import sys import socket import json import asyncio import logging import aiohttp import aiohttp.web from aiohttp import hdrs from grpc.experimental import aio as aiogrpc import import ray.new_dashboard.consts as dashboard_consts import ray.new_dashboard.utils as dashboard_utils from ray.core.generated import gcs_service_pb2 from ray.core.generated import gcs_service_pb2_grpc from ray.new_dashboard.datacenter import DataSource, DataOrganizer logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) routes = dashboard_utils.ClassMethodRouteTable aiogrpc.init_grpc_aio() def gcs_node_info_to_dict(message): return dashboard_utils.message_to_dict( message, {"nodeId"}, including_default_value_fields=True) class DashboardHead: def __init__(self, http_host, http_port, redis_address, redis_password, log_dir): # NodeInfoGcsService self._gcs_node_info_stub = None self._gcs_rpc_error_counter = 0 # Public attributes are accessible for all head modules. self.http_host = http_host self.http_port = http_port self.redis_address = dashboard_utils.address_tuple(redis_address) self.redis_password = redis_password self.log_dir = log_dir self.aioredis_client = None self.aiogrpc_gcs_channel = None self.http_session = None self.ip = self.server = aiogrpc.server(options=(("grpc.so_reuseport", 0), )) self.grpc_port = self.server.add_insecure_port("[::]:0")"Dashboard head grpc address: %s:%s", self.ip, self.grpc_port)"Dashboard head http address: %s:%s", self.http_host, self.http_port) async def _get_nodes(self): """Read the client table. Returns: A list of information about the nodes in the cluster. """ request = gcs_service_pb2.GetAllNodeInfoRequest() reply = await self._gcs_node_info_stub.GetAllNodeInfo( request, timeout=2) if reply.status.code == 0: results = [] node_id_set = set() for node_info in reply.node_info_list: if node_info.node_id in node_id_set: continue node_id_set.add(node_info.node_id) node_info_dict = gcs_node_info_to_dict(node_info) results.append(node_info_dict) return results else: logger.error("Failed to GetAllNodeInfo: %s", reply.status.message) async def _update_nodes(self): while True: try: nodes = await self._get_nodes() # Get correct node info by state, # 1. The node is ALIVE if any ALIVE node info # of the hostname exists. # 2. The node is DEAD if all node info of the # hostname are DEAD. hostname_to_node_info = {} for node in nodes: hostname = node["nodeManagerAddress"] assert node["state"] in ["ALIVE", "DEAD"] choose = hostname_to_node_info.get(hostname) if choose is not None and choose["state"] == "ALIVE": continue hostname_to_node_info[hostname] = node nodes = hostname_to_node_info.values() self._gcs_rpc_error_counter = 0 node_ips = [node["nodeManagerAddress"] for node in nodes] node_hostnames = [ node["nodeManagerHostname"] for node in nodes ] agents = dict(DataSource.agents) for node in nodes: node_ip = node["nodeManagerAddress"] key = "{}{}".format( dashboard_consts.DASHBOARD_AGENT_PORT_PREFIX, node_ip) agent_port = await self.aioredis_client.get(key) if agent_port: agents[node_ip] = json.loads(agent_port) for ip in agents.keys() - set(node_ips): agents.pop(ip, None) DataSource.agents.reset(agents) DataSource.nodes.reset(dict(zip(node_ips, nodes))) DataSource.hostname_to_ip.reset( dict(zip(node_hostnames, node_ips))) DataSource.ip_to_hostname.reset( dict(zip(node_ips, node_hostnames))) except aiogrpc.AioRpcError: logger.exception("Got AioRpcError when updating nodes.") self._gcs_rpc_error_counter += 1 if self._gcs_rpc_error_counter > \ dashboard_consts.MAX_COUNT_OF_GCS_RPC_ERROR: logger.error( "Dashboard suicide, the GCS RPC error count %s > %s", self._gcs_rpc_error_counter, dashboard_consts.MAX_COUNT_OF_GCS_RPC_ERROR) sys.exit(-1) except Exception: logger.exception("Error updating nodes.") finally: await asyncio.sleep( dashboard_consts.UPDATE_NODES_INTERVAL_SECONDS) def _load_modules(self): """Load dashboard head modules.""" modules = [] head_cls_list = dashboard_utils.get_all_modules( dashboard_utils.DashboardHeadModule) for cls in head_cls_list:"Loading %s: %s", dashboard_utils.DashboardHeadModule.__name__, cls) c = cls(self) dashboard_utils.ClassMethodRouteTable.bind(c) modules.append(c)"Loaded %d modules.", len(modules)) return modules async def run(self): # Create an aioredis client for all modules. try: self.aioredis_client = await dashboard_utils.get_aioredis_client( self.redis_address, self.redis_password, dashboard_consts.CONNECT_REDIS_INTERNAL_SECONDS, dashboard_consts.RETRY_REDIS_CONNECTION_TIMES) except (socket.gaierror, ConnectionError): logger.error( "Dashboard head exiting: " "Failed to connect to redis at %s", self.redis_address) sys.exit(-1) # Create a http session for all modules. self.http_session = aiohttp.ClientSession( loop=asyncio.get_event_loop()) # Waiting for GCS is ready. while True: try: gcs_address = await self.aioredis_client.get( dashboard_consts.REDIS_KEY_GCS_SERVER_ADDRESS) if not gcs_address: raise Exception("GCS address not found.")"Connect to GCS at %s", gcs_address) channel = aiogrpc.insecure_channel(gcs_address) except Exception as ex: logger.error("Connect to GCS failed: %s, retry...", ex) await asyncio.sleep( dashboard_consts.CONNECT_GCS_INTERVAL_SECONDS) else: self.aiogrpc_gcs_channel = channel break # Create a NodeInfoGcsServiceStub. self._gcs_node_info_stub = gcs_service_pb2_grpc.NodeInfoGcsServiceStub( self.aiogrpc_gcs_channel) # Start a grpc asyncio server. await self.server.start() # Write the dashboard head port to redis. await self.aioredis_client.set(dashboard_consts.REDIS_KEY_DASHBOARD, self.ip + ":" + str(self.http_port)) await self.aioredis_client.set( dashboard_consts.REDIS_KEY_DASHBOARD_RPC, self.ip + ":" + str(self.grpc_port)) async def _async_notify(): """Notify signals from queue.""" while True: co = await dashboard_utils.NotifyQueue.get() try: await co except Exception: logger.exception(f"Error notifying coroutine {co}") async def _purge_data(): """Purge data in datacenter.""" while True: await asyncio.sleep( dashboard_consts.PURGE_DATA_INTERVAL_SECONDS) try: await DataOrganizer.purge() except Exception: logger.exception("Error purging data.") modules = self._load_modules() # Http server should be initialized after all modules loaded. app = aiohttp.web.Application() app.add_routes(routes=routes.bound_routes()) web_server = aiohttp.web._run_app( app, host=self.http_host, port=self.http_port) # Dump registered http routes. dump_routes = [ r for r in app.router.routes() if r.method != hdrs.METH_HEAD ] for r in dump_routes:"Registered %s routes.", len(dump_routes)) # Freeze signal after all modules loaded. dashboard_utils.SignalManager.freeze() await asyncio.gather(self._update_nodes(), _async_notify(), _purge_data(), web_server, *( for m in modules)) await self.server.wait_for_termination()