from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import hashlib import logging import pickle import sys import time import ray import ray.streaming.runtime.transfer as transfer from ray.streaming.config import Config from ray.streaming.operator import PStrategy from ray.streaming.runtime.transfer import ChannelID logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Forward and broadcast stream partitioning strategies forward_broadcast_strategies = [PStrategy.Forward, PStrategy.Broadcast] # Used to choose output channel in case of hash-based shuffling def _hash(value): if isinstance(value, int): return value try: return int(hashlib.sha1(value.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), 16) except AttributeError: return int(hashlib.sha1(value).hexdigest(), 16) class DataChannel(object): """A data channel for actor-to-actor communication. Attributes: env (Environment): The environment the channel belongs to. src_operator_id (UUID): The id of the source operator of the channel. src_instance_index (int): The id of the source instance. dst_operator_id (UUID): The id of the destination operator of the channel. dst_instance_index (int): The id of the destination instance. """ def __init__(self, src_operator_id, src_instance_index, dst_operator_id, dst_instance_index, str_qid): self.src_operator_id = src_operator_id self.src_instance_index = src_instance_index self.dst_operator_id = dst_operator_id self.dst_instance_index = dst_instance_index self.str_qid = str_qid self.qid = ChannelID(str_qid) def __repr__(self): return "(src({},{}),dst({},{}), qid({}))".format( self.src_operator_id, self.src_instance_index, self.dst_operator_id, self.dst_instance_index, self.str_qid) _CLOSE_FLAG = b" " # Pulls and merges data from multiple input channels class DataInput(object): """An input gate of an operator instance. The input gate pulls records from all input channels in a round-robin fashion. Attributes: input_channels (list): The list of input channels. channel_index (int): The index of the next channel to pull from. max_index (int): The number of input channels. closed (list): A list of flags indicating whether an input channel has been marked as 'closed'. all_closed (bool): Denotes whether all input channels have been closed (True) or not (False). """ def __init__(self, env, channels): assert len(channels) > 0 self.env = env self.reader = None # created in `init` method self.input_channels = channels self.channel_index = 0 self.max_index = len(channels) # Tracks the channels that have been closed. qid: close status self.closed = {} def init(self): channels = [c.str_qid for c in self.input_channels] input_actors = [] for c in self.input_channels: actor = self.env.execution_graph.get_actor(c.src_operator_id, c.src_instance_index) input_actors.append(actor)"DataInput input_actors %s", input_actors) conf = { Config.TASK_JOB_ID: ray.runtime_context._get_runtime_context() .current_driver_id, Config.CHANNEL_TYPE: self.env.config.channel_type } self.reader = transfer.DataReader(channels, input_actors, conf) def pull(self): # pull from channel item = while item is None: time.sleep(0.001) item = msg_data = item.body() if msg_data == _CLOSE_FLAG: self.closed[item.channel_id] = True if len(self.closed) == len(self.input_channels): return None else: return self.pull() else: return pickle.loads(msg_data) def close(self): self.reader.stop() # Selects output channel(s) and pushes data class DataOutput(object): """An output gate of an operator instance. The output gate pushes records to output channels according to the user-defined partitioning scheme. Attributes: partitioning_schemes (dict): A mapping from destination operator ids to partitioning schemes (see: PScheme in forward_channels (list): A list of channels to forward records. shuffle_channels (list(list)): A list of output channels to shuffle records grouped by destination operator. shuffle_key_channels (list(list)): A list of output channels to shuffle records by a key grouped by destination operator. shuffle_exists (bool): A flag indicating that there exists at least one shuffle_channel. shuffle_key_exists (bool): A flag indicating that there exists at least one shuffle_key_channel. """ def __init__(self, env, channels, partitioning_schemes): assert len(channels) > 0 self.env = env self.writer = None # created in `init` method self.channels = channels self.key_selector = None self.round_robin_indexes = [0] self.partitioning_schemes = partitioning_schemes # Prepare output -- collect channels by type self.forward_channels = [] # Forward and broadcast channels slots = sum(1 for scheme in self.partitioning_schemes.values() if scheme.strategy == PStrategy.RoundRobin) self.round_robin_channels = [[]] * slots # RoundRobin channels self.round_robin_indexes = [-1] * slots slots = sum(1 for scheme in self.partitioning_schemes.values() if scheme.strategy == PStrategy.Shuffle) # Flag used to avoid hashing when there is no shuffling self.shuffle_exists = slots > 0 self.shuffle_channels = [[]] * slots # Shuffle channels slots = sum(1 for scheme in self.partitioning_schemes.values() if scheme.strategy == PStrategy.ShuffleByKey) # Flag used to avoid hashing when there is no shuffling by key self.shuffle_key_exists = slots > 0 self.shuffle_key_channels = [[]] * slots # Shuffle by key channels # Distinct shuffle destinations shuffle_destinations = {} # Distinct shuffle by key destinations shuffle_by_key_destinations = {} # Distinct round robin destinations round_robin_destinations = {} index_1 = 0 index_2 = 0 index_3 = 0 for channel in channels: p_scheme = self.partitioning_schemes[channel.dst_operator_id] strategy = p_scheme.strategy if strategy in forward_broadcast_strategies: self.forward_channels.append(channel) elif strategy == PStrategy.Shuffle: pos = shuffle_destinations.setdefault(channel.dst_operator_id, index_1) self.shuffle_channels[pos].append(channel) if pos == index_1: index_1 += 1 elif strategy == PStrategy.ShuffleByKey: pos = shuffle_by_key_destinations.setdefault( channel.dst_operator_id, index_2) self.shuffle_key_channels[pos].append(channel) if pos == index_2: index_2 += 1 elif strategy == PStrategy.RoundRobin: pos = round_robin_destinations.setdefault( channel.dst_operator_id, index_3) self.round_robin_channels[pos].append(channel) if pos == index_3: index_3 += 1 else: # TODO (john): Add support for other strategies sys.exit("Unrecognized or unsupported partitioning strategy.") # A KeyedDataStream can only be shuffled by key assert not (self.shuffle_exists and self.shuffle_key_exists) def init(self): """init DataOutput which creates DataWriter""" channel_ids = [c.str_qid for c in self.channels] to_actors = [] for c in self.channels: actor = self.env.execution_graph.get_actor(c.dst_operator_id, c.dst_instance_index) to_actors.append(actor)"DataOutput output_actors %s", to_actors) conf = { Config.TASK_JOB_ID: ray.runtime_context._get_runtime_context() .current_driver_id, Config.CHANNEL_TYPE: self.env.config.channel_type } self.writer = transfer.DataWriter(channel_ids, to_actors, conf) def close(self): """Close the channel (True) by propagating _CLOSE_FLAG _CLOSE_FLAG is used as special type of record that is propagated from sources to sink to notify that the end of data in a stream. """ for c in self.channels: self.writer.write(c.qid, _CLOSE_FLAG) # must ensure DataWriter send None flag to peer actor self.writer.stop() def push(self, record): target_channels = [] # Forward record for c in self.forward_channels: logger.debug("[writer] Push record '{}' to channel {}".format( record, c)) target_channels.append(c) # Forward record index = 0 for channels in self.round_robin_channels: self.round_robin_indexes[index] += 1 if self.round_robin_indexes[index] == len(channels): self.round_robin_indexes[index] = 0 # Reset index c = channels[self.round_robin_indexes[index]] logger.debug("[writer] Push record '{}' to channel {}".format( record, c)) target_channels.append(c) index += 1 # Hash-based shuffling by key if self.shuffle_key_exists: key, _ = record h = _hash(key) for channels in self.shuffle_key_channels: num_instances = len(channels) # Downstream instances c = channels[h % num_instances] logger.debug( "[key_shuffle] Push record '{}' to channel {}".format( record, c)) target_channels.append(c) elif self.shuffle_exists: # Hash-based shuffling per destination h = _hash(record) for channels in self.shuffle_channels: num_instances = len(channels) # Downstream instances c = channels[h % num_instances] logger.debug("[shuffle] Push record '{}' to channel {}".format( record, c)) target_channels.append(c) else: # TODO (john): Handle rescaling pass msg_data = pickle.dumps(record) for c in target_channels: # send data to channel self.writer.write(c.qid, msg_data) def push_all(self, records): for record in records: self.push(record)