import datetime import functools import glob import os import re import runpy import shutil import sys from contextlib import redirect_stdout from io import StringIO from typing import List import docker print = functools.partial(print, file=sys.stderr, flush=True) DOCKER_USERNAME = "raytravisbot" DOCKER_CLIENT = None PYTHON_WHL_VERSION = "cp37m" def _merge_build(): return os.environ.get("TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST").lower() == "false" def _release_build(): branch = os.environ.get("TRAVIS_BRANCH") if not branch: print("Branch not found!") print(os.environ) print("Environment is above ^^") return False return branch != "master" and "releases" in branch def _get_curr_dir(): return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def _get_root_dir(): return os.path.join(_get_curr_dir(), "../../") def _get_wheel_name(): matches = glob.glob( f"{_get_root_dir()}/.whl/*{PYTHON_WHL_VERSION}-manylinux*") assert len(matches) == 1, ( f"Found ({len(matches)}) matches " f"'*{PYTHON_WHL_VERSION}-manylinux*' instead of 1") return os.path.basename(matches[0]) def _docker_affected(): result = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(result): runpy.run_path( f"{_get_curr_dir()}/", run_name="__main__") variable_definitions = result.getvalue().split() env_var_dict = { x.split("=")[0]: x.split("=")[1] for x in variable_definitions } affected = env_var_dict["RAY_CI_DOCKER_AFFECTED"] == "1" or \ env_var_dict["RAY_CI_PYTHON_DEPENDENCIES_AFFECTED"] == "1" print(f"Docker affected: {affected}") return affected def _build_cpu_gpu_images(image_name) -> List[str]: built_images = [] for gpu in ["-cpu", "-gpu"]: build_args = {} if image_name == "base-deps": build_args["BASE_IMAGE"] = ( "nvidia/cuda:10.1-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu18.04" if gpu == "-gpu" else "ubuntu:focal") else: build_args["GPU"] = gpu if "ray" in image_name: build_args["WHEEL_PATH"] = f".whl/{_get_wheel_name()}" tagged_name = f"rayproject/{image_name}:nightly{gpu}" for i in range(2): output = path=os.path.join(_get_root_dir(), "docker", image_name), tag=tagged_name, nocache=True, buildargs=build_args) full_output = "" try: start = current_iter = start for line in output: # print(line) if ) - current_iter >= datetime.timedelta(minutes=5): current_iter = elapsed = - start print(f"Still building {tagged_name} after " f"{elapsed.seconds} seconds") full_output += line.decode("utf-8") except Exception as e: print(f"FAILURE with error {e}") if len(DOCKER_CLIENT.api.images(tagged_name)) == 0: print(f"ERROR building: {tagged_name} & error below:") print(full_output) if (i == 1): raise Exception("FAILED TO BUILD IMAGE") print("TRYING AGAIN") else: break print("BUILT: ", tagged_name) built_images.append(tagged_name) return built_images def copy_wheels(): root_dir = _get_root_dir() wheel = _get_wheel_name() source = os.path.join(root_dir, ".whl", wheel) ray_dst = os.path.join(root_dir, "docker/ray/.whl/") ray_dep_dst = os.path.join(root_dir, "docker/ray-deps/.whl/") os.makedirs(ray_dst, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(source, ray_dst) os.makedirs(ray_dep_dst, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(source, ray_dep_dst) def build_or_pull_base_images(is_docker_affected: bool) -> List[str]: """Returns images to tag and build""" _ = DOCKER_CLIENT.api.pull( repository="rayproject/base-deps", tag="nightly") age = DOCKER_CLIENT.api.inspect_image("rayproject/base-deps:nightly")[ "Created"] short_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(age.split("T")[0], "%Y-%m-%d") is_stale = ( - short_date) > datetime.timedelta(days=14) if is_stale or is_docker_affected or _release_build(): for image in ["base-deps", "ray-deps"]: _build_cpu_gpu_images(image) return True else: print("Just pulling images!") _ = DOCKER_CLIENT.api.pull( repository="rayproject/base-deps", tag="nightly-cpu") _ = DOCKER_CLIENT.api.pull( repository="rayproject/base-deps", tag="nightly-gpu") _ = DOCKER_CLIENT.api.pull( repository="rayproject/ray-deps", tag="nightly-gpu") _ = DOCKER_CLIENT.api.pull( repository="rayproject/ray-deps", tag="nightly-cpu") return False def build_ray(): return _build_cpu_gpu_images("ray") def build_ray_ml(): root_dir = _get_root_dir() requirement_files = glob.glob( f"{_get_root_dir()}/python/requirements*.txt") for fl in requirement_files: shutil.copy(fl, os.path.join(root_dir, "docker/ray-ml/")) ray_ml_images = _build_cpu_gpu_images("ray-ml") for img in ray_ml_images: tag = img.split(":")[-1] DOCKER_CLIENT.api.tag( image=img, repository="rayproject/autoscaler", tag=tag) # For non-release builds, push "nightly" & "sha" # For release builds, push "nightly" & "latest" & "x.x.x" def push_and_tag_images(push_base_images: bool): if _merge_build(): docker_password = os.environ.get("DOCKER_PASSWORD") assert docker_password, "DOCKER_PASSWORD not set." DOCKER_CLIENT.api.login( username=DOCKER_USERNAME, password=os.environ.get("DOCKER_PASSWORD")) def docker_push(image, tag): if _merge_build(): result = DOCKER_CLIENT.api.push(image, tag=tag) print(f"PUSHING: {image}:{tag}, result:") print(result) else: print( "This is a PR Build! On a merge build, we would normally push " f"to: {image}:{tag}") def get_new_tag(old_tag, new_tag): return old_tag.replace("nightly", new_tag) date_tag ="%Y-%m-%d") sha_tag = os.environ.get("TRAVIS_COMMIT")[:6] if _release_build(): release_name ="[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]", os.environ.get("TRAVIS_BRANCH")) date_tag = release_name sha_tag = release_name image_list = ["ray", "ray-ml", "autoscaler"] if push_base_images: image_list.extend(["base-deps", "ray-deps"]) for image in image_list: full_image = f"rayproject/{image}" # Generate :nightly from nightly-cpu DOCKER_CLIENT.api.tag( image=f"{full_image}:nightly-cpu", repository=full_image, tag="nightly") for arch_tag in ["-cpu", "-gpu", ""]: full_arch_tag = f"nightly{arch_tag}" # Tag and push rayproject/:nightly docker_push(full_image, full_arch_tag) specific_tag = get_new_tag( full_arch_tag, date_tag if "-deps" in image else sha_tag) # Tag and push rayproject/: DOCKER_CLIENT.api.tag( image=f"{full_image}:{full_arch_tag}", repository=full_image, tag=specific_tag) docker_push(full_image, specific_tag) if _release_build(): latest_tag = get_new_tag(full_arch_tag, "latest") # Tag and push rayproject/:latest DOCKER_CLIENT.api.tag( image=f"{full_image}:{full_arch_tag}", repository=full_image, tag=latest_tag) docker_push(full_image, latest_tag) # Build base-deps/ray-deps only on file change, 2 weeks, per release # Build ray, ray-ml, autoscaler every time if __name__ == "__main__": print("RUNNING WITH: ", sys.version) if os.environ.get("TRAVIS") == "true": is_docker_affected = _docker_affected() if _merge_build() or is_docker_affected: DOCKER_CLIENT = docker.from_env() copy_wheels() freshly_built = build_or_pull_base_images(is_docker_affected) build_ray() build_ray_ml() push_and_tag_images(freshly_built)