"""Implements Distributed Prioritized Experience Replay. https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.00933""" import collections import logging import numpy as np import os import random from six.moves import queue import threading import time import ray from ray.exceptions import RayError from ray.util.iter import ParallelIteratorWorker from ray.rllib.evaluation.metrics import get_learner_stats from ray.rllib.policy.policy import LEARNER_STATS_KEY from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch, DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, \ MultiAgentBatch from ray.rllib.optimizers.policy_optimizer import PolicyOptimizer from ray.rllib.optimizers.replay_buffer import PrioritizedReplayBuffer from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override from ray.rllib.utils.actors import TaskPool, create_colocated from ray.rllib.utils.memory import ray_get_and_free from ray.rllib.utils.timer import TimerStat from ray.rllib.utils.window_stat import WindowStat SAMPLE_QUEUE_DEPTH = 2 REPLAY_QUEUE_DEPTH = 4 LEARNER_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE = 16 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AsyncReplayOptimizer(PolicyOptimizer): """Main event loop of the Ape-X optimizer (async sampling with replay). This class coordinates the data transfers between the learner thread, remote workers (Ape-X actors), and replay buffer actors. This has two modes of operation: - normal replay: replays independent samples. - batch replay: simplified mode where entire sample batches are replayed. This supports RNNs, but not prioritization. This optimizer requires that rollout workers return an additional "td_error" array in the info return of compute_gradients(). This error term will be used for sample prioritization.""" def __init__(self, workers, learning_starts=1000, buffer_size=10000, prioritized_replay=True, prioritized_replay_alpha=0.6, prioritized_replay_beta=0.4, prioritized_replay_eps=1e-6, train_batch_size=512, rollout_fragment_length=50, num_replay_buffer_shards=1, max_weight_sync_delay=400, debug=False, batch_replay=False): """Initialize an async replay optimizer. Arguments: workers (WorkerSet): all workers learning_starts (int): wait until this many steps have been sampled before starting optimization. buffer_size (int): max size of the replay buffer prioritized_replay (bool): whether to enable prioritized replay prioritized_replay_alpha (float): replay alpha hyperparameter prioritized_replay_beta (float): replay beta hyperparameter prioritized_replay_eps (float): replay eps hyperparameter train_batch_size (int): size of batches to learn on rollout_fragment_length (int): size of batches to sample from workers. num_replay_buffer_shards (int): number of actors to use to store replay samples max_weight_sync_delay (int): update the weights of a rollout worker after collecting this number of timesteps from it debug (bool): return extra debug stats batch_replay (bool): replay entire sequential batches of experiences instead of sampling steps individually """ PolicyOptimizer.__init__(self, workers) self.debug = debug self.batch_replay = batch_replay self.replay_starts = learning_starts self.prioritized_replay_beta = prioritized_replay_beta self.prioritized_replay_eps = prioritized_replay_eps self.max_weight_sync_delay = max_weight_sync_delay self.learner = LearnerThread(self.workers.local_worker()) self.learner.start() if self.batch_replay: replay_cls = BatchReplayActor else: replay_cls = ReplayActor self.replay_actors = create_colocated(replay_cls, [ num_replay_buffer_shards, learning_starts, buffer_size, train_batch_size, prioritized_replay_alpha, prioritized_replay_beta, prioritized_replay_eps, ], num_replay_buffer_shards) # Stats self.timers = { k: TimerStat() for k in [ "put_weights", "get_samples", "sample_processing", "replay_processing", "update_priorities", "train", "sample" ] } self.num_weight_syncs = 0 self.num_samples_dropped = 0 self.learning_started = False # Number of worker steps since the last weight update self.steps_since_update = {} # Otherwise kick of replay tasks for local gradient updates self.replay_tasks = TaskPool() for ra in self.replay_actors: for _ in range(REPLAY_QUEUE_DEPTH): self.replay_tasks.add(ra, ra.replay.remote()) # Kick off async background sampling self.sample_tasks = TaskPool() if self.workers.remote_workers(): self._set_workers(self.workers.remote_workers()) @override(PolicyOptimizer) def step(self): assert self.learner.is_alive() assert len(self.workers.remote_workers()) > 0 start = time.time() sample_timesteps, train_timesteps = self._step() time_delta = time.time() - start self.timers["sample"].push(time_delta) self.timers["sample"].push_units_processed(sample_timesteps) if train_timesteps > 0: self.learning_started = True if self.learning_started: self.timers["train"].push(time_delta) self.timers["train"].push_units_processed(train_timesteps) self.num_steps_sampled += sample_timesteps self.num_steps_trained += train_timesteps @override(PolicyOptimizer) def stop(self): for r in self.replay_actors: r.__ray_terminate__.remote() self.learner.stopped = True @override(PolicyOptimizer) def reset(self, remote_workers): self.workers.reset(remote_workers) self.sample_tasks.reset_workers(remote_workers) @override(PolicyOptimizer) def stats(self): replay_stats = ray_get_and_free(self.replay_actors[0].stats.remote( self.debug)) timing = { "{}_time_ms".format(k): round(1000 * self.timers[k].mean, 3) for k in self.timers } timing["learner_grad_time_ms"] = round( 1000 * self.learner.grad_timer.mean, 3) timing["learner_dequeue_time_ms"] = round( 1000 * self.learner.queue_timer.mean, 3) stats = { "sample_throughput": round(self.timers["sample"].mean_throughput, 3), "train_throughput": round(self.timers["train"].mean_throughput, 3), "num_weight_syncs": self.num_weight_syncs, "num_samples_dropped": self.num_samples_dropped, "learner_queue": self.learner.learner_queue_size.stats(), "replay_shard_0": replay_stats, } debug_stats = { "timing_breakdown": timing, "pending_sample_tasks": self.sample_tasks.count, "pending_replay_tasks": self.replay_tasks.count, } if self.debug: stats.update(debug_stats) if self.learner.stats: stats["learner"] = self.learner.stats return dict(PolicyOptimizer.stats(self), **stats) # For https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/2541 only def _set_workers(self, remote_workers): self.workers.reset(remote_workers) weights = self.workers.local_worker().get_weights() for ev in self.workers.remote_workers(): ev.set_weights.remote(weights) self.steps_since_update[ev] = 0 for _ in range(SAMPLE_QUEUE_DEPTH): self.sample_tasks.add(ev, ev.sample_with_count.remote()) def _step(self): sample_timesteps, train_timesteps = 0, 0 weights = None with self.timers["sample_processing"]: completed = list(self.sample_tasks.completed()) # First try a batched ray.get(). ray_error = None try: counts = { i: v for i, v in enumerate( ray_get_and_free([c[1][1] for c in completed])) } # If there are failed workers, try to recover the still good ones # (via non-batched ray.get()) and store the first error (to raise # later). except RayError: counts = {} for i, c in enumerate(completed): try: counts[i] = ray_get_and_free(c[1][1]) except RayError as e: logger.exception( "Error in completed task: {}".format(e)) ray_error = ray_error if ray_error is not None else e for i, (ev, (sample_batch, count)) in enumerate(completed): # Skip failed tasks. if i not in counts: continue sample_timesteps += counts[i] # Send the data to the replay buffer random.choice( self.replay_actors).add_batch.remote(sample_batch) # Update weights if needed. self.steps_since_update[ev] += counts[i] if self.steps_since_update[ev] >= self.max_weight_sync_delay: # Note that it's important to pull new weights once # updated to avoid excessive correlation between actors. if weights is None or self.learner.weights_updated: self.learner.weights_updated = False with self.timers["put_weights"]: weights = ray.put( self.workers.local_worker().get_weights()) ev.set_weights.remote(weights) self.num_weight_syncs += 1 self.steps_since_update[ev] = 0 # Kick off another sample request. self.sample_tasks.add(ev, ev.sample_with_count.remote()) # Now that all still good tasks have been kicked off again, # we can throw the error. if ray_error: raise ray_error with self.timers["replay_processing"]: for ra, replay in self.replay_tasks.completed(): self.replay_tasks.add(ra, ra.replay.remote()) if self.learner.inqueue.full(): self.num_samples_dropped += 1 else: with self.timers["get_samples"]: samples = ray_get_and_free(replay) # Defensive copy against plasma crashes, see #2610 #3452 self.learner.inqueue.put((ra, samples and samples.copy())) with self.timers["update_priorities"]: while not self.learner.outqueue.empty(): ra, prio_dict, count = self.learner.outqueue.get() ra.update_priorities.remote(prio_dict) train_timesteps += count return sample_timesteps, train_timesteps # TODO(ekl) move this class to common class LocalReplayBuffer(ParallelIteratorWorker): """A replay buffer shard. Ray actors are single-threaded, so for scalability multiple replay actors may be created to increase parallelism.""" def __init__(self, num_shards, learning_starts, buffer_size, replay_batch_size, prioritized_replay_alpha, prioritized_replay_beta, prioritized_replay_eps): self.replay_starts = learning_starts // num_shards self.buffer_size = buffer_size // num_shards self.replay_batch_size = replay_batch_size self.prioritized_replay_beta = prioritized_replay_beta self.prioritized_replay_eps = prioritized_replay_eps def gen_replay(): while True: yield self.replay() ParallelIteratorWorker.__init__(self, gen_replay, False) def new_buffer(): return PrioritizedReplayBuffer( self.buffer_size, alpha=prioritized_replay_alpha) self.replay_buffers = collections.defaultdict(new_buffer) # Metrics self.add_batch_timer = TimerStat() self.replay_timer = TimerStat() self.update_priorities_timer = TimerStat() self.num_added = 0 def get_host(self): return os.uname()[1] def add_batch(self, batch): # Make a copy so the replay buffer doesn't pin plasma memory. batch = batch.copy() # Handle everything as if multiagent if isinstance(batch, SampleBatch): batch = MultiAgentBatch({DEFAULT_POLICY_ID: batch}, batch.count) with self.add_batch_timer: for policy_id, s in batch.policy_batches.items(): for row in s.rows(): self.replay_buffers[policy_id].add( row["obs"], row["actions"], row["rewards"], row["new_obs"], row["dones"], row["weights"] if "weights" in row else None) self.num_added += batch.count def replay(self): if self.num_added < self.replay_starts: return None with self.replay_timer: samples = {} for policy_id, replay_buffer in self.replay_buffers.items(): (obses_t, actions, rewards, obses_tp1, dones, weights, batch_indexes) = replay_buffer.sample( self.replay_batch_size, beta=self.prioritized_replay_beta) samples[policy_id] = SampleBatch({ "obs": obses_t, "actions": actions, "rewards": rewards, "new_obs": obses_tp1, "dones": dones, "weights": weights, "batch_indexes": batch_indexes }) return MultiAgentBatch(samples, self.replay_batch_size) def update_priorities(self, prio_dict): with self.update_priorities_timer: for policy_id, (batch_indexes, td_errors) in prio_dict.items(): new_priorities = ( np.abs(td_errors) + self.prioritized_replay_eps) self.replay_buffers[policy_id].update_priorities( batch_indexes, new_priorities) def stats(self, debug=False): stat = { "add_batch_time_ms": round(1000 * self.add_batch_timer.mean, 3), "replay_time_ms": round(1000 * self.replay_timer.mean, 3), "update_priorities_time_ms": round( 1000 * self.update_priorities_timer.mean, 3), } for policy_id, replay_buffer in self.replay_buffers.items(): stat.update({ "policy_{}".format(policy_id): replay_buffer.stats(debug=debug) }) return stat ReplayActor = ray.remote(num_cpus=0)(LocalReplayBuffer) # TODO(ekl) move this class to common # note: we set num_cpus=0 to avoid failing to create replay actors when # resources are fragmented. This isn't ideal. class LocalBatchReplayBuffer(LocalReplayBuffer): """The batch replay version of the replay actor. This allows for RNN models, but ignores prioritization params. """ def __init__(self, num_shards, learning_starts, buffer_size, train_batch_size, prioritized_replay_alpha, prioritized_replay_beta, prioritized_replay_eps): self.replay_starts = learning_starts // num_shards self.buffer_size = buffer_size // num_shards self.train_batch_size = train_batch_size self.buffer = [] # Metrics self.num_added = 0 self.cur_size = 0 def add_batch(self, batch): # Handle everything as if multiagent if isinstance(batch, SampleBatch): batch = MultiAgentBatch({DEFAULT_POLICY_ID: batch}, batch.count) self.buffer.append(batch) self.cur_size += batch.count self.num_added += batch.count while self.cur_size > self.buffer_size: self.cur_size -= self.buffer.pop(0).count def replay(self): if self.num_added < self.replay_starts: return None return random.choice(self.buffer) def update_priorities(self, prio_dict): pass def stats(self, debug=False): stat = { "cur_size": self.cur_size, "num_added": self.num_added, } return stat BatchReplayActor = ray.remote(num_cpus=0)(LocalBatchReplayBuffer) class LearnerThread(threading.Thread): """Background thread that updates the local model from replay data. The learner thread communicates with the main thread through Queues. This is needed since Ray operations can only be run on the main thread. In addition, moving heavyweight gradient ops session runs off the main thread improves overall throughput. """ def __init__(self, local_worker): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.learner_queue_size = WindowStat("size", 50) self.local_worker = local_worker self.inqueue = queue.Queue(maxsize=LEARNER_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE) self.outqueue = queue.Queue() self.queue_timer = TimerStat() self.grad_timer = TimerStat() self.overall_timer = TimerStat() self.daemon = True self.weights_updated = False self.stopped = False self.stats = {} def run(self): while not self.stopped: self.step() def step(self): with self.overall_timer: with self.queue_timer: ra, replay = self.inqueue.get() if replay is not None: prio_dict = {} with self.grad_timer: grad_out = self.local_worker.learn_on_batch(replay) for pid, info in grad_out.items(): td_error = info.get( "td_error", info[LEARNER_STATS_KEY].get("td_error")) prio_dict[pid] = (replay.policy_batches[pid].data.get( "batch_indexes"), td_error) self.stats[pid] = get_learner_stats(info) self.grad_timer.push_units_processed(replay.count) self.outqueue.put((ra, prio_dict, replay.count)) self.learner_queue_size.push(self.inqueue.qsize()) self.weights_updated = True self.overall_timer.push_units_processed(replay and replay.count or 0)