.. _sgd-v2-examples: Ray Train Examples ================== .. Example .rst files should be organized in the same manner as the .py files in ray/python/ray/train/examples. Below are examples for using Ray Train with a variety of models, frameworks, and use cases. General Examples ---------------- PyTorch ~~~~~~~ * :doc:`/train/examples/train_linear_example`: Simple example for PyTorch. * :doc:`/train/examples/train_fashion_mnist_example`: End-to-end example for PyTorch. * :doc:`/train/examples/transformers/transformers_example`: End-to-end example for HuggingFace Transformers (PyTorch). TensorFlow ~~~~~~~~~~ * :doc:`/train/examples/tensorflow_mnist_example`: End-to-end example for TensorFlow Horovod ~~~~~~~ * :doc:`/train/examples/horovod/horovod_example`: End-to-end example for Horovod (with PyTorch) .. TODO * :doc:`/train/examples/TODO`: Simple example for TensorFlow * :doc:`/train/examples/TODO`: Simple example for Horovod (with TensorFlow) Logger/Callback Examples ------------------------ * :doc:`/train/examples/mlflow_fashion_mnist_example`: Example for logging training to MLflow via the ``MLflowLoggerCallback`` Ray Datasets Integration Examples --------------------------------- * :doc:`/train/examples/tensorflow_linear_dataset_example`: Simple example for training a linear TensorFlow model. * :doc:`/train/examples/train_linear_dataset_example`: Simple example for training a linear PyTorch model. * :doc:`/train/examples/tune_linear_dataset_example`: Simple example for tuning a linear PyTorch model. Ray Tune Integration Examples ----------------------------- * :doc:`/train/examples/tune_linear_example`: Simple example for tuning a PyTorch model. * :doc:`/train/examples/tune_tensorflow_mnist_example`: End-to-end example for tuning a TensorFlow model. * :doc:`/train/examples/tune_cifar_pytorch_pbt_example`: End-to-end example for tuning a PyTorch model with PBT. .. TODO implement these examples! Features -------- * Example for using a custom callback * End-to-end example for running on an elastic cluster (elastic training) Models ------ * Example training on Vision model.