Logging ======= This document will explain Ray's logging system and its best practices. Driver logs ~~~~~~~~~~~ An entry point of Ray applications that calls ``ray.init(address='auto')`` or ``ray.init()`` is called a driver. All the driver logs are handled in the same way as normal Python programs. Worker logs ~~~~~~~~~~~ Ray's tasks or actors are executed remotely within Ray's worker processes. Ray has special support to improve the visibility of logs produced by workers. - By default, all of the tasks/actors stdout and stderr are redirected to the worker log files. Check out :ref:`Logging directory structure ` to learn how Ray's logging directory is structured. - By default, all of the tasks/actors stdout and stderr that is redirected to worker log files are published to the driver. Drivers display logs generated from its tasks/actors to its stdout and stderr. Let's look at a code example to see how this works. .. code-block:: python import ray # Initiate a driver. ray.init() @ray.remote def task(): print("task") ray.get(task.remote()) You should be able to see the string `task` from your driver stdout. When logs are printed, the process id (pid) and an IP address of the node that executes tasks/actors are printed together. Check out the output below. .. code-block:: bash (pid=45601) task Actor log messages look like the following by default. .. code-block:: bash (MyActor pid=480956) actor log message Customizing Actor logs prefixes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is often useful to distinguish between log messages from different actors. For example, suppose you have a large number of worker actors. In this case, you may want to be able to easily see the index of the actor that logged a particular message. This can be achieved by defining the `__repr__ `__ method for an actor class. When defined, the actor repr will be used in place of the actor name. For example: .. literalinclude:: /ray-core/doc_code/actor-repr.py This produces the following output: .. code-block:: bash (MyActor(index=2) pid=482120) hello there (MyActor(index=1) pid=482119) hello there How to set up loggers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When using ray, all of the tasks and actors are executed remotely in Ray's worker processes. Since Python logger module creates a singleton logger per process, loggers should be configured on per task/actor basis. .. note:: To stream logs to a driver, they should be flushed to stdout and stderr. .. code-block:: python import ray import logging # Initiate a driver. ray.init() @ray.remote class Actor: def __init__(self): # Basic config automatically configures logs to # be streamed to stdout and stderr. # Set the severity to INFO so that info logs are printed to stdout. logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) def log(self, msg): logging.info(msg) actor = Actor.remote() ray.get(actor.log.remote("A log message for an actor.")) @ray.remote def f(msg): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.info(msg) ray.get(f.remote("A log message for a task")) .. code-block:: bash (pid=95193) INFO:root:A log message for a task (pid=95192) INFO:root:A log message for an actor. How to use structured logging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The metadata of tasks or actors may be obtained by Ray's :ref:`runtime_context APIs `. Runtime context APIs help you to add metadata to your logging messages, making your logs more structured. .. code-block:: python import ray # Initiate a driver. ray.init() @ray.remote def task(): print(f"task_id: {ray.get_runtime_context().task_id}") ray.get(task.remote()) .. code-block:: bash (pid=47411) task_id: TaskID(a67dc375e60ddd1affffffffffffffffffffffff01000000) Logging directory structure --------------------------- .. _logging-directory-structure: By default, Ray logs are stored in a ``/tmp/ray/session_*/logs`` directory. .. note:: The default temp directory is ``/tmp/ray`` (for Linux and Mac OS). If you'd like to change the temp directory, you can specify it when ``ray start`` or ``ray.init()`` is called. A new Ray instance creates a new session ID to the temp directory. The latest session ID is symlinked to ``/tmp/ray/session_latest``. Here's a Ray log directory structure. Note that ``.out`` is logs from stdout/stderr and ``.err`` is logs from stderr. The backward compatibility of log directories is not maintained. - ``dashboard.log``: A log file of a Ray dashboard. - ``dashboard_agent.log``: Every Ray node has one dashboard agent. This is a log file of the agent. - ``gcs_server.[out|err]``: The GCS server is a stateless server that manages Ray cluster metadata. It exists only in the head node. - ``log_monitor.log``: The log monitor is in charge of streaming logs to the driver. - ``monitor.log``: Ray's cluster launcher is operated with a monitor process. It also manages the autoscaler. - ``monitor.[out|err]``: Stdout and stderr of a cluster launcher. - ``plasma_store.[out|err]``: Deprecated. - ``python-core-driver-[worker_id]_[pid].log``: Ray drivers consist of CPP core and Python/Java frontend. This is a log file generated from CPP code. - ``python-core-worker-[worker_id]_[pid].log``: Ray workers consist of CPP core and Python/Java frontend. This is a log file generated from CPP code. - ``raylet.[out|err]``: A log file of raylets. - ``redis-shard_[shard_index].[out|err]``: Redis shard log files. - ``redis.[out|err]``: Redis log files. - ``worker-[worker_id]-[job_id]-[pid].[out|err]``: Python/Java part of Ray drivers and workers. All of stdout and stderr from tasks/actors are streamed here. Note that job_id is an id of the driver. - ``io-worker-[worker_id]-[pid].[out|err]``: Ray creates IO workers to spill/restore objects to external storage by default from Ray 1.3+. This is a log file of IO workers. - ``runtime_env_setup-[job_id].log``: Logs from installing :ref:`runtime environments` for a task, actor or job. This file will only be present if a runtime environment is installed. - ``runtime_env_setup-ray_client_server_[port].log``: Logs from installing :ref:`runtime environments` for a job when connecting via :ref:`Ray Client`. Log rotation ------------ Ray supports log rotation of log files. Note that not all components are currently supporting log rotation. (Raylet and Python/Java worker logs are not rotating). By default, logs are rotating when it reaches to 512MB (maxBytes), and there could be up to 5 backup files (backupCount). Indexes are appended to all backup files (e.g., `raylet.out.1`) If you'd like to change the log rotation configuration, you can do it by specifying environment variables. For example, .. code-block:: bash RAY_ROTATION_MAX_BYTES=1024; ray start --head # Start a ray instance with maxBytes 1KB. RAY_ROTATION_BACKUP_COUNT=1; ray start --head # Start a ray instance with backupCount 1. Redirecting Ray logs to stderr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, Ray logs are written to files under the ``/tmp/ray/session_*/logs`` directory. If you wish to redirect all internal Ray logging and your own logging within tasks/actors to stderr of the host nodes, you can do so by ensuring that the ``RAY_LOG_TO_STDERR=1`` environment variable is set on the driver and on all Ray nodes. This is very useful if you are using a log aggregator that needs log records to be written to stderr in order for them to be captured. Redirecting logging to stderr will also cause a ``({component})`` prefix, e.g. ``(raylet)``, to be added to each of the log record messages. .. code-block:: bash [2022-01-24 19:42:02,978 I 1829336 1829336] (gcs_server) grpc_server.cc:103: GcsServer server started, listening on port 50009. [2022-01-24 19:42:06,696 I 1829415 1829415] (raylet) grpc_server.cc:103: ObjectManager server started, listening on port 40545. 2022-01-24 19:42:05,087 INFO (dashboard) dashboard.py:95 -- Setup static dir for dashboard: /mnt/data/workspace/ray/python/ray/dashboard/client/build 2022-01-24 19:42:07,500 INFO (dashboard_agent) agent.py:105 -- Dashboard agent grpc address: This should make it easier to filter the stderr stream of logs down to the component of interest. Note that multi-line log records will **not** have this component marker at the beginning of each line. When running a local Ray cluster, this environment variable should be set before starting the local cluster: .. code-block:: python os.environ["RAY_LOG_TO_STDERR"] = "1" ray.init() When starting a local cluster via the CLI or when starting nodes in a multi-node Ray cluster, this environment variable should be set before starting up each node: .. code-block:: bash env RAY_LOG_TO_STDERR=1 ray start If using the Ray cluster launcher, you would specify this environment variable in the Ray start commands: .. code-block:: bash head_start_ray_commands: - ray stop - env RAY_LOG_TO_STDERR=1 ray start --head --port=6379 --object-manager-port=8076 --autoscaling-config=~/ray_bootstrap_config.yaml worker_start_ray_commands: - ray stop - env RAY_LOG_TO_STDERR=1 ray start --address=$RAY_HEAD_IP:6379 --object-manager-port=8076 When connecting to the cluster, be sure to set the environment variable before connecting: .. code-block:: python os.environ["RAY_LOG_TO_STDERR"] = "1" ray.init(address="auto")