Ray Tutorials and Examples ========================== Ray Examples ------------ .. panels:: :container: container pb-4 full-width :column: col-md-3 px-2 py-2 :img-top-cls: pt-5 w-75 d-block mx-auto --- :img-top: images/pipeline.png +++ .. link-button:: tips-for-first-time :type: ref :text: Tips for First Time Users :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: /ray-overview/images/ray_svg_logo.svg +++ .. link-button:: testing-tips :type: ref :text: Tips for Testing Ray Programs :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: /ray-overview/images/ray_svg_logo.svg +++ .. link-button:: progress_bar :type: ref :text: Progress Bar for Ray Actors :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: /ray-overview/images/ray_svg_logo.svg +++ .. link-button:: plot_streaming :type: ref :text: Streaming MapReduce :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: /ray-overview/images/ray_svg_logo.svg +++ .. link-button:: placement-group :type: ref :text: Placement Group Examples :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link Machine Learning Examples ------------------------- .. panels:: :container: container pb-4 full-width :column: col-md-3 px-2 py-2 :img-top-cls: pt-5 w-75 d-block mx-auto --- :img-top: images/param_actor.png +++ .. link-button:: plot_parameter_server :type: ref :text: Build a Simple Parameter Server Using Ray :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: images/hyperparameter.png +++ .. link-button:: plot_hyperparameter :type: ref :text: Simple Parallel Model Selection :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: /ray-overview/images/ray_svg_logo.svg +++ .. link-button:: plot_lbfgs :type: ref :text: Walkthrough of parallelizing the L-BFGS algorithm :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: /ray-overview/images/ray_svg_logo.svg +++ .. link-button:: plot_example-lm :type: ref :text: Fault-Tolerant Fairseq Training :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: /ray-overview/images/ray_svg_logo.svg +++ .. link-button:: plot_newsreader :type: ref :text: Implementing a Simple News Reader with Ray :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: images/xgboost_logo.png +++ .. link-button:: dask_xgboost/dask_xgboost :type: ref :text: Train an XGBoost-Ray Model Using Dask for Data Processing :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: images/xgboost_logo.png +++ .. link-button:: modin_xgboost/modin_xgboost :type: ref :text: Train an XGBoost-Ray Model Using Modin for Data Processing :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link Reinforcement Learning Examples ------------------------------- These are simple examples that show you how to leverage Ray Core. For Ray's production-grade reinforcement learning library, see `RLlib `__. .. panels:: :container: container pb-4 full-width :column: col-md-3 px-2 py-2 :img-top-cls: pt-5 w-75 d-block mx-auto --- :img-top: images/pong.png +++ .. link-button:: plot_pong_example :type: ref :text: Learning to Play Pong :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: images/a3c.png +++ .. link-button:: plot_example-a3c :type: ref :text: Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic (A3C) :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link End-to-end Machine Learning Guides ---------------------------------- These are full guides on how you can use Ray with various Machine Learning libraries .. panels:: :container: container pb-4 full-width :column: col-md-3 px-2 py-2 :img-top-cls: pt-5 w-75 d-block mx-auto --- :img-top: images/pytorch_lightning_small.png +++ .. link-button:: using-ray-with-pytorch-lightning :type: ref :text: Using Ray With PyTorch Lightning :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link