from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function """Example of running a policy server. Copy this file for your use case. To try this out, in two separate shells run: $ python $ python """ import os from gym import spaces import numpy as np import ray from ray.rllib.agents.dqn import DQNTrainer from ray.rllib.env.external_env import ExternalEnv from ray.rllib.utils.policy_server import PolicyServer from ray.tune.logger import pretty_print from ray.tune.registry import register_env SERVER_ADDRESS = "localhost" SERVER_PORT = 9900 CHECKPOINT_FILE = "last_checkpoint.out" class CartpoleServing(ExternalEnv): def __init__(self): ExternalEnv.__init__( self, spaces.Discrete(2), spaces.Box(low=-10, high=10, shape=(4, ), dtype=np.float32)) def run(self): print("Starting policy server at {}:{}".format(SERVER_ADDRESS, SERVER_PORT)) server = PolicyServer(self, SERVER_ADDRESS, SERVER_PORT) server.serve_forever() if __name__ == "__main__": ray.init() register_env("srv", lambda _: CartpoleServing()) # We use DQN since it supports off-policy actions, but you can choose and # configure any agent. dqn = DQNTrainer( env="srv", config={ # Use a single process to avoid needing to set up a load balancer "num_workers": 0, # Configure the agent to run short iterations for debugging "exploration_fraction": 0.01, "learning_starts": 100, "timesteps_per_iteration": 200, }) # Attempt to restore from checkpoint if possible. if os.path.exists(CHECKPOINT_FILE): checkpoint_path = open(CHECKPOINT_FILE).read() print("Restoring from checkpoint path", checkpoint_path) dqn.restore(checkpoint_path) # Serving and training loop while True: print(pretty_print(dqn.train())) checkpoint_path = print("Last checkpoint", checkpoint_path) with open(CHECKPOINT_FILE, "w") as f: f.write(checkpoint_path)