from __future__ import print_function import pickle import unittest import common BASE_SIMPLE_OBJECTS = [ 0, 1, 100000, 0L, 1L, 100000L, 1L << 100, 0.0, 0.5, 0.9, 100000.1, (), [], {}, "", 990 * "h", u"", 990 * u"h" ] LIST_SIMPLE_OBJECTS = [[obj] for obj in BASE_SIMPLE_OBJECTS] TUPLE_SIMPLE_OBJECTS = [(obj,) for obj in BASE_SIMPLE_OBJECTS] DICT_SIMPLE_OBJECTS = [{(): obj} for obj in BASE_SIMPLE_OBJECTS] SIMPLE_OBJECTS = (BASE_SIMPLE_OBJECTS + LIST_SIMPLE_OBJECTS + TUPLE_SIMPLE_OBJECTS + DICT_SIMPLE_OBJECTS) # Create some complex objects that cannot be serialized by value in tasks. l = [] l.append(l) class Foo(object): def __init__(self): pass BASE_COMPLEX_OBJECTS = [999 * "h", 999 * u"h", l, Foo(), 10 * [10 * [10 * [1]]]] LIST_COMPLEX_OBJECTS = [[obj] for obj in BASE_COMPLEX_OBJECTS] TUPLE_COMPLEX_OBJECTS = [(obj,) for obj in BASE_COMPLEX_OBJECTS] DICT_COMPLEX_OBJECTS = [{(): obj} for obj in BASE_COMPLEX_OBJECTS] COMPLEX_OBJECTS = (BASE_COMPLEX_OBJECTS + LIST_COMPLEX_OBJECTS + TUPLE_COMPLEX_OBJECTS + DICT_COMPLEX_OBJECTS) class TestSerialization(unittest.TestCase): def test_serialize_by_value(self): for val in SIMPLE_OBJECTS: self.assertTrue(common.check_simple_value(val)) for val in COMPLEX_OBJECTS: self.assertFalse(common.check_simple_value(val)) class TestObjectID(unittest.TestCase): def test_create_object_id(self): object_id = common.ObjectID(20 * "a") def test_cannot_pickle_object_ids(self): object_ids = [common.ObjectID(20 * chr(i)) for i in range(256)] def f(): return object_ids def g(val=object_ids): return 1 def h(): x = object_ids[0] return 1 # Make sure that object IDs cannot be pickled (including functions that # close over object IDs). self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda : pickling.dumps(object_ids[0])) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda : pickling.dumps(object_ids)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda : pickling.dumps(f)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda : pickling.dumps(g)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda : pickling.dumps(h)) def test_equality_comparisons(self): x1 = common.ObjectID(20 * "a") x2 = common.ObjectID(20 * "a") y1 = common.ObjectID(20 * "b") y2 = common.ObjectID(20 * "b") self.assertEqual(x1, x2) self.assertEqual(y1, y2) self.assertNotEqual(x1, y1) object_ids1 = [common.ObjectID(20 * chr(i)) for i in range(256)] object_ids2 = [common.ObjectID(20 * chr(i)) for i in range(256)] self.assertEqual(len(set(object_ids1)), 256) self.assertEqual(len(set(object_ids1 + object_ids2)), 256) self.assertEqual(set(object_ids1), set(object_ids2)) def test_hashability(self): x = common.ObjectID(20 * "a") y = common.ObjectID(20 * "b") {x: y} set([x, y]) class TestTask(unittest.TestCase): def test_create_task(self): # TODO(rkn): The function ID should be a FunctionID object, not an ObjectID. parent_id = common.ObjectID(20 * "a") function_id = common.ObjectID(20 * "b") object_ids = [common.ObjectID(20 * chr(i)) for i in range(256)] args_list = [ [], 1 * [1], 10 * [1], 100 * [1], 1000 * [1], 1 * ["a"], 10 * ["a"], 100 * ["a"], 1000 * ["a"], [1, 1.3, 2L, 1L << 100, "hi", u"hi", [1, 2]], object_ids[:1], object_ids[:2], object_ids[:3], object_ids[:4], object_ids[:5], object_ids[:10], object_ids[:100], object_ids[:256], [1, object_ids[0]], [object_ids[0], "a"], [1, object_ids[0], "a"], [object_ids[0], 1, object_ids[1], "a"], object_ids[:3] + [1, "hi", 2.3] + object_ids[:5], object_ids + 100 * ["a"] + object_ids ] for args in args_list: for num_return_vals in [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 100]: task = common.Task(function_id, args, num_return_vals, parent_id, 0) self.assertEqual(, task.function_id().id()) retrieved_args = task.arguments() self.assertEqual(num_return_vals, len(task.returns())) self.assertEqual(len(args), len(retrieved_args)) for i in range(len(retrieved_args)): if isinstance(retrieved_args[i], common.ObjectID): self.assertEqual(retrieved_args[i].id(), args[i].id()) else: self.assertEqual(retrieved_args[i], args[i]) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main(verbosity=2)