import glob import json import logging import math import numpy as np import os from pathlib import Path import random import re import tree # pip install dm_tree from typing import List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Union from urllib.parse import urlparse import zipfile try: from smart_open import smart_open except ImportError: smart_open = None from ray.rllib.offline.input_reader import InputReader from ray.rllib.offline.io_context import IOContext from ray.rllib.policy.policy import Policy from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import ( DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, MultiAgentBatch, SampleBatch, concat_samples, ) from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override, PublicAPI, DeveloperAPI from ray.rllib.utils.compression import unpack_if_needed from ray.rllib.utils.spaces.space_utils import clip_action, normalize_action from ray.rllib.utils.typing import Any, FileType, SampleBatchType if TYPE_CHECKING: from ray.rllib.evaluation import RolloutWorker logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) WINDOWS_DRIVES = [chr(i) for i in range(ord("c"), ord("z") + 1)] def _adjust_obs_actions_for_policy(json_data: dict, policy: Policy) -> dict: """Handle nested action/observation spaces for policies. Translates nested lists/dicts from the json into proper np.ndarrays, according to the (nested) observation- and action- spaces of the given policy. Providing nested lists w/o this preprocessing step would confuse a SampleBatch constructor. """ for k, v in json_data.items(): data_col = ( policy.view_requirements[k].data_col if k in policy.view_requirements else "" ) if policy.config.get("_disable_action_flattening") and ( k == SampleBatch.ACTIONS or data_col == SampleBatch.ACTIONS or k == SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS or data_col == SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS ): json_data[k] = tree.map_structure_up_to( policy.action_space_struct, lambda comp: np.array(comp), json_data[k], check_types=False, ) elif policy.config.get("_disable_preprocessor_api") and ( k == SampleBatch.OBS or data_col == SampleBatch.OBS or k == SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS or data_col == SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS ): json_data[k] = tree.map_structure_up_to( policy.observation_space_struct, lambda comp: np.array(comp), json_data[k], check_types=False, ) return json_data @DeveloperAPI def from_json_data(json_data: Any, worker: Optional["RolloutWorker"]): # Try to infer the SampleBatchType (SampleBatch or MultiAgentBatch). if "type" in json_data: data_type = json_data.pop("type") else: raise ValueError("JSON record missing 'type' field") if data_type == "SampleBatch": if worker is not None and len(worker.policy_map) != 1: raise ValueError( "Found single-agent SampleBatch in input file, but our " "PolicyMap contains more than 1 policy!" ) for k, v in json_data.items(): json_data[k] = unpack_if_needed(v) if worker is not None: policy = next(iter(worker.policy_map.values())) json_data = _adjust_obs_actions_for_policy(json_data, policy) return SampleBatch(json_data) elif data_type == "MultiAgentBatch": policy_batches = {} for policy_id, policy_batch in json_data["policy_batches"].items(): inner = {} for k, v in policy_batch.items(): inner[k] = unpack_if_needed(v) if worker is not None: policy = worker.policy_map[policy_id] inner = _adjust_obs_actions_for_policy(inner, policy) policy_batches[policy_id] = SampleBatch(inner) return MultiAgentBatch(policy_batches, json_data["count"]) else: raise ValueError( "Type field must be one of ['SampleBatch', 'MultiAgentBatch']", data_type ) # TODO(jungong) : use DatasetReader to back JsonReader, so we reduce # codebase complexity without losing existing functionality. @PublicAPI class JsonReader(InputReader): """Reader object that loads experiences from JSON file chunks. The input files will be read from in random order. """ @PublicAPI def __init__( self, inputs: Union[str, List[str]], ioctx: Optional[IOContext] = None ): """Initializes a JsonReader instance. Args: inputs: Either a glob expression for files, e.g. `/tmp/**/*.json`, or a list of single file paths or URIs, e.g., ["s3://bucket/file.json", "s3://bucket/file2.json"]. ioctx: Current IO context object or None. """ "You are using JSONReader. It is recommended to use " + "DatasetReader instead for better sharding support." ) self.ioctx = ioctx or IOContext() self.default_policy = self.policy_map = None self.batch_size = 1 if self.ioctx: self.batch_size = self.ioctx.config.get("train_batch_size", 1) num_workers = self.ioctx.config.get("num_workers", 0) if num_workers: self.batch_size = max(math.ceil(self.batch_size / num_workers), 1) if self.ioctx.worker is not None: self.policy_map = self.ioctx.worker.policy_map self.default_policy = self.policy_map.get(DEFAULT_POLICY_ID) if isinstance(inputs, str): inputs = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(inputs)) if os.path.isdir(inputs): inputs = [os.path.join(inputs, "*.json"), os.path.join(inputs, "*.zip")] logger.warning(f"Treating input directory as glob patterns: {inputs}") else: inputs = [inputs] if any(urlparse(i).scheme not in [""] + WINDOWS_DRIVES for i in inputs): raise ValueError( "Don't know how to glob over `{}`, ".format(inputs) + "please specify a list of files to read instead." ) else: self.files = [] for i in inputs: self.files.extend(glob.glob(i)) elif isinstance(inputs, (list, tuple)): self.files = list(inputs) else: raise ValueError( "type of inputs must be list or str, not {}".format(inputs) ) if self.files:"Found {} input files.".format(len(self.files))) else: raise ValueError("No files found matching {}".format(inputs)) self.cur_file = None @override(InputReader) def next(self) -> SampleBatchType: ret = [] count = 0 while count < self.batch_size: batch = self._try_parse(self._next_line()) tries = 0 while not batch and tries < 100: tries += 1 logger.debug("Skipping empty line in {}".format(self.cur_file)) batch = self._try_parse(self._next_line()) if not batch: raise ValueError( "Failed to read valid experience batch from file: {}".format( self.cur_file ) ) batch = self._postprocess_if_needed(batch) count += batch.count ret.append(batch) ret = concat_samples(ret) return ret def read_all_files(self) -> SampleBatchType: """Reads through all files and yields one SampleBatchType per line. When reaching the end of the last file, will start from the beginning again. Yields: One SampleBatch or MultiAgentBatch per line in all input files. """ for path in self.files: file = self._try_open_file(path) while True: line = file.readline() if not line: break batch = self._try_parse(line) if batch is None: break yield batch def _postprocess_if_needed(self, batch: SampleBatchType) -> SampleBatchType: if not self.ioctx.config.get("postprocess_inputs"): return batch if isinstance(batch, SampleBatch): out = [] for sub_batch in batch.split_by_episode(): out.append(self.default_policy.postprocess_trajectory(sub_batch)) return concat_samples(out) else: # TODO(ekl) this is trickier since the alignments between agent # trajectories in the episode are not available any more. raise NotImplementedError( "Postprocessing of multi-agent data not implemented yet." ) def _try_open_file(self, path): if urlparse(path).scheme not in [""] + WINDOWS_DRIVES: if smart_open is None: raise ValueError( "You must install the `smart_open` module to read " "from URIs like {}".format(path) ) ctx = smart_open else: # Allow shortcut for home directory ("~/" -> env[HOME]). if path.startswith("~/"): path = os.path.join(os.environ.get("HOME", ""), path[2:]) # If path doesn't exist, try to interpret is as relative to the # rllib directory (located ../../ from this very module). path_orig = path if not os.path.exists(path): path = os.path.join(Path(__file__).parent.parent, path) if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Offline file {path_orig} not found!") # Unzip files, if necessary and re-point to extracted json file. if"\\.zip$", path): with zipfile.ZipFile(path, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(Path(path).parent) path = re.sub("\\.zip$", ".json", path) assert os.path.exists(path) ctx = open file = ctx(path, "r") return file def _try_parse(self, line: str) -> Optional[SampleBatchType]: line = line.strip() if not line: return None try: batch = self._from_json(line) except Exception: logger.exception( "Ignoring corrupt json record in {}: {}".format(self.cur_file, line) ) return None # Clip actions (from any values into env's bounds), if necessary. cfg = self.ioctx.config # TODO(jungong) : we should not clip_action in input reader. # Use connector to handle this. if cfg.get("clip_actions") and self.ioctx.worker is not None: if isinstance(batch, SampleBatch): batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS] = clip_action( batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], self.default_policy.action_space_struct ) else: for pid, b in batch.policy_batches.items(): b[SampleBatch.ACTIONS] = clip_action( b[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], self.ioctx.worker.policy_map[pid].action_space_struct, ) # Re-normalize actions (from env's bounds to zero-centered), if # necessary. if ( cfg.get("actions_in_input_normalized") is False and self.ioctx.worker is not None ): # If we have a complex action space and actions were flattened # and we have to normalize -> Error. error_msg = ( "Normalization of offline actions that are flattened is not " "supported! Make sure that you record actions into offline " "file with the `_disable_action_flattening=True` flag OR " "as already normalized (between -1.0 and 1.0) values. " "Also, when reading already normalized action values from " "offline files, make sure to set " "`actions_in_input_normalized=True` so that RLlib will not " "perform normalization on top." ) if isinstance(batch, SampleBatch): pol = self.default_policy if isinstance( pol.action_space_struct, (tuple, dict) ) and not pol.config.get("_disable_action_flattening"): raise ValueError(error_msg) batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS] = normalize_action( batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], pol.action_space_struct ) else: for pid, b in batch.policy_batches.items(): pol = self.policy_map[pid] if isinstance( pol.action_space_struct, (tuple, dict) ) and not pol.config.get("_disable_action_flattening"): raise ValueError(error_msg) b[SampleBatch.ACTIONS] = normalize_action( b[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], self.ioctx.worker.policy_map[pid].action_space_struct, ) return batch def _next_line(self) -> str: if not self.cur_file: self.cur_file = self._next_file() line = self.cur_file.readline() tries = 0 while not line and tries < 100: tries += 1 if hasattr(self.cur_file, "close"): # legacy smart_open impls self.cur_file.close() self.cur_file = self._next_file() line = self.cur_file.readline() if not line: logger.debug("Ignoring empty file {}".format(self.cur_file)) if not line: raise ValueError( "Failed to read next line from files: {}".format(self.files) ) return line def _next_file(self) -> FileType: # If this is the first time, we open a file, make sure all workers # start with a different one if possible. if self.cur_file is None and self.ioctx.worker is not None: idx = self.ioctx.worker.worker_index total = self.ioctx.worker.num_workers or 1 path = self.files[round((len(self.files) - 1) * (idx / total))] # After the first file, pick all others randomly. else: path = random.choice(self.files) return self._try_open_file(path) def _from_json(self, data: str) -> SampleBatchType: if isinstance(data, bytes): # smart_open S3 doesn't respect "r" data = data.decode("utf-8") json_data = json.loads(data) return from_json_data(json_data, self.ioctx.worker)