from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override from ray.rllib.utils.exploration.gaussian_noise import GaussianNoise from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf, try_import_torch, \ get_variable tf = try_import_tf() torch, _ = try_import_torch() class OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise(GaussianNoise): """An exploration that adds Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise to continuous actions. If explore=True, returns sampled actions plus a noise term X, which changes according to this formula: Xt+1 = -theta*Xt + sigma*N[0,stddev], where theta, sigma and stddev are constants. Also, some completely random period is possible at the beginning. If explore=False, returns the deterministic action. """ def __init__(self, action_space, *, ou_theta=0.15, ou_sigma=0.2, ou_base_scale=0.1, random_timesteps=1000, initial_scale=1.0, final_scale=0.02, scale_timesteps=10000, scale_schedule=None, framework="tf", **kwargs): """Initializes an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Exploration object. Args: action_space (Space): The gym action space used by the environment. ou_theta (float): The theta parameter of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. ou_sigma (float): The sigma parameter of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. ou_base_scale (float): A fixed scaling factor, by which all OU- noise is multiplied. NOTE: This is on top of the parent GaussianNoise's scaling. random_timesteps (int): The number of timesteps for which to act completely randomly. Only after this number of timesteps, the `self.scale` annealing process will start (see below). initial_scale (float): The initial scaling weight to multiply the noise with. final_scale (float): The final scaling weight to multiply the noise with. scale_timesteps (int): The timesteps over which to linearly anneal the scaling factor (after(!) having used random actions for `random_timesteps` steps. scale_schedule (Optional[Schedule]): An optional Schedule object to use (instead of constructing one from the given parameters). framework (Optional[str]): One of None, "tf", "torch". """ super().__init__( action_space, random_timesteps=random_timesteps, initial_scale=initial_scale, final_scale=final_scale, scale_timesteps=scale_timesteps, scale_schedule=scale_schedule, stddev=1.0, # Force `self.stddev` to 1.0. framework=framework, **kwargs) self.ou_theta = ou_theta self.ou_sigma = ou_sigma self.ou_base_scale = ou_base_scale # The current OU-state value (gets updated each time, an eploration # action is computed). self.ou_state = get_variable( self.action_space.low.size * [.0], framework=self.framework, tf_name="ou_state") @override(GaussianNoise) def _get_tf_exploration_action_op(self, action_dist, explore, timestep): ts = timestep if timestep is not None else self.last_timestep scale = self.scale_schedule(ts) # The deterministic actions (if explore=False). deterministic_actions = action_dist.deterministic_sample() # Apply base-scaled and time-annealed scaled OU-noise to # deterministic actions. gaussian_sample = tf.random_normal( shape=[self.action_space.low.size], stddev=self.stddev) ou_new = self.ou_theta * -self.ou_state + \ self.ou_sigma * gaussian_sample ou_state_new = tf.assign_add(self.ou_state, ou_new) noise = scale * self.ou_base_scale * ou_state_new * \ (self.action_space.high - self.action_space.low) stochastic_actions = tf.clip_by_value( deterministic_actions + noise, self.action_space.low * tf.ones_like(deterministic_actions), self.action_space.high * tf.ones_like(deterministic_actions)) # Stochastic actions could either be: random OR action + noise. random_actions, _ = \ self.random_exploration.get_tf_exploration_action_op( action_dist, explore) exploration_actions = tf.cond( pred=ts <= self.random_timesteps, true_fn=lambda: random_actions, false_fn=lambda: stochastic_actions) # Chose by `explore` (main exploration switch). action = tf.cond( pred=tf.constant(explore, dtype=tf.bool) if isinstance(explore, bool) else explore, true_fn=lambda: exploration_actions, false_fn=lambda: deterministic_actions) # Logp=always zero. batch_size = tf.shape(deterministic_actions)[0] logp = tf.zeros(shape=(batch_size, ), dtype=tf.float32) # Increment `last_timestep` by 1 (or set to `timestep`). assign_op = \ tf.assign_add(self.last_timestep, 1) if timestep is None else \ tf.assign(self.last_timestep, timestep) with tf.control_dependencies([assign_op, ou_state_new]): return action, logp @override(GaussianNoise) def _get_torch_exploration_action(self, action_dist, explore, timestep): # Set last timestep or (if not given) increase by one. self.last_timestep = timestep if timestep is not None else \ self.last_timestep + 1 # Apply exploration. if explore: # Random exploration phase. if self.last_timestep <= self.random_timesteps: action = self.random_exploration.get_torch_exploration_action( action_dist, True) # Apply base-scaled and time-annealed scaled OU-noise to # deterministic actions. else: det_actions = action_dist.deterministic_sample() scale = self.scale_schedule(self.last_timestep) gaussian_sample = scale * torch.normal( mean=0.0, stddev=1.0, size=det_actions.size()) ou_new = self.ou_theta * -self.ou_state + \ self.ou_sigma * gaussian_sample self.ou_state += ou_new noise = scale * self.ou_base_scale * self.ou_state * \ (self.action_space.high - self.action_space.low) action = torch.clamp( det_actions + noise, self.action_space.low * torch.ones_like(det_actions), self.action_space.high * torch.ones_like(det_actions)) # No exploration -> Return deterministic actions. else: action = action_dist.deterministic_sample() # Logp=always zero. logp = torch.zeros(shape=(action.size()[0], ), dtype=torch.float32) return action, logp