import sys from setuptools import setup, Extension, find_packages from Cython.Build import cythonize # because of relative paths, this must be run from inside orch/lib/orchpy/ MACOSX = (sys.platform in ['darwin']) setup( name = "orchestra", version = "0.1.dev0", ext_modules = cythonize([ Extension("orchpy/worker", include_dirs = ["../../src", "/usr/local/include/"], sources = ["orchpy/worker.pyx"], extra_link_args=["-Iorchpy -lorchlib"], language = "c++"), Extension("orchpy/unison", include_dirs = ["../../src/", "/usr/local/include/"], sources = ["orchpy/unison.pyx"], extra_link_args=["-Iorchpy -lorchlib"], language = "c++")], compiler_directives={'language_level': 2}), # switch to 3 for python 3 use_2to3=True, packages=find_packages(), package_data = { 'orchpy': ['liborchlib.dylib' if MACOSX else '', 'scheduler_server', 'objstore'] }, zip_safe=False )