cloud_id: {{env["ANYSCALE_CLOUD_ID"]}} region: us-west-2 # 1k max replicas (1000 / 8 = 125 containers needed) max_workers: 130 head_node_type: name: head_node # 8 cpus, x86, 32G mem, 10Gb NIC, $0.384/hr on demand instance_type: m5.2xlarge worker_node_types: - name: worker_node # 8 cpus, x86, 32G mem, 10Gb NIC, $0.384/hr on demand instance_type: m5.2xlarge # smaller min workers will make the head node cpu usage very high, and crash the head node. # issue: min_workers: 5 # 1k max replicas max_workers: 130 use_spot: false aws: TagSpecifications: - ResourceType: "instance" Tags: - Key: anyscale-user Value: '{{env["ANYSCALE_USER"]}}' - Key: anyscale-expiration Value: '{{env["EXPIRATION_1D"]}}'