#include "greatest.h" #include #include #include "event_loop.h" #include "state/db.h" #include "state/redis.h" #include "io.h" SUITE(redis_tests); int lookup_successful = 0; const char *test_set_format = "SET %s %s"; const char *test_get_format = "GET %s"; const char *test_key = "foo"; const char *test_value = "bar"; void async_redis_socket_test_callback(redisAsyncContext *ac, void *r, void *privdata) { redisContext *context = redisConnect("", 6379); redisReply *reply = redisCommand(context, test_get_format, test_key); redisFree(context); assert(reply != NULL); if (strcmp(reply->str, test_value)) { freeReplyObject(reply); assert(0); } freeReplyObject(reply); lookup_successful = 1; } TEST redis_socket_test(void) { const char *socket_pathname = "redis-test-socket"; redisContext *context = redisConnect("", 6379); ASSERT(context != NULL); int socket_fd = bind_ipc_sock(socket_pathname); ASSERT(socket_fd >= 0); int client_fd = connect_ipc_sock(socket_pathname); ASSERT(client_fd >= 0); send_redis_command(client_fd, test_set_format, test_key, test_value); int server_fd = accept_client(socket_fd); char *cmd = read_string(server_fd); close(client_fd); close(server_fd); close(socket_fd); unlink(socket_pathname); redisAppendFormattedCommand(context, cmd, strlen(cmd)); redisReply *tmp; redisGetReply(context, &tmp); freeReplyObject(tmp); redisReply *reply = redisCommand(context, "GET %s", test_key); ASSERT(reply != NULL); ASSERT_STR_EQ(reply->str, test_value); freeReplyObject(reply); free(cmd); redisFree(context); PASS(); } TEST async_redis_socket_test(void) { int socket_fd, server_fd, client_fd; event_loop loop; event_loop_init(&loop); /* Start IPC channel. */ const char *socket_pathname = "async-redis-test-socket"; socket_fd = bind_ipc_sock(socket_pathname); ASSERT(socket_fd >= 0); int64_t ipc_index = event_loop_attach(&loop, 1, NULL, socket_fd, POLLIN); /* Start connection to Redis. */ db_conn conn; db_connect("", 6379, "", "", 0, &conn); int64_t db_index = db_attach(&conn, &loop, 0); /* Send a command to the Redis process. */ client_fd = connect_ipc_sock(socket_pathname); ASSERT(client_fd >= 0); send_redis_command(client_fd, test_set_format, test_key, test_value); while (!lookup_successful) { int num_ready = event_loop_poll(&loop); if (num_ready < 0) { exit(-1); } for (int i = 0; i < event_loop_size(&loop); ++i) { struct pollfd *waiting = event_loop_get(&loop, i); if (waiting->revents == 0) continue; if (i == db_index) { db_event(&conn); } else if (i == ipc_index) { /* For some reason, this check is necessary for Travis * to pass these tests. */ ASSERT(waiting->revents & POLLIN); server_fd = accept_client(socket_fd); ASSERT(server_fd >= 0); event_loop_attach(&loop, 1, NULL, server_fd, POLLIN); } else { char *cmd = read_string(waiting->fd); redisAsyncFormattedCommand(conn.context, async_redis_socket_test_callback, NULL, cmd, strlen(cmd)); free(cmd); } } } db_disconnect(&conn); event_loop_free(&loop); close(server_fd); close(client_fd); close(socket_fd); unlink(socket_pathname); lookup_successful = 0; PASS(); } SUITE(redis_tests) { redisContext *context = redisConnect("", 6379); freeReplyObject(redisCommand(context, "FLUSHALL")); RUN_REDIS_TEST(context, redis_socket_test); RUN_REDIS_TEST(context, async_redis_socket_test); redisFree(context); } GREATEST_MAIN_DEFS(); int main(int argc, char **argv) { GREATEST_MAIN_BEGIN(); RUN_SUITE(redis_tests); GREATEST_MAIN_END(); }