from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import re import subprocess import sys def wait_for_output(proc): """This is a convenience method to parse a process's stdout and stderr. Args: proc: A process started by subprocess.Popen. Returns: A tuple of the stdout and stderr of the process as strings. """ stdout_data, stderr_data = proc.communicate() stdout_data = (stdout_data.decode("ascii") if stdout_data is not None else None) stderr_data = (stderr_data.decode("ascii") if stderr_data is not None else None) return stdout_data, stderr_data class DockerRunner(object): """This class manages the logistics of running multiple nodes in Docker. This class is used for starting multiple Ray nodes within Docker, stopping Ray, running a workload, and determining the success or failure of the workload. Attributes: head_container_id: The ID of the docker container that runs the head node. worker_container_ids: A list of the docker container IDs of the Ray worker nodes. head_container_ip: The IP address of the docker container that runs the head node. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize the DockerRunner.""" self.head_container_id = None self.worker_container_ids = [] self.head_container_ip = None def _get_container_id(self, stdout_data): """Parse the docker container ID from stdout_data. Args: stdout_data: This should be a string with the standard output of a call to a docker command. Returns: The container ID of the docker container. """ p = re.compile("([0-9a-f]{64})\n") m = p.match(stdout_data) if m is None: return None else: return def _get_container_ip(self, container_id): """Get the IP address of a specific docker container. Args: container_id: The docker container ID of the relevant docker container. Returns: The IP address of the container. """ proc = subprocess.Popen(["docker", "inspect", "--format={{.NetworkSettings.Networks.bridge" ".IPAddress}}", container_id], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_data, _ = wait_for_output(proc) p = re.compile("([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})") m = p.match(stdout_data) if m is None: raise RuntimeError("Container IP not found.") else: return def _start_head_node(self, docker_image, mem_size, shm_size, development_mode): """Start the Ray head node inside a docker container.""" mem_arg = ["--memory=" + mem_size] if mem_size else [] shm_arg = ["--shm-size=" + shm_size] if shm_size else [] volume_arg = (["-v", "{}:{}".format(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "/ray/test/jenkins_tests")] if development_mode else []) proc = subprocess.Popen(["docker", "run", "-d"] + mem_arg + shm_arg + volume_arg + [docker_image, "/ray/scripts/", "--head", "--redis-port=6379"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_data, _ = wait_for_output(proc) container_id = self._get_container_id(stdout_data) if container_id is None: raise RuntimeError("Failed to find container ID.") self.head_container_id = container_id self.head_container_ip = self._get_container_ip(container_id) print("start_node", {"container_id": container_id, "is_head": True, "shm_size": shm_size, "ip_address": self.head_container_ip}) return container_id def _start_worker_node(self, docker_image, mem_size, shm_size): """Start a Ray worker node inside a docker container.""" mem_arg = ["--memory=" + mem_size] if mem_size else [] shm_arg = ["--shm-size=" + shm_size] if shm_size else [] proc = subprocess.Popen(["docker", "run", "-d"] + mem_arg + shm_arg + ["--shm-size=" + shm_size, docker_image, "/ray/scripts/", "--redis-address={:s}:6379".format( self.head_container_ip)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_data, _ = wait_for_output(proc) container_id = self._get_container_id(stdout_data) if container_id is None: raise RuntimeError("Failed to find container id") self.worker_container_ids.append(container_id) print("start_node", {"container_id": container_id, "is_head": False, "shm_size": shm_size}) def start_ray(self, docker_image, mem_size, shm_size, num_nodes, development_mode): """Start a Ray cluster within docker. This starts one docker container running the head node and num_nodes - 1 docker containers running the Ray worker nodes. Args: docker_image: The docker image to use for all of the nodes. mem_size: The amount of memory to start each docker container with. This will be passed into `docker run` as the --memory flag. If this is None, then no --memory flag will be used. shm_size: The amount of shared memory to start each docker container with. This will be passed into `docker run` as the `--shm-size` flag. num_nodes: The number of nodes to use in the cluster (this counts the head node as well). development_mode: True if you want to mount the local copy of test/jenkins_test on the head node so we can avoid rebuilding docker images during development. """ # Launch the head node. self._start_head_node(docker_image, mem_size, shm_size, development_mode) # Start the worker nodes. for _ in range(num_nodes - 1): self._start_worker_node(docker_image, mem_size, shm_size) def _stop_node(self, container_id): """Stop a node in the Ray cluster.""" proc = subprocess.Popen(["docker", "kill", container_id], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_data, _ = wait_for_output(proc) stopped_container_id = self._get_container_id(stdout_data) if not container_id == stopped_container_id: raise Exception("Failed to stop container {}.".format(container_id)) proc = subprocess.Popen(["docker", "rm", "-f", container_id], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_data, _ = wait_for_output(proc) removed_container_id = self._get_container_id(stdout_data) if not container_id == removed_container_id: raise Exception("Failed to remove container {}.".format(container_id)) print("stop_node", {"container_id": container_id, "is_head": container_id == self.head_container_id}) def stop_ray(self): """Stop the Ray cluster.""" self._stop_node(self.head_container_id) for container_id in self.worker_container_ids: self._stop_node(container_id) def run_test(self, test_script, run_in_docker=False): """Run a test script. Run a test using the Ray cluster. Args: test_script: The test script to run. run_in_docker: If true then the test script will be run in a docker container. If false, it will be run regularly. Returns: A dictionary with information about the test script run. """ print("Starting to run test script {}.".format(test_script)) proc = subprocess.Popen(["docker", "exec", self.head_container_id, "/bin/bash", "-c", "RAY_REDIS_ADDRESS={}:6379 " "python {}".format(self.head_container_ip, test_script)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_data, stderr_data = wait_for_output(proc) print("STDOUT:") print(stdout_data) print("STDERR:") print(stderr_data) return {"success": proc.returncode == 0, "return_code": proc.returncode} if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Run multinode tests in Docker.") parser.add_argument("--docker-image", default="ray-project/deploy", help="docker image") parser.add_argument("--mem-size", help="memory size") parser.add_argument("--shm-size", default="1G", help="shared memory size") parser.add_argument("--num-nodes", default=1, type=int, help="number of nodes to use in the cluster") parser.add_argument("--test-script", required=True, help="test script") parser.add_argument("--development-mode", action="store_true", help="use local copies of the test scripts") args = parser.parse_args() d = DockerRunner() d.start_ray(mem_size=args.mem_size, shm_size=args.shm_size, num_nodes=args.num_nodes, docker_image=args.docker_image, development_mode=args.development_mode) try: run_result = d.run_test(args.test_script) finally: d.stop_ray() if "success" in run_result and run_result["success"]: print("RESULT: Test {} succeeded.".format(args.test_script)) sys.exit(0) else: print("RESULT: Test {} failed.".format(args.test_script)) sys.exit(1)