.. _tune-env-vars: Environment variables --------------------- Some of Ray Tune's behavior can be configured using environment variables. These are the environment variables Ray Tune currently considers: * **TUNE_CLUSTER_SSH_KEY**: SSH key used by the Tune driver process to connect to remote cluster machines for checkpoint syncing. If this is not set, ``~/ray_bootstrap_key.pem`` will be used. * **TUNE_DISABLE_AUTO_CALLBACK_LOGGERS**: Ray Tune automatically adds a CSV and JSON logger callback if they haven't been passed. Setting this variable to `1` disables this automatic creation. Please note that this will most likely affect analyzing your results after the tuning run. * **TUNE_DISABLE_AUTO_CALLBACK_SYNCER**: Ray Tune automatically adds a Syncer callback to sync logs and checkpoints between different nodes if none has been passed. Setting this variable to `1` disables this automatic creation. Please note that this will most likely affect advanced scheduling algorithms like PopulationBasedTraining. * **TUNE_DISABLE_AUTO_INIT**: Disable automatically calling ``ray.init()`` if not attached to a Ray session. * **TUNE_DISABLE_DATED_SUBDIR**: Ray Tune automatically adds a date string to experiment directories when the name is not specified explicitly or the trainable isn't passed as a string. Setting this environment variable to ``1`` disables adding these date strings. * **TUNE_DISABLE_STRICT_METRIC_CHECKING**: When you report metrics to Tune via ``tune.report()`` and passed a ``metric`` parameter to ``tune.run()``, a scheduler, or a search algorithm, Tune will error if the metric was not reported in the result. Setting this environment variable to ``1`` will disable this check. * **TUNE_DISABLE_SIGINT_HANDLER**: Ray Tune catches SIGINT signals (e.g. sent by Ctrl+C) to gracefully shutdown and do a final checkpoint. Setting this variable to ``1`` will disable signal handling and stop execution right away. Defaults to ``0``. * **TUNE_FORCE_TRIAL_CLEANUP_S**: By default, Ray Tune will gracefully terminate trials, letting them finish the current training step and any user-defined cleanup. Setting this variable to a non-zero, positive integer will cause trials to be forcefully terminated after a grace period of that many seconds. Defaults to ``0``. * **TUNE_GET_EXECUTOR_EVENT_WAIT_S**: The time that TrialRunner waits for the next ExecutorEvent in a blocking fashion. Defaults to ``5``. * **TUNE_FUNCTION_THREAD_TIMEOUT_S**: Time in seconds the function API waits for threads to finish after instructing them to complete. Defaults to ``2``. * **TUNE_GLOBAL_CHECKPOINT_S**: Time in seconds that limits how often Tune's experiment state is checkpointed. If not set this will default to ``10``. * **TUNE_MAX_LEN_IDENTIFIER**: Maximum length of trial subdirectory names (those with the parameter values in them) * **TUNE_MAX_PENDING_TRIALS_PG**: Maximum number of pending trials when placement groups are used. Defaults to ``auto``, which will be updated to ``max(16, cluster_cpus * 1.1)`` for random/grid search and ``1`` for any other search algorithms. * **TUNE_PLACEMENT_GROUP_CLEANUP_DISABLED**: Ray Tune cleans up existing placement groups with the ``_tune__`` prefix in their name before starting a run. This is used to make sure that scheduled placement groups are removed when multiple calls to ``tune.run()`` are done in the same script. You might want to disable this if you run multiple Tune runs in parallel from different scripts. Set to 1 to disable. * **TUNE_PLACEMENT_GROUP_PREFIX**: Prefix for placement groups created by Ray Tune. This prefix is used e.g. to identify placement groups that should be cleaned up on start/stop of the tuning run. This is initialized to a unique name at the start of the first run. * **TUNE_PLACEMENT_GROUP_RECON_INTERVAL**: How often to reconcile placement groups. Reconcilation is used to make sure that the number of requested placement groups and pending/running trials are in sync. In normal circumstances these shouldn't differ anyway, but reconcilation makes sure to capture cases when placement groups are manually destroyed. Reconcilation doesn't take much time, but it can add up when running a large number of short trials. Defaults to every ``5`` (seconds). * **TUNE_RESULT_DIR**: Directory where Ray Tune trial results are stored. If this is not set, ``~/ray_results`` will be used. * **TUNE_RESULT_BUFFER_LENGTH**: Ray Tune can buffer results from trainables before they are passed to the driver. Enabling this might delay scheduling decisions, as trainables are speculatively continued. Setting this to ``1`` disables result buffering. Cannot be used with ``checkpoint_at_end``. Defaults to disabled. * **TUNE_RESULT_DELIM**: Delimiter used for nested entries in :class:`ExperimentAnalysis ` dataframes. Defaults to ``.`` (but will be changed to ``/`` in future versions of Ray). * **TUNE_RESULT_BUFFER_MAX_TIME_S**: Similarly, Ray Tune buffers results up to ``number_of_trial/10`` seconds, but never longer than this value. Defaults to 100 (seconds). * **TUNE_RESULT_BUFFER_MIN_TIME_S**: Additionally, you can specify a minimum time to buffer results. Defaults to 0. * **TUNE_SYNCER_VERBOSITY**: Amount of command output when using Tune with Docker Syncer. Defaults to 0. * **TUNE_WARN_THRESHOLD_S**: Threshold for logging if an Tune event loop operation takes too long. Defaults to 0.5 (seconds). * **TUNE_WARN_INSUFFICENT_RESOURCE_THRESHOLD_S**: Threshold for throwing a warning if no active trials are in ``RUNNING`` state for this amount of seconds. If the Ray Tune job is stuck in this state (most likely due to insufficient resources), the warning message is printed repeatedly every this amount of seconds. Defaults to 60 (seconds). * **TUNE_WARN_INSUFFICENT_RESOURCE_THRESHOLD_S_AUTOSCALER**: Threshold for throwing a warning, when the autoscaler is enabled, if no active trials are in ``RUNNING`` state for this amount of seconds. If the Ray Tune job is stuck in this state (most likely due to insufficient resources), the warning message is printed repeatedly every this amount of seconds. Defaults to 60 (seconds). * **TUNE_STATE_REFRESH_PERIOD**: Frequency of updating the resource tracking from Ray. Defaults to 10 (seconds). * **TUNE_SYNC_DISABLE_BOOTSTRAP**: Disable bootstrapping the autoscaler config for Docker syncing. There are some environment variables that are mostly relevant for integrated libraries: * **SIGOPT_KEY**: SigOpt API access key. * **WANDB_API_KEY**: Weights and Biases API key. You can also use ``wandb login`` instead.