# py_test_module_list creates a py_test target for each # Python file in `files` def py_test_module_list(files, size, deps, extra_srcs, name_suffix="", **kwargs): for file in files: # remove .py name = file[:-3] + name_suffix main = file native.py_test( name = name, size = size, main = file, srcs = extra_srcs + [file], **kwargs ) def py_test_run_all_subdirectory(include, exclude, extra_srcs, **kwargs): for file in native.glob(include = include, exclude = exclude): print(file) basename = file.rpartition("/")[-1] native.py_test( name = basename[:-3], srcs = extra_srcs + [file], **kwargs ) # Runs all included notebooks as py_test targets, by first converting them to .py files with "test_myst_doc.py". def py_test_run_all_notebooks(include, exclude, **kwargs): for file in native.glob(include = include, exclude = exclude): print(file) basename = file.rpartition("/")[-1] native.py_test( name = basename[:-3], main = "test_myst_doc.py", srcs = ["test_myst_doc.py"], args = ["--path", file], **kwargs )