.. _api-stability: API stability ============= Ray provides stability guarantees for its public APIs in Ray core and libraries, which are decorated/labeled accordingly. An API can be labeled: * :ref:`PublicAPI `, which means the API is exposed to end users. PublicAPI has three sub-levels (alpha, beta, stable), as described below. * :ref:`DeveloperAPI `, which means the API is explicitly exposed to *advanced* Ray users and library developers * :ref:`Deprecated `, which may be removed in future releases of Ray. Ray's PublicAPI stability definitions are based off the `Google stability level guidelines `_, with minor differences: Alpha ~~~~~ An *alpha* component undergoes rapid iteration with a known set of users who **must** be tolerant of change. The number of users **should** be a curated, manageable set, such that it is feasible to communicate with all of them individually. Breaking changes **must** be both allowed and expected in alpha components, and users **must** have no expectation of stability. Beta ~~~~ A *beta* component **must** be considered complete and ready to be declared stable, subject to public testing. Because users of beta components tend to have a lower tolerance of change, beta components **should** be as stable as possible; however, the beta component **must** be permitted to change over time. These changes **should** be minimal but **may** include backwards-incompatible changes to beta components. Backwards-incompatible changes **must** be made only after a reasonable deprecation period to provide users with an opportunity to migrate their code. Stable ~~~~~~ A *stable* component **must** be fully-supported over the lifetime of the major API version. Because users expect such stability from components marked stable, there **must** be no breaking changes to these components within a major version (excluding extraordinary circumstances). Docstrings ---------- .. _public-api-def: .. autofunction:: ray.util.annotations.PublicAPI .. _developer-api-def: .. autofunction:: ray.util.annotations.DeveloperAPI .. _deprecated-api-def: .. autofunction:: ray.util.annotations.Deprecated Undecorated functions can be generally assumed to not be part of the Ray public API.