import gym import numpy as np import unittest from ray.rllib.algorithms.ppo.ppo import PPO, PPOConfig from ray.rllib.connectors.agent.clip_reward import ClipRewardAgentConnector from ray.rllib.connectors.agent.lambdas import FlattenDataAgentConnector from ray.rllib.connectors.agent.obs_preproc import ObsPreprocessorConnector from ray.rllib.connectors.agent.pipeline import AgentConnectorPipeline from ray.rllib.connectors.agent.state_buffer import StateBufferConnector from ray.rllib.connectors.agent.view_requirement import ViewRequirementAgentConnector from ray.rllib.connectors.connector import ConnectorContext, get_connector from ray.rllib.policy.view_requirement import ViewRequirement from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch from ray.rllib.utils.test_utils import check from ray.rllib.utils.typing import ( ActionConnectorDataType, AgentConnectorDataType, AgentConnectorsOutput, ) class TestAgentConnector(unittest.TestCase): def test_connector_pipeline(self): ctx = ConnectorContext() connectors = [ClipRewardAgentConnector(ctx, False, 1.0)] pipeline = AgentConnectorPipeline(ctx, connectors) name, params = pipeline.to_config() restored = get_connector(ctx, name, params) self.assertTrue(isinstance(restored, AgentConnectorPipeline)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(restored.connectors[0], ClipRewardAgentConnector)) def test_obs_preprocessor_connector(self): obs_space = gym.spaces.Dict( { "a": gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,)), "b": gym.spaces.Tuple( [gym.spaces.Discrete(2), gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete(nvec=[2, 3])] ), } ) ctx = ConnectorContext(config={}, observation_space=obs_space) c = ObsPreprocessorConnector(ctx) name, params = c.to_config() restored = get_connector(ctx, name, params) self.assertTrue(isinstance(restored, ObsPreprocessorConnector)) obs = obs_space.sample() # Fake deterministic data. obs["a"][0] = 0.5 obs["b"] = (1, np.array([0, 2])) d = AgentConnectorDataType( 0, 1, { SampleBatch.OBS: obs, }, ) preprocessed = c([d]) # obs is completely flattened. self.assertTrue( (preprocessed[0].data[SampleBatch.OBS] == [0.5, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]).all() ) def test_clip_reward_connector(self): ctx = ConnectorContext() c = ClipRewardAgentConnector(ctx, limit=2.0) name, params = c.to_config() self.assertEqual(name, "ClipRewardAgentConnector") self.assertAlmostEqual(params["limit"], 2.0) restored = get_connector(ctx, name, params) self.assertTrue(isinstance(restored, ClipRewardAgentConnector)) d = AgentConnectorDataType( 0, 1, { SampleBatch.REWARDS: 5.8, }, ) clipped = restored([d]) self.assertEqual(len(clipped), 1) self.assertEqual(clipped[0].data[SampleBatch.REWARDS], 2.0) def test_flatten_data_connector(self): ctx = ConnectorContext() c = FlattenDataAgentConnector(ctx) name, params = c.to_config() restored = get_connector(ctx, name, params) self.assertTrue(isinstance(restored, FlattenDataAgentConnector)) sample_batch = { SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS: { "sensor1": [[1, 1], [2, 2]], "sensor2": 8.8, }, SampleBatch.REWARDS: 5.8, SampleBatch.ACTIONS: [[1, 1], [2]], SampleBatch.INFOS: {"random": "info"}, } d = AgentConnectorDataType( 0, 1, # FlattenDataAgentConnector does NOT touch for_training dict, # so simply pass None here. AgentConnectorsOutput(None, sample_batch), ) flattened = c([d]) self.assertEqual(len(flattened), 1) batch = flattened[0].data.for_action self.assertTrue((batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS] == [1, 1, 2, 2, 8.8]).all()) self.assertEqual(batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS][0], 5.8) # Not flattened. self.assertEqual(len(batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS]), 2) self.assertEqual(batch[SampleBatch.INFOS]["random"], "info") def test_state_buffer_connector(self): ctx = ConnectorContext( action_space=gym.spaces.Box(low=-1.0, high=1.0, shape=(3,)), ) c = StateBufferConnector(ctx) # Reset without any buffered data should do nothing. c.reset(env_id=0) d = AgentConnectorDataType( 0, 1, { SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS: { "sensor1": [[1, 1], [2, 2]], "sensor2": 8.8, }, }, ) with_buffered = c([d]) self.assertEqual(len(with_buffered), 1) self.assertTrue((with_buffered[0].data[SampleBatch.ACTIONS] == [0, 0, 0]).all()) c.on_policy_output(ActionConnectorDataType(0, 1, ([1, 2, 3], [], {}))) with_buffered = c([d]) self.assertEqual(len(with_buffered), 1) self.assertEqual(with_buffered[0].data[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], [1, 2, 3]) class TestViewRequirementConnector(unittest.TestCase): def test_vr_connector_respects_training_or_inference_vr_flags(self): """Tests that the connector respects the flags within view_requirements (i.e. used_for_training, used_for_compute_actions) under different is_training modes. is_training = False (inference mode) the returned data is a SampleBatch that can be used to run corresponding policy. is_training = True (training mode) the returned data is the input dict itself, which the policy collector in env_runner will use to construct the episode, and a SampleBatch that can be used to run corresponding policy. """ view_rq_dict = { "both": ViewRequirement( "obs", used_for_training=True, used_for_compute_actions=True ), "only_inference": ViewRequirement( "obs", used_for_training=False, used_for_compute_actions=True ), "none": ViewRequirement( "obs", used_for_training=False, used_for_compute_actions=False ), "only_training": ViewRequirement( "obs", used_for_training=True, used_for_compute_actions=False ), } obs_arr = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3]) agent_data = {SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS: obs_arr} data = AgentConnectorDataType(0, 1, agent_data) config = PPOConfig().to_dict() ctx = ConnectorContext( view_requirements=view_rq_dict, config=config, is_policy_recurrent=True, ) for_action_expected = SampleBatch( { "both": obs_arr[None], "only_inference": obs_arr[None], "seq_lens": np.array([1]), } ) for_training_expected_list = [ # is_training = False None, # is_training = True agent_data, ] for is_training in [True, False]: c = ViewRequirementAgentConnector(ctx) c.is_training(is_training) processed = c([data]) for_training = processed[0].data.for_training for_training_expected = for_training_expected_list[is_training] for_action = processed[0].data.for_action print("-" * 30) print(f"is_training = {is_training}") print("for action:") print(for_action) print("for training:") print(for_training) check(for_training, for_training_expected) check(for_action, for_action_expected) def test_vr_connector_shift_by_one(self): """Test that the ViewRequirementConnector can handle shift by one correctly and can ignore future referencing view_requirements to respect causality""" view_rq_dict = { "state": ViewRequirement("obs"), "next_state": ViewRequirement( "obs", shift=1, used_for_compute_actions=False ), "prev_state": ViewRequirement("obs", shift=-1), } obs_arrs = np.arange(10)[:, None] + 1 config = PPOConfig().to_dict() ctx = ConnectorContext( view_requirements=view_rq_dict, config=config, is_policy_recurrent=True ) c = ViewRequirementAgentConnector(ctx) # keep a running list of observations obs_list = [] for t, obs in enumerate(obs_arrs): # t=0 is the next state of t=-1 data = AgentConnectorDataType( 0, 1, {SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS: obs, SampleBatch.T: t - 1} ) processed = c([data]) # env.reset() for t == -1 else env.step() for_action = processed[0].data.for_action # add cur obs to the list obs_list.append(obs) if t == 0: check(for_action["prev_state"], for_action["state"]) else: # prev state should be equal to the prev time step obs check(for_action["prev_state"], obs_list[-2][None]) def test_vr_connector_causal_slice(self): """Test that the ViewRequirementConnector can handle slice shifts correctly.""" view_rq_dict = { "state": ViewRequirement("obs"), # shift array should be [-2, -1, 0] "prev_states": ViewRequirement("obs", shift="-2:0"), # shift array should be [-4, -2, 0] "prev_strided_states_even": ViewRequirement("obs", shift="-4:0:2"), # shift array should be [-3, -1] "prev_strided_states_odd": ViewRequirement("obs", shift="-3:0:2"), } obs_arrs = np.arange(10)[:, None] + 1 config = PPOConfig().to_dict() ctx = ConnectorContext( view_requirements=view_rq_dict, config=config, is_policy_recurrent=True ) c = ViewRequirementAgentConnector(ctx) # keep a queue of observations obs_list = [] for t, obs in enumerate(obs_arrs): # t=0 is the next state of t=-1 data = AgentConnectorDataType( 0, 1, {SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS: obs, SampleBatch.T: t - 1} ) processed = c([data]) for_action = processed[0].data.for_action if t == 0: obs_list.extend([obs for _ in range(5)]) else: # remove the first obs and add the current obs to the end obs_list.pop(0) obs_list.append(obs) # check state check(for_action["state"], obs[None]) # check prev_states check( for_action["prev_states"], np.stack(obs_list)[np.array([-3, -2, -1])][None], ) # check prev_strided_states_even check( for_action["prev_strided_states_even"], np.stack(obs_list)[np.array([-5, -3, -1])][None], ) check( for_action["prev_strided_states_odd"], np.stack(obs_list)[np.array([-4, -2])][None], ) def test_vr_connector_with_multiple_buffers(self): """Test that the ViewRequirementConnector can handle slice shifts correctly when it has multiple buffers to shift.""" context_len = 5 # This view requirement simulates the use-case of a decision transformer # without reward-to-go. view_rq_dict = { # obs[t-context_len+1:t] "context_obs": ViewRequirement("obs", shift=f"-{context_len-1}:0"), # next_obs[t-context_len+1:t] "context_next_obs": ViewRequirement( "obs", shift=f"-{context_len}:1", used_for_compute_actions=False ), # act[t-context_len+1:t] "context_act": ViewRequirement( SampleBatch.ACTIONS, shift=f"-{context_len-1}:-1" ), } obs_arrs = np.arange(10)[:, None] + 1 act_arrs = (np.arange(10)[:, None] + 1) * 100 n_steps = obs_arrs.shape[0] config = PPOConfig().to_dict() ctx = ConnectorContext( view_requirements=view_rq_dict, config=config, is_policy_recurrent=True ) c = ViewRequirementAgentConnector(ctx) # keep a queue of length ctx_len of observations obs_list, act_list = [], [] for t in range(n_steps): # next state and action at time t-1 are the following timestep_data = { SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS: obs_arrs[t], SampleBatch.ACTIONS: ( np.zeros_like(act_arrs[0]) if t == 0 else act_arrs[t - 1] ), SampleBatch.T: t - 1, } data = AgentConnectorDataType(0, 1, timestep_data) processed = c([data]) for_action = processed[0].data.for_action if t == 0: obs_list.extend([obs_arrs[0] for _ in range(context_len)]) act_list.extend( [np.zeros_like(act_arrs[0]) for _ in range(context_len)] ) else: obs_list.pop(0) act_list.pop(0) obs_list.append(obs_arrs[t]) act_list.append(act_arrs[t - 1]) self.assertTrue("context_next_obs" not in for_action) check(for_action["context_obs"], np.stack(obs_list)[None]) check(for_action["context_act"], np.stack(act_list[:-1])[None]) def test_connector_pipline_with_view_requirement(self): """A very minimal test that checks wheter pipeline connectors work in a simulation rollout.""" # TODO: make this test beefier and more comprehensive config = ( PPOConfig() .framework("torch") .environment(env="CartPole-v0") .rollouts(create_env_on_local_worker=True) ) algo = PPO(config) rollout_worker = algo.workers.local_worker() policy = rollout_worker.get_policy() env = rollout_worker.env # create a connector context ctx = ConnectorContext( view_requirements=policy.view_requirements, config=policy.config, initial_states=policy.get_initial_state(), is_policy_recurrent=policy.is_recurrent(), observation_space=policy.observation_space, action_space=policy.action_space, ) # build chain of connectors connectors = [ ObsPreprocessorConnector(ctx), StateBufferConnector(ctx), ViewRequirementAgentConnector(ctx), ] agent_connector = AgentConnectorPipeline(ctx, connectors) name, params = agent_connector.to_config() restored = get_connector(ctx, name, params) self.assertTrue(isinstance(restored, AgentConnectorPipeline)) for cidx, c in enumerate(connectors): check(restored.connectors[cidx].to_config(), c.to_config()) # simulate a rollout n_steps = 10 obs = env.reset() env_out = AgentConnectorDataType( 0, 1, {SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS: obs, SampleBatch.T: -1} ) agent_obs = agent_connector([env_out])[0] t = 0 total_rewards = 0 while t < n_steps: policy_output = policy.compute_actions_from_input_dict( ) agent_connector.on_policy_output( ActionConnectorDataType(0, 1, policy_output) ) action = policy_output[0][0] next_obs, rewards, dones, info = env.step(action) env_out_dict = { SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS: next_obs, SampleBatch.REWARDS: rewards, SampleBatch.DONES: dones, SampleBatch.INFOS: info, SampleBatch.ACTIONS: action, SampleBatch.T: t, # state_out } env_out = AgentConnectorDataType(0, 1, env_out_dict) agent_obs = agent_connector([env_out])[0] total_rewards += rewards t += 1 print(total_rewards) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys import pytest sys.exit(pytest.main(["-v", __file__]))