self._input_dict.get(SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS), explore=explore, is_training=self._input_dict.is_training, ) # Distribution generation is customized, e.g., DQN, DDPG. else: if is_overridden(self.action_distribution_fn): # Try new action_distribution_fn signature, supporting # state_batches and seq_lens. in_dict = self._input_dict ( dist_inputs, self.dist_class, self._state_out, ) = self.action_distribution_fn( self.model, input_dict=in_dict, state_batches=self._state_inputs, seq_lens=self._seq_lens, explore=explore, timestep=timestep, is_training=in_dict.is_training, ) # Default distribution generation behavior: # Pass through model. E.g., PG, PPO. else: if isinstance(self.model, tf.keras.Model): dist_inputs, self._state_out, extra_action_fetches = self.model( self._input_dict ) else: dist_inputs, self._state_out = self.model(self._input_dict) action_dist = self.dist_class(dist_inputs, self.model) # Using exploration to get final action (e.g. via sampling). ( sampled_action, sampled_action_logp, ) = self.exploration.get_exploration_action( action_distribution=action_dist, timestep=timestep, explore=explore ) if dist_inputs is not None: extra_action_fetches[SampleBatch.ACTION_DIST_INPUTS] = dist_inputs if sampled_action_logp is not None: extra_action_fetches[SampleBatch.ACTION_LOGP] = sampled_action_logp extra_action_fetches[SampleBatch.ACTION_PROB] = tf.exp( tf.cast(sampled_action_logp, tf.float32) ) return ( sampled_action, sampled_action_logp, dist_inputs, extra_action_fetches, ) def _init_optimizers(self): # Create the optimizer/exploration optimizer here. Some initialization # steps (e.g. exploration postprocessing) may need this. optimizers = force_list(self.optimizer()) if getattr(self, "exploration", None): optimizers = self.exploration.get_exploration_optimizer(optimizers) # No optimizers produced -> Return. if not optimizers: return # The list of local (tf) optimizers (one per loss term). self._optimizers = optimizers # Backward compatibility. self._optimizer = optimizers[0] def maybe_initialize_optimizer_and_loss(self): # We don't need to initialize loss calculation for MultiGPUTowerStack. if self._is_tower: return # Loss initialization and model/postprocessing test calls. self._init_optimizers() self._initialize_loss_from_dummy_batch(auto_remove_unneeded_view_reqs=True) # Create MultiGPUTowerStacks, if we have at least one actual # GPU or >1 CPUs (fake GPUs). if len(self.devices) > 1 or any("gpu" in d for d in self.devices): # Per-GPU graph copies created here must share vars with the # policy. Therefore, `reuse` is set to tf1.AUTO_REUSE because # Adam nodes are created after all of the device copies are # created. with tf1.variable_scope("", reuse=tf1.AUTO_REUSE): self.multi_gpu_tower_stacks = [ TFMultiGPUTowerStack(policy=self) for _ in range(self.config.get("num_multi_gpu_tower_stacks", 1)) ] # Initialize again after loss and tower init. self.get_session().run(tf1.global_variables_initializer()) @override(Policy) def _initialize_loss_from_dummy_batch( self, auto_remove_unneeded_view_reqs: bool = True ) -> None: # Test calls depend on variable init, so initialize model first. self.get_session().run(tf1.global_variables_initializer()) # Fields that have not been accessed are not needed for action # computations -> Tag them as `used_for_compute_actions=False`. for key, view_req in self.view_requirements.items(): if ( not key.startswith("state_in_") and key not in self._input_dict.accessed_keys ): view_req.used_for_compute_actions = False for key, value in self.extra_action_out_fn().items(): self._dummy_batch[key] = get_dummy_batch_for_space( gym.spaces.Box( -1.0, 1.0, shape=value.shape.as_list()[1:], ), batch_size=len(self._dummy_batch), ) self._input_dict[key] = get_placeholder(value=value, name=key) if key not in self.view_requirements:"Adding extra-action-fetch `{}` to view-reqs.".format(key)) self.view_requirements[key] = ViewRequirement( space=gym.spaces.Box( -1.0, 1.0, shape=value.shape[1:], ), used_for_compute_actions=False, ) dummy_batch = self._dummy_batch"Testing `postprocess_trajectory` w/ dummy batch.") self.exploration.postprocess_trajectory(self, dummy_batch, self.get_session()) _ = self.postprocess_trajectory(dummy_batch) # Add new columns automatically to (loss) input_dict. for key in dummy_batch.added_keys: if key not in self._input_dict: self._input_dict[key] = get_placeholder( value=dummy_batch[key], name=key ) if key not in self.view_requirements: self.view_requirements[key] = ViewRequirement( space=gym.spaces.Box( -1.0, 1.0, shape=dummy_batch[key].shape[1:], dtype=dummy_batch[key].dtype, ), used_for_compute_actions=False, ) train_batch = SampleBatch( dict(self._input_dict, **self._loss_input_dict), _is_training=True, ) if self._state_inputs: train_batch[SampleBatch.SEQ_LENS] = self._seq_lens self._loss_input_dict.update( {SampleBatch.SEQ_LENS: train_batch[SampleBatch.SEQ_LENS]} ) self._loss_input_dict.update({k: v for k, v in train_batch.items()}) if log_once("loss_init"): logger.debug( "Initializing loss function with dummy input:\n\n{}\n".format( summarize(train_batch) ) ) losses = self._do_loss_init(train_batch) all_accessed_keys = ( train_batch.accessed_keys | dummy_batch.accessed_keys | dummy_batch.added_keys | set(self.model.view_requirements.keys()) ) TFPolicy._initialize_loss( self, losses, [(k, v) for k, v in train_batch.items() if k in all_accessed_keys] + ( [(SampleBatch.SEQ_LENS, train_batch[SampleBatch.SEQ_LENS])] if SampleBatch.SEQ_LENS in train_batch else [] ), ) if "is_training" in self._loss_input_dict: del self._loss_input_dict["is_training"] # Call the grads stats fn. # TODO: (sven) rename to simply stats_fn to match eager and torch. self._stats_fetches.update(self.grad_stats_fn(train_batch, self._grads)) # Add new columns automatically to view-reqs. if auto_remove_unneeded_view_reqs: # Add those needed for postprocessing and training. all_accessed_keys = train_batch.accessed_keys | dummy_batch.accessed_keys # Tag those only needed for post-processing (with some exceptions). for key in dummy_batch.accessed_keys: if ( key not in train_batch.accessed_keys and key not in self.model.view_requirements and key not in [ SampleBatch.EPS_ID, SampleBatch.AGENT_INDEX, SampleBatch.UNROLL_ID, SampleBatch.DONES, SampleBatch.REWARDS, SampleBatch.INFOS, SampleBatch.OBS_EMBEDS, ] ): if key in self.view_requirements: self.view_requirements[key].used_for_training = False if key in self._loss_input_dict: del self._loss_input_dict[key] # Remove those not needed at all (leave those that are needed # by Sampler to properly execute sample collection). # Also always leave DONES, REWARDS, and INFOS, no matter what. for key in list(self.view_requirements.keys()): if ( key not in all_accessed_keys and key not in [ SampleBatch.EPS_ID, SampleBatch.AGENT_INDEX, SampleBatch.UNROLL_ID, SampleBatch.DONES, SampleBatch.REWARDS, SampleBatch.INFOS, ] and key not in self.model.view_requirements ): # If user deleted this key manually in postprocessing # fn, warn about it and do not remove from # view-requirements. if key in dummy_batch.deleted_keys: logger.warning( "SampleBatch key '{}' was deleted manually in " "postprocessing function! RLlib will " "automatically remove non-used items from the " "data stream. Remove the `del` from your " "postprocessing function.".format(key) ) # If we are not writing output to disk, safe to erase # this key to save space in the sample batch. elif self.config["output"] is None: del self.view_requirements[key] if key in self._loss_input_dict: del self._loss_input_dict[key] # Add those data_cols (again) that are missing and have # dependencies by view_cols. for key in list(self.view_requirements.keys()): vr = self.view_requirements[key] if ( vr.data_col is not None and vr.data_col not in self.view_requirements ): used_for_training = vr.data_col in train_batch.accessed_keys self.view_requirements[vr.data_col] = ViewRequirement(, used_for_training=used_for_training ) self._loss_input_dict_no_rnn = { k: v for k, v in self._loss_input_dict.items() if (v not in self._state_inputs and v != self._seq_lens) } def _do_loss_init(self, train_batch: SampleBatch): losses = self.loss(self.model, self.dist_class, train_batch) losses = force_list(losses) self._stats_fetches.update(self.stats_fn(train_batch)) # Override the update ops to be those of the model. self._update_ops = [] if not isinstance(self.model, tf.keras.Model): self._update_ops = self.model.update_ops() return losses @override(TFPolicy) @DeveloperAPI def copy(self, existing_inputs: List[Tuple[str, "tf1.placeholder"]]) -> TFPolicy: """Creates a copy of self using existing input placeholders.""" flat_loss_inputs = tree.flatten(self._loss_input_dict) flat_loss_inputs_no_rnn = tree.flatten(self._loss_input_dict_no_rnn) # Note that there might be RNN state inputs at the end of the list if len(flat_loss_inputs) != len(existing_inputs): raise ValueError( "Tensor list mismatch", self._loss_input_dict, self._state_inputs, existing_inputs, ) for i, v in enumerate(flat_loss_inputs_no_rnn): if v.shape.as_list() != existing_inputs[i].shape.as_list(): raise ValueError( "Tensor shape mismatch", i, v.shape, existing_inputs[i].shape ) # By convention, the loss inputs are followed by state inputs and then # the seq len tensor. rnn_inputs = [] for i in range(len(self._state_inputs)): rnn_inputs.append( ( "state_in_{}".format(i), existing_inputs[len(flat_loss_inputs_no_rnn) + i], ) ) if rnn_inputs: rnn_inputs.append((SampleBatch.SEQ_LENS, existing_inputs[-1])) existing_inputs_unflattened = tree.unflatten_as( self._loss_input_dict_no_rnn, existing_inputs[: len(flat_loss_inputs_no_rnn)], ) input_dict = OrderedDict( [("is_exploring", self._is_exploring), ("timestep", self._timestep)] + [ (k, existing_inputs_unflattened[k]) for i, k in enumerate(self._loss_input_dict_no_rnn.keys()) ] + rnn_inputs ) instance = self.__class__( self.observation_space, self.action_space, self.config, existing_inputs=input_dict, existing_model=[ self.model, # Deprecated: Target models should all reside under # `policy.target_model` now. ("target_q_model", getattr(self, "target_q_model", None)), ("target_model", getattr(self, "target_model", None)), ], ) instance._loss_input_dict = input_dict losses = instance._do_loss_init(SampleBatch(input_dict)) loss_inputs = [ (k, existing_inputs_unflattened[k]) for i, k in enumerate(self._loss_input_dict_no_rnn.keys()) ] TFPolicy._initialize_loss(instance, losses, loss_inputs) instance._stats_fetches.update( instance.grad_stats_fn(input_dict, instance._grads) ) return instance @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def get_initial_state(self) -> List[TensorType]: if self.model: return self.model.get_initial_state() else: return [] @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def load_batch_into_buffer( self, batch: SampleBatch, buffer_index: int = 0, ) -> int: # Set the is_training flag of the batch. batch.set_training(True) # Shortcut for 1 CPU only: Store batch in # `self._loaded_single_cpu_batch`. if len(self.devices) == 1 and self.devices[0] == "/cpu:0": assert buffer_index == 0 self._loaded_single_cpu_batch = batch return len(batch) input_dict = self._get_loss_inputs_dict(batch, shuffle=False) data_keys = tree.flatten(self._loss_input_dict_no_rnn) if self._state_inputs: state_keys = self._state_inputs + [self._seq_lens] else: state_keys = [] inputs = [input_dict[k] for k in data_keys] state_inputs = [input_dict[k] for k in state_keys] return self.multi_gpu_tower_stacks[buffer_index].load_data( sess=self.get_session(), inputs=inputs, state_inputs=state_inputs, ) @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def get_num_samples_loaded_into_buffer(self, buffer_index: int = 0) -> int: # Shortcut for 1 CPU only: Batch should already be stored in # `self._loaded_single_cpu_batch`. if len(self.devices) == 1 and self.devices[0] == "/cpu:0": assert buffer_index == 0 return ( len(self._loaded_single_cpu_batch) if self._loaded_single_cpu_batch is not None else 0 ) return self.multi_gpu_tower_stacks[buffer_index].num_tuples_loaded @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def learn_on_loaded_batch(self, offset: int = 0, buffer_index: int = 0): # Shortcut for 1 CPU only: Batch should already be stored in # `self._loaded_single_cpu_batch`. if len(self.devices) == 1 and self.devices[0] == "/cpu:0": assert buffer_index == 0 if self._loaded_single_cpu_batch is None: raise ValueError( "Must call Policy.load_batch_into_buffer() before " "Policy.learn_on_loaded_batch()!" ) # Get the correct slice of the already loaded batch to use, # based on offset and batch size. batch_size = self.config.get( "sgd_minibatch_size", self.config["train_batch_size"] ) if batch_size >= len(self._loaded_single_cpu_batch): sliced_batch = self._loaded_single_cpu_batch else: sliced_batch = self._loaded_single_cpu_batch.slice( start=offset, end=offset + batch_size ) return self.learn_on_batch(sliced_batch) return self.multi_gpu_tower_stacks[buffer_index].optimize( self.get_session(), offset ) @override(TFPolicy) def gradients(self, optimizer, loss): optimizers = force_list(optimizer) losses = force_list(loss) if is_overridden(self.compute_gradients_fn): # New API: Allow more than one optimizer -> Return a list of # lists of gradients. if self.config["_tf_policy_handles_more_than_one_loss"]: return self.compute_gradients_fn(optimizers, losses) # Old API: Return a single List of gradients. else: return self.compute_gradients_fn(optimizers[0], losses[0]) else: return super().gradients(optimizers, losses)