import logging import numpy as np from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf, try_import_torch tf = try_import_tf() if tf: eager_mode = None try: from tensorflow.python.eager.context import eager_mode except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): pass torch, _ = try_import_torch() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def framework_iterator(config=None, frameworks=("tf", "eager", "torch"), session=False): """An generator that allows for looping through n frameworks for testing. Provides the correct config entries ("use_pytorch" and "eager") as well as the correct eager/non-eager contexts for tf. Args: config (Optional[dict]): An optional config dict to alter in place depending on the iteration. frameworks (Tuple[str]): A list/tuple of the frameworks to be tested. Allowed are: "tf", "eager", and "torch". session (bool): If True, enter a tf.Session() and yield that as well in the tf-case (otherwise, yield (fw, None)). Yields: str: If enter_session is False: The current framework ("tf", "eager", "torch") used. Tuple(str, Union[None,tf.Session]: If enter_session is True: A tuple of the current fw and the tf.Session if fw="tf". """ config = config or {} frameworks = [frameworks] if isinstance(frameworks, str) else frameworks for fw in frameworks: # Skip non-installed frameworks. if fw == "torch" and not torch: logger.warning( "framework_iterator skipping torch (not installed)!") continue if fw != "torch" and not tf: logger.warning("framework_iterator skipping {} (tf not " "installed)!".format(fw)) continue elif fw == "eager" and not eager_mode: logger.warning("framework_iterator skipping eager (could not " "import `eager_mode` from tensorflow.python)!") continue assert fw in ["tf", "eager", "torch", None] # Do we need a test session? sess = None if fw == "tf" and session is True: sess = tf.Session() sess.__enter__() print("framework={}".format(fw)) config["eager"] = fw == "eager" config["use_pytorch"] = fw == "torch" eager_ctx = None if fw == "eager": eager_ctx = eager_mode() eager_ctx.__enter__() assert tf.executing_eagerly() elif fw == "tf": assert not tf.executing_eagerly() yield fw if session is False else (fw, sess) # Exit any context we may have entered. if eager_ctx: eager_ctx.__exit__(None, None, None) elif sess: sess.__exit__(None, None, None) def check(x, y, decimals=5, atol=None, rtol=None, false=False): """ Checks two structures (dict, tuple, list, np.array, float, int, etc..) for (almost) numeric identity. All numbers in the two structures have to match up to `decimal` digits after the floating point. Uses assertions. Args: x (any): The value to be compared (to the expectation: `y`). This may be a Tensor. y (any): The expected value to be compared to `x`. This must not be a Tensor. decimals (int): The number of digits after the floating point up to which all numeric values have to match. atol (float): Absolute tolerance of the difference between x and y (overrides `decimals` if given). rtol (float): Relative tolerance of the difference between x and y (overrides `decimals` if given). false (bool): Whether to check that x and y are NOT the same. """ # A dict type. if isinstance(x, dict): assert isinstance(y, dict), \ "ERROR: If x is dict, y needs to be a dict as well!" y_keys = set(x.keys()) for key, value in x.items(): assert key in y, \ "ERROR: y does not have x's key='{}'! y={}".format(key, y) check( value, y[key], decimals=decimals, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, false=false) y_keys.remove(key) assert not y_keys, \ "ERROR: y contains keys ({}) that are not in x! y={}".\ format(list(y_keys), y) # A tuple type. elif isinstance(x, (tuple, list)): assert isinstance(y, (tuple, list)),\ "ERROR: If x is tuple, y needs to be a tuple as well!" assert len(y) == len(x),\ "ERROR: y does not have the same length as x ({} vs {})!".\ format(len(y), len(x)) for i, value in enumerate(x): check( value, y[i], decimals=decimals, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, false=false) # Boolean comparison. elif isinstance(x, (np.bool_, bool)): if false is True: assert bool(x) is not bool(y), \ "ERROR: x ({}) is y ({})!".format(x, y) else: assert bool(x) is bool(y), \ "ERROR: x ({}) is not y ({})!".format(x, y) # Nones or primitives. elif x is None or y is None or isinstance(x, (str, int)): if false is True: assert x != y, "ERROR: x ({}) is the same as y ({})!".format(x, y) else: assert x == y, \ "ERROR: x ({}) is not the same as y ({})!".format(x, y) # String comparison. elif hasattr(x, "dtype") and x.dtype == np.object: try: np.testing.assert_array_equal(x, y) if false is True: assert False, \ "ERROR: x ({}) is the same as y ({})!".format(x, y) except AssertionError as e: if false is False: raise e # Everything else (assume numeric or tf/torch.Tensor). else: if tf is not None: # y should never be a Tensor (y=expected value). if isinstance(y, tf.Tensor): raise ValueError("`y` (expected value) must not be a Tensor. " "Use numpy.ndarray instead") if isinstance(x, tf.Tensor): # In eager mode, numpyize tensors. if tf.executing_eagerly(): x = x.numpy() # Otherwise, use a quick tf-session. else: with tf.Session() as sess: x = return check( x, y, decimals=decimals, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, false=false) if torch is not None: if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): x = x.detach().numpy() if isinstance(y, torch.Tensor): y = y.detach().numpy() # Using decimals. if atol is None and rtol is None: # Assert equality of both values. try: np.testing.assert_almost_equal(x, y, decimal=decimals) # Both values are not equal. except AssertionError as e: # Raise error in normal case. if false is False: raise e # Both values are equal. else: # If false is set -> raise error (not expected to be equal). if false is True: assert False, \ "ERROR: x ({}) is the same as y ({})!".format(x, y) # Using atol/rtol. else: # Provide defaults for either one of atol/rtol. if atol is None: atol = 0 if rtol is None: rtol = 1e-7 try: np.testing.assert_allclose(x, y, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) except AssertionError as e: if false is False: raise e else: if false is True: assert False, \ "ERROR: x ({}) is the same as y ({})!".format(x, y)