import os import socket import ctypes Addr = ctypes.c_ubyte * 4 ID = ctypes.c_ubyte * 20 class PlasmaID(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("plasma_id", ID)] def make_plasma_id(string): if len(string) != 20: raise Exception("PlasmaIDs must be 20 characters long") object_id = map(ord, string) return PlasmaID(plasma_id=ID(*object_id)) class PlasmaClient(object): """The PlasmaClient is used to interface with a plasma store and a plasma manager. The PlasmaClient can ask the PlasmaStore to allocate a new buffer, seal a buffer, and get a buffer. Buffers are referred to by object IDs, which are strings. """ def __init__(self, socket_name, addr=None, port=None): """Initialize the PlasmaClient. Args: socket_name (str): Name of the socket the plasma store is listening at. addr (str): IPv4 address of plasma manager attached to the plasma store. port (int): Port number of the plasma manager attached to the plasma store. """ if port is not None: if not isinstance(port, int): raise Exception("The 'port' argument must be an integer. The given argument has type {}.".format(type(port))) if not 0 < port < 65536: raise Exception("The 'port' argument must be greater than 0 and less than 65536. The given value is {}.".format(port)) plasma_client_library = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "../../build/") self.client = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(plasma_client_library) self.client.plasma_store_connect.restype = ctypes.c_void_p self.client.plasma_create.restype = None self.client.plasma_get.restype = None self.client.plasma_contains.restype = None self.client.plasma_seal.restype = None self.client.plasma_delete.restype = None self.buffer_from_memory = ctypes.pythonapi.PyBuffer_FromMemory self.buffer_from_memory.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int64] self.buffer_from_memory.restype = ctypes.py_object self.buffer_from_read_write_memory = ctypes.pythonapi.PyBuffer_FromReadWriteMemory self.buffer_from_read_write_memory.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int64] self.buffer_from_read_write_memory.restype = ctypes.py_object self.store_conn = ctypes.c_void_p(self.client.plasma_store_connect(socket_name)) if addr is not None and port is not None: self.manager_conn = self.client.plasma_manager_connect(addr, port) else: self.manager_conn = -1 # not connected def create(self, object_id, size, metadata=None): """Create a new buffer in the PlasmaStore for a particular object ID. The returned buffer is mutable until seal is called. Args: object_id (str): A string used to identify an object. size (int): The size in bytes of the created buffer. metadata (buffer): An optional buffer encoding whatever metadata the user wishes to encode. """ # This is used to hold the address of the buffer. data = ctypes.c_void_p() # Turn the metadata into the right type. metadata = buffer("") if metadata is None else metadata metadata = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(metadata)).from_buffer_copy(metadata) self.client.plasma_create(self.store_conn, make_plasma_id(object_id), size, ctypes.cast(metadata, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte * len(metadata))), len(metadata), ctypes.byref(data)) return self.buffer_from_read_write_memory(data, size) def get(self, object_id): """Create a buffer from the PlasmaStore based on object ID. If the object has not been sealed yet, this call will block. The retrieved buffer is immutable. Args: object_id (str): A string used to identify an object. """ size = ctypes.c_int64() data = ctypes.c_void_p() metadata_size = ctypes.c_int64() metadata = ctypes.c_void_p() buf = self.client.plasma_get(self.store_conn, make_plasma_id(object_id), ctypes.byref(size), ctypes.byref(data), ctypes.byref(metadata_size), ctypes.byref(metadata)) return self.buffer_from_memory(data, size) def get_metadata(self, object_id): """Create a buffer from the PlasmaStore based on object ID. If the object has not been sealed yet, this call will block until the object has been sealed. The retrieved buffer is immutable. Args: object_id (str): A string used to identify an object. """ size = ctypes.c_int64() data = ctypes.c_void_p() metadata_size = ctypes.c_int64() metadata = ctypes.c_void_p() buf = self.client.plasma_get(self.store_conn, make_plasma_id(object_id), ctypes.byref(size), ctypes.byref(data), ctypes.byref(metadata_size), ctypes.byref(metadata)) return self.buffer_from_memory(metadata, metadata_size) def contains(self, object_id): """Check if the object is present and has been sealed in the PlasmaStore. Args: object_id (str): A string used to identify an object. """ has_object = ctypes.c_int() self.client.plasma_contains(self.store_conn, make_plasma_id(object_id), ctypes.byref(has_object)) has_object = has_object.value if has_object == 1: return True elif has_object == 0: return False else: raise Exception("This code should be unreachable.") def seal(self, object_id): """Seal the buffer in the PlasmaStore for a particular object ID. Once a buffer has been sealed, the buffer is immutable and can only be accessed through get. Args: object_id (str): A string used to identify an object. """ self.client.plasma_seal(self.store_conn, make_plasma_id(object_id)) def delete(self, object_id): """Delete the buffer in the PlasmaStore for a particular object ID. Once a buffer has been deleted, the buffer is no longer accessible. Args: object_id (str): A string used to identify an object. """ self.client.plasma_delete(self.store_conn, make_plasma_id(object_id)) def transfer(self, addr, port, object_id): """Transfer local object with id object_id to another plasma instance Args: addr (str): IPv4 address of the plasma instance the object is sent to. port (int): Port number of the plasma instance the object is sent to. object_id (str): A string used to identify an object. """ if self.manager_conn == -1: raise Exception("Not connected to the plasma manager socket") self.client.plasma_transfer(self.manager_conn, addr, port, make_plasma_id(object_id))