import click import json import ray from ray._private.ray_constants import LOG_PREFIX_ACTOR_NAME from ray._private.state_api_test_utils import ( STATE_LIST_LIMIT, StateAPIMetric, aggregate_perf_results, invoke_state_api, GLOBAL_STATE_STATS, ) import ray._private.test_utils as test_utils import tqdm import asyncio import time import os from ray.experimental.state.api import ( get_log, list_actors, list_objects, list_tasks, ) GiB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 MiB = 1024 * 1024 # We set num_cpus to zero because this actor will mostly just block on I/O. @ray.remote(num_cpus=0) class SignalActor: def __init__(self): self.ready_event = asyncio.Event() def send(self, clear=False): self.ready_event.set() if clear: self.ready_event.clear() async def wait(self, should_wait=True): if should_wait: await self.ready_event.wait() def invoke_state_api_n(*args, **kwargs): NUM_API_CALL_SAMPLES = 10 for _ in range(NUM_API_CALL_SAMPLES): invoke_state_api(*args, **kwargs) def test_many_tasks(num_tasks: int): if num_tasks == 0: print("Skipping test with no tasks") return # No running tasks invoke_state_api( lambda res: len(res) == 0, list_tasks, filters=[("name", "=", "pi4_sample()"), ("scheduling_state", "=", "RUNNING")], key_suffix="0", limit=STATE_LIST_LIMIT, ) # Task definition adopted from: # from random import random SAMPLES = 100 @ray.remote def pi4_sample(signal): in_count = 0 for _ in range(SAMPLES): x, y = random(), random() if x * x + y * y <= 1: in_count += 1 # Block on signal ray.get(signal.wait.remote()) return in_count results = [] signal = SignalActor.remote() for _ in tqdm.trange(num_tasks, desc="Launching tasks"): results.append(pi4_sample.remote(signal)) invoke_state_api_n( lambda res: len(res) == num_tasks, list_tasks, filters=[("name", "=", "pi4_sample()")], key_suffix=f"{num_tasks}", limit=STATE_LIST_LIMIT, ) print("Waiting for tasks to finish...") ray.get(signal.send.remote()) ray.get(results) # Clean up # All compute tasks done other than the signal actor invoke_state_api( lambda res: len(res) == 0, list_tasks, filters=[("name", "=", "pi4_sample()"), ("scheduling_state", "=", "RUNNING")], key_suffix="0", limit=STATE_LIST_LIMIT, ) del signal def test_many_actors(num_actors: int): if num_actors == 0: print("Skipping test with no actors") return @ray.remote class TestActor: def running(self): return True def exit(self): actor_class_name = TestActor.__ray_metadata__.class_name invoke_state_api( lambda res: len(res) == 0, list_actors, filters=[("state", "=", "ALIVE"), ("class_name", "=", actor_class_name)], key_suffix="0", limit=STATE_LIST_LIMIT, ) actors = [ TestActor.remote() for _ in tqdm.trange(num_actors, desc="Launching actors...") ] waiting_actors = [actor.running.remote() for actor in actors] print("Waiting for actors to finish...") ray.get(waiting_actors) invoke_state_api_n( lambda res: len(res) == num_actors, list_actors, filters=[("state", "=", "ALIVE"), ("class_name", "=", actor_class_name)], key_suffix=f"{num_actors}", limit=STATE_LIST_LIMIT, ) exiting_actors = [actor.exit.remote() for actor in actors] for _ in tqdm.trange(len(actors), desc="Destroying actors..."): _exitted, exiting_actors = ray.wait(exiting_actors) invoke_state_api( lambda res: len(res) == 0, list_actors, filters=[("state", "=", "ALIVE"), ("class_name", "=", actor_class_name)], key_suffix="0", limit=STATE_LIST_LIMIT, ) def test_many_objects(num_objects, num_actors): if num_objects == 0: print("Skipping test with no objects") return @ray.remote(num_cpus=0.1) class ObjectActor: def __init__(self): self.objs = [] def create_objs(self, num_objects): import os for _ in range(num_objects): # Object size shouldn't matter here. self.objs.append(ray.put(bytearray(os.urandom(1024)))) return self.objs def exit(self): actors = [ ObjectActor.remote() for _ in tqdm.trange(num_actors, desc="Creating actors...") ] # Splitting objects to multiple actors for creation, # credit: def _split(a, n): k, m = divmod(len(a), n) return (a[i * k + min(i, m) : (i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)] for i in range(n)) num_objs_per_actor = [len(objs) for objs in _split(range(num_objects), num_actors)] waiting_actors = [ actor.create_objs.remote(num_objs) for actor, num_objs in zip(actors, num_objs_per_actor) ] total_objs_created = 0 for _ in tqdm.trange(num_actors, desc="Waiting actors to create objects..."): objs, waiting_actors = ray.wait(waiting_actors) total_objs_created += len(ray.get(*objs)) assert ( total_objs_created == num_objects ), "Expect correct number of objects created." invoke_state_api_n( lambda res: len(res) == num_objects, list_objects, filters=[ ("reference_type", "=", "LOCAL_REFERENCE"), ("type", "=", "Worker"), ], key_suffix=f"{num_objects}", limit=STATE_LIST_LIMIT, ) exiting_actors = [actor.exit.remote() for actor in actors] for _ in tqdm.trange(len(actors), desc="Destroying actors..."): _exitted, exiting_actors = ray.wait(exiting_actors) def test_large_log_file(log_file_size_byte: int): if log_file_size_byte == 0: print("Skipping test with 0 log file size") return import sys import string import random import hashlib @ray.remote class LogActor: def write_log(self, log_file_size_byte: int): ctx = hashlib.md5() prefix = f"{LOG_PREFIX_ACTOR_NAME}LogActor\n" ctx.update(prefix.encode()) while log_file_size_byte > 0: n = min(log_file_size_byte, 4 * MiB) chunk = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=n)) sys.stdout.writelines([chunk]) ctx.update(chunk.encode()) log_file_size_byte -= n sys.stdout.flush() return ctx.hexdigest(), ray.get_runtime_context().node_id.hex() actor = LogActor.remote() expected_hash, node_id = ray.get( actor.write_log.remote(log_file_size_byte=log_file_size_byte) ) assert expected_hash is not None, "Empty checksum from the log actor" assert node_id is not None, "Empty node id from the log actor" # Retrieve the log and compare the checksum ctx = hashlib.md5() time_taken = 0 t_start = time.perf_counter() for s in get_log(actor_id=actor._actor_id.hex(), tail=-1): t_end = time.perf_counter() time_taken += t_end - t_start # Not including this time ctx.update(s.encode()) # Only time the iterator's performance t_start = time.perf_counter() assert expected_hash == ctx.hexdigest(), "Mismatch log file" metric = StateAPIMetric(time_taken, log_file_size_byte) GLOBAL_STATE_STATS.calls["get_log"].append(metric) def _parse_input( num_tasks_str: str, num_actors_str: str, num_objects_str: str, log_file_sizes: str ): def _split_to_int(s): tokens = s.split(",") return [int(token) for token in tokens] return ( _split_to_int(num_tasks_str), _split_to_int(num_actors_str), _split_to_int(num_objects_str), _split_to_int(log_file_sizes), ) def no_resource_leaks(): return test_utils.no_resource_leaks_excluding_node_resources() @click.command() @click.option( "--num-tasks", required=False, default="1,100,1000,10000", type=str, help="Number of tasks to launch.", ) @click.option( "--num-actors", required=False, default="1,100,1000,5000", type=str, help="Number of actors to launch.", ) @click.option( "--num-objects", required=False, default="100,1000,10000,50000", type=str, help="Number of actors to launch.", ) @click.option( "--num-actors-for-objects", required=False, default=16, type=int, help="Number of actors to use for object creation.", ) @click.option( "--log-file-size-byte", required=False, default=f"{256*MiB},{1*GiB},{4*GiB}", type=str, help="Number of actors to launch.", ) @click.option( "--smoke-test", is_flag=True, type=bool, default=False, help="If set, it's a smoke test", ) def test( num_tasks, num_actors, num_objects, num_actors_for_objects, log_file_size_byte, smoke_test, ): ray.init(address="auto", log_to_driver=False) if smoke_test: num_tasks = "100" num_actors = "10" num_objects = "100" log_file_size_byte = f"{16*MiB}" # Parse the input num_tasks_arr, num_actors_arr, num_objects_arr, log_file_size_arr = _parse_input( num_tasks, num_actors, num_objects, log_file_size_byte ) test_utils.wait_for_condition(no_resource_leaks) monitor_actor = test_utils.monitor_memory_usage() start_time = time.perf_counter() # Run some long-running tasks for n in num_tasks_arr: print(f"\nRunning with many tasks={n}") test_many_tasks(num_tasks=n) print(f"\ntest_many_tasks({n}) PASS") # Run many actors for n in num_actors_arr: print(f"\nRunning with many actors={n}") test_many_actors(num_actors=n) print(f"\ntest_many_actors({n}) PASS") # Create many objects for n in num_objects_arr: print(f"\nRunning with many objects={n}") test_many_objects(num_objects=n, num_actors=num_actors_for_objects) print(f"\ntest_many_objects({n}) PASS") # Create large logs for n in log_file_size_arr: print(f"\nRunning with large file={n} bytes") test_large_log_file(log_file_size_byte=n) print(f"\ntest_large_log_file({n} bytes) PASS") print("\n\nPASS") end_time = time.perf_counter() # Collect mem usage ray.get(monitor_actor.stop_run.remote()) used_gb, usage = ray.get(monitor_actor.get_peak_memory_info.remote()) print(f"Peak memory usage: {round(used_gb, 2)}GB") print(f"Peak memory usage per processes:\n {usage}") del monitor_actor state_perf_result = aggregate_perf_results() results = { "time": end_time - start_time, "success": "1", "_peak_memory": round(used_gb, 2), "_peak_process_memory": usage, "perf_metrics": [ { "perf_metric_name": "avg_state_api_latency_sec", "perf_metric_value": state_perf_result["avg_state_api_latency_sec"], "perf_metric_type": "LATENCY", } ], } if "TEST_OUTPUT_JSON" in os.environ: out_file = open(os.environ["TEST_OUTPUT_JSON"], "w") json.dump(results, out_file) results.update(state_perf_result) print(json.dumps(results, indent=2)) if __name__ == "__main__": test()