import numpy as np import gym from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import PublicAPI @PublicAPI class Simplex(gym.Space): """Represents a d - 1 dimensional Simplex in R^d. That is, all coordinates are in [0, 1] and sum to 1. The dimension d of the simplex is assumed to be shape[-1]. Additionally one can specify the underlying distribution of the simplex as a Dirichlet distribution by providing concentration parameters. By default, sampling is uniform, i.e. concentration is all 1s. Example usage: self.action_space = spaces.Simplex(shape=(3, 4)) --> 3 independent 4d Dirichlet with uniform concentration """ def __init__(self, shape, concentration=None, dtype=np.float32): assert type(shape) in [tuple, list] super().__init__(shape, dtype) self.dim = self.shape[-1] if concentration is not None: assert concentration.shape == shape[:-1] else: self.concentration = [1] * self.dim def sample(self): return np.random.dirichlet( self.concentration, size=self.shape[:-1]).astype(self.dtype) def contains(self, x): return x.shape == self.shape and np.allclose( np.sum(x, axis=-1), np.ones_like(x[..., 0])) def to_jsonable(self, sample_n): return np.array(sample_n).tolist() def from_jsonable(self, sample_n): return [np.asarray(sample) for sample in sample_n] def __repr__(self): return "Simplex({}; {})".format(self.shape, self.concentration) def __eq__(self, other): return np.allclose(self.concentration, other.concentration) and self.shape == other.shape