from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import gym import logging import numpy as np from functools import partial from ray.tune.registry import RLLIB_MODEL, RLLIB_PREPROCESSOR, \ RLLIB_ACTION_DIST, _global_registry from ray.rllib.models.extra_spaces import Simplex from ray.rllib.models.torch.torch_action_dist import (TorchCategorical, TorchDiagGaussian) from import FullyConnectedNetwork as FCNetV2 from import VisionNetwork as VisionNetV2 from import ( Categorical, MultiCategorical, Deterministic, DiagGaussian, MultiActionDistribution, Dirichlet) from ray.rllib.models.preprocessors import get_preprocessor from import FullyConnectedNetwork from import LSTM from import make_v1_wrapper from import TFModelV2 from import VisionNetwork from ray.rllib.models.modelv2 import ModelV2 from ray.rllib.utils import try_import_tf from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import DeveloperAPI, PublicAPI from ray.rllib.utils.error import UnsupportedSpaceException tf = try_import_tf() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # yapf: disable # __sphinx_doc_begin__ MODEL_DEFAULTS = { # === Built-in options === # Filter config. List of [out_channels, kernel, stride] for each filter "conv_filters": None, # Nonlinearity for built-in convnet "conv_activation": "relu", # Nonlinearity for fully connected net (tanh, relu) "fcnet_activation": "tanh", # Number of hidden layers for fully connected net "fcnet_hiddens": [256, 256], # For control envs, documented in ray.rllib.models.Model "free_log_std": False, # Whether to skip the final linear layer used to resize the hidden layer # outputs to size `num_outputs`. If True, then the last hidden layer # should already match num_outputs. "no_final_linear": False, # Whether layers should be shared for the value function. "vf_share_layers": True, # == LSTM == # Whether to wrap the model with a LSTM "use_lstm": False, # Max seq len for training the LSTM, defaults to 20 "max_seq_len": 20, # Size of the LSTM cell "lstm_cell_size": 256, # Whether to feed a_{t-1}, r_{t-1} to LSTM "lstm_use_prev_action_reward": False, # When using modelv1 models with a modelv2 algorithm, you may have to # define the state shape here (e.g., [256, 256]). "state_shape": None, # == Atari == # Whether to enable framestack for Atari envs "framestack": True, # Final resized frame dimension "dim": 84, # (deprecated) Converts ATARI frame to 1 Channel Grayscale image "grayscale": False, # (deprecated) Changes frame to range from [-1, 1] if true "zero_mean": True, # === Options for custom models === # Name of a custom preprocessor to use "custom_preprocessor": None, # Name of a custom model to use "custom_model": None, # Name of a custom action distribution to use "custom_action_dist": None, # Extra options to pass to the custom classes "custom_options": {}, } # __sphinx_doc_end__ # yapf: enable @PublicAPI class ModelCatalog(object): """Registry of models, preprocessors, and action distributions for envs. Examples: >>> prep = ModelCatalog.get_preprocessor(env) >>> observation = prep.transform(raw_observation) >>> dist_class, dist_dim = ModelCatalog.get_action_dist( env.action_space, {}) >>> model = ModelCatalog.get_model(inputs, dist_dim, options) >>> dist = dist_class(model.outputs, model) >>> action = dist.sample() """ @staticmethod @DeveloperAPI def get_action_dist(action_space, config, dist_type=None, torch=False): """Returns action distribution class and size for the given action space. Args: action_space (Space): Action space of the target gym env. config (dict): Optional model config. dist_type (str): Optional identifier of the action distribution. torch (bool): Optional whether to return PyTorch distribution. Returns: dist_class (ActionDistribution): Python class of the distribution. dist_dim (int): The size of the input vector to the distribution. """ config = config or MODEL_DEFAULTS if config.get("custom_action_dist"): action_dist_name = config["custom_action_dist"] logger.debug( "Using custom action distribution {}".format(action_dist_name)) dist = _global_registry.get(RLLIB_ACTION_DIST, action_dist_name) elif isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.Box): if len(action_space.shape) > 1: raise UnsupportedSpaceException( "Action space has multiple dimensions " "{}. ".format(action_space.shape) + "Consider reshaping this into a single dimension, " "using a custom action distribution, " "using a Tuple action space, or the multi-agent API.") if dist_type is None: dist = TorchDiagGaussian if torch else DiagGaussian elif dist_type == "deterministic": dist = Deterministic elif isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.Discrete): dist = TorchCategorical if torch else Categorical elif isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.Tuple): if torch: raise NotImplementedError("Tuple action spaces not supported " "for Pytorch.") child_dist = [] input_lens = [] for action in action_space.spaces: dist, action_size = ModelCatalog.get_action_dist( action, config) child_dist.append(dist) input_lens.append(action_size) return partial( MultiActionDistribution, child_distributions=child_dist, action_space=action_space, input_lens=input_lens), sum(input_lens) elif isinstance(action_space, Simplex): if torch: raise NotImplementedError("Simplex action spaces not " "supported for Pytorch.") dist = Dirichlet elif isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete): if torch: raise NotImplementedError("MultiDiscrete action spaces not " "supported for Pytorch.") return partial(MultiCategorical, input_lens=action_space.nvec), \ int(sum(action_space.nvec)) return dist, dist.required_model_output_shape(action_space, config) raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported args: {} {}".format( action_space, dist_type)) @staticmethod @DeveloperAPI def get_action_shape(action_space): """Returns action tensor dtype and shape for the action space. Args: action_space (Space): Action space of the target gym env. Returns: (dtype, shape): Dtype and shape of the actions tensor. """ if isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.Discrete): return (tf.int64, (None, )) elif isinstance(action_space, (gym.spaces.Box, Simplex)): return (tf.float32, (None, ) + action_space.shape) elif isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete): return (tf.as_dtype(action_space.dtype), (None, ) + action_space.shape) elif isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.Tuple): size = 0 all_discrete = True for i in range(len(action_space.spaces)): if isinstance(action_space.spaces[i], gym.spaces.Discrete): size += 1 else: all_discrete = False size += np.product(action_space.spaces[i].shape) return (tf.int64 if all_discrete else tf.float32, (None, size)) else: raise NotImplementedError("action space {}" " not supported".format(action_space)) @staticmethod @DeveloperAPI def get_action_placeholder(action_space): """Returns an action placeholder consistent with the action space Args: action_space (Space): Action space of the target gym env. Returns: action_placeholder (Tensor): A placeholder for the actions """ dtype, shape = ModelCatalog.get_action_shape(action_space) return tf.placeholder(dtype, shape=shape, name="action") @staticmethod @DeveloperAPI def get_model_v2(obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, framework, name="default_model", model_interface=None, default_model=None, **model_kwargs): """Returns a suitable model compatible with given spaces and output. Args: obs_space (Space): Observation space of the target gym env. This may have an `original_space` attribute that specifies how to unflatten the tensor into a ragged tensor. action_space (Space): Action space of the target gym env. num_outputs (int): The size of the output vector of the model. framework (str): Either "tf" or "torch". name (str): Name (scope) for the model. model_interface (cls): Interface required for the model default_model (cls): Override the default class for the model. This only has an effect when not using a custom model model_kwargs (dict): args to pass to the ModelV2 constructor Returns: model (ModelV2): Model to use for the policy. """ if model_config.get("custom_model"): model_cls = _global_registry.get(RLLIB_MODEL, model_config["custom_model"]) if issubclass(model_cls, ModelV2): if model_interface and not issubclass(model_cls, model_interface): raise ValueError("The given model must subclass", model_interface) if framework == "tf": created = set() # Track and warn if vars were created but not registered def track_var_creation(next_creator, **kw): v = next_creator(**kw) created.add(v) return v with tf.variable_creator_scope(track_var_creation): instance = model_cls(obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name, **model_kwargs) registered = set(instance.variables()) not_registered = set() for var in created: if var not in registered: not_registered.add(var) if not_registered: raise ValueError( "It looks like variables {} were created as part " "of {} but does not appear in model.variables() " "({}). Did you forget to call " "model.register_variables() on the variables in " "question?".format(not_registered, instance, registered)) else: # no variable tracking instance = model_cls(obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name, **model_kwargs) return instance elif tf.executing_eagerly(): raise ValueError( "Eager execution requires a TFModelV2 model to be " "used, however you specified a custom model {}".format( model_cls)) if framework == "tf": v2_class = None # try to get a default v2 model if not model_config.get("custom_model"): v2_class = default_model or ModelCatalog._get_v2_model( obs_space, model_config) # fallback to a default v1 model if v2_class is None: if tf.executing_eagerly(): raise ValueError( "Eager execution requires a TFModelV2 model to be " "used, however there is no default V2 model for this " "observation space: {}, use_lstm={}".format( obs_space, model_config.get("use_lstm"))) v2_class = make_v1_wrapper(ModelCatalog.get_model) # wrap in the requested interface wrapper = ModelCatalog._wrap_if_needed(v2_class, model_interface) return wrapper(obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name, **model_kwargs) elif framework == "torch": if default_model: return default_model(obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name) return ModelCatalog._get_default_torch_model_v2( obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Framework must be 'tf' or 'torch': {}".format(framework)) @staticmethod @DeveloperAPI def get_preprocessor(env, options=None): """Returns a suitable preprocessor for the given env. This is a wrapper for get_preprocessor_for_space(). """ return ModelCatalog.get_preprocessor_for_space(env.observation_space, options) @staticmethod @DeveloperAPI def get_preprocessor_for_space(observation_space, options=None): """Returns a suitable preprocessor for the given observation space. Args: observation_space (Space): The input observation space. options (dict): Options to pass to the preprocessor. Returns: preprocessor (Preprocessor): Preprocessor for the observations. """ options = options or MODEL_DEFAULTS for k in options.keys(): if k not in MODEL_DEFAULTS: raise Exception("Unknown config key `{}`, all keys: {}".format( k, list(MODEL_DEFAULTS))) if options.get("custom_preprocessor"): preprocessor = options["custom_preprocessor"]"Using custom preprocessor {}".format(preprocessor)) prep = _global_registry.get(RLLIB_PREPROCESSOR, preprocessor)( observation_space, options) else: cls = get_preprocessor(observation_space) prep = cls(observation_space, options) logger.debug("Created preprocessor {}: {} -> {}".format( prep, observation_space, prep.shape)) return prep @staticmethod @PublicAPI def register_custom_preprocessor(preprocessor_name, preprocessor_class): """Register a custom preprocessor class by name. The preprocessor can be later used by specifying {"custom_preprocessor": preprocesor_name} in the model config. Args: preprocessor_name (str): Name to register the preprocessor under. preprocessor_class (type): Python class of the preprocessor. """ _global_registry.register(RLLIB_PREPROCESSOR, preprocessor_name, preprocessor_class) @staticmethod @PublicAPI def register_custom_model(model_name, model_class): """Register a custom model class by name. The model can be later used by specifying {"custom_model": model_name} in the model config. Args: model_name (str): Name to register the model under. model_class (type): Python class of the model. """ _global_registry.register(RLLIB_MODEL, model_name, model_class) @staticmethod @PublicAPI def register_custom_action_dist(action_dist_name, action_dist_class): """Register a custom action distribution class by name. The model can be later used by specifying {"custom_action_dist": action_dist_name} in the model config. Args: model_name (str): Name to register the action distribution under. model_class (type): Python class of the action distribution. """ _global_registry.register(RLLIB_ACTION_DIST, action_dist_name, action_dist_class) @staticmethod def _wrap_if_needed(model_cls, model_interface): assert issubclass(model_cls, TFModelV2), model_cls if not model_interface or issubclass(model_cls, model_interface): return model_cls class wrapper(model_interface, model_cls): pass name = "{}_as_{}".format(model_cls.__name__, model_interface.__name__) wrapper.__name__ = name wrapper.__qualname__ = name return wrapper @staticmethod def _get_default_torch_model_v2(obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name): from ray.rllib.models.torch.fcnet import (FullyConnectedNetwork as PyTorchFCNet) from ray.rllib.models.torch.visionnet import (VisionNetwork as PyTorchVisionNet) model_config = model_config or MODEL_DEFAULTS if model_config.get("use_lstm"): raise NotImplementedError( "LSTM auto-wrapping not implemented for torch") if isinstance(obs_space, gym.spaces.Discrete): obs_rank = 1 else: obs_rank = len(obs_space.shape) if obs_rank > 1: return PyTorchVisionNet(obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name) return PyTorchFCNet(obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name) @staticmethod def get_model(input_dict, obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, options, state_in=None, seq_lens=None): """Deprecated: use get_model_v2() instead.""" assert isinstance(input_dict, dict) options = options or MODEL_DEFAULTS model = ModelCatalog._get_model(input_dict, obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, options, state_in, seq_lens) if options.get("use_lstm"): copy = dict(input_dict) copy["obs"] = model.last_layer feature_space = gym.spaces.Box( -1, 1, shape=(model.last_layer.shape[1], )) model = LSTM(copy, feature_space, action_space, num_outputs, options, state_in, seq_lens) logger.debug( "Created model {}: ({} of {}, {}, {}, {}) -> {}, {}".format( model, input_dict, obs_space, action_space, state_in, seq_lens, model.outputs, model.state_out)) model._validate_output_shape() return model @staticmethod def _get_model(input_dict, obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, options, state_in, seq_lens): if options.get("custom_model"): model = options["custom_model"] logger.debug("Using custom model {}".format(model)) return _global_registry.get(RLLIB_MODEL, model)( input_dict, obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, options, state_in=state_in, seq_lens=seq_lens) obs_rank = len(input_dict["obs"].shape) - 1 if obs_rank > 1: return VisionNetwork(input_dict, obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, options) return FullyConnectedNetwork(input_dict, obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, options) @staticmethod def _get_v2_model(obs_space, options): options = options or MODEL_DEFAULTS obs_rank = len(obs_space.shape) - 1 if options.get("use_lstm"): return None # TODO: default LSTM v2 not implemented if obs_rank > 1: return VisionNetV2 return FCNetV2 @staticmethod def get_torch_model(obs_space, num_outputs, options=None, default_model_cls=None): raise DeprecationWarning("Please use get_model_v2() instead.")