RLLib: Ray's scalable reinforcement learning library ==================================================== This document describes Ray's reinforcement learning library. It currently supports the following algorithms: - `Proximal Policy Optimization `__ which is a proximal variant of `TRPO `__. - Evolution Strategies which is decribed in `this paper `__. Our implementation borrows code from `here `__. - `The Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic `__ based on `the OpenAI starter agent `__. Proximal Policy Optimization scales to hundreds of cores and several GPUs, Evolution Strategies to clusters with thousands of cores and the Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic scales to dozens of cores on a single node. These algorithms can be run on any OpenAI gym MDP, including custom ones written and registered by the user. Getting Started --------------- You can run training with :: python ray/python/ray/rllib/train.py --env CartPole-v0 --alg PPO --config '{"timesteps_per_batch": 10000}' By default, the results will be logged to a subdirectory of ``/tmp/ray``. This subdirectory will contain a file ``config.json`` which contains the hyperparameters, a file ``result.json`` which contains a training summary for each episode and a TensorBoard file that can be used to visualize training process with TensorBoard by running :: tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/ray The ``train.py`` script has a number of options you can show by running :: python ray/python/ray/rllib/train.py --help The most important options are for choosing the environment with ``--env`` (any OpenAI gym environment including ones registered by the user can be used) and for choosing the algorithm with ``--alg`` (available options are ``PPO``, ``A3C``, ``ES`` and ``DQN``). Each algorithm has specific hyperparameters that can be set with ``--config``, see the ``DEFAULT_CONFIG`` variable in `PPO `__, `A3C `__, `ES `__ and `DQN `__. Examples -------- Some good hyperparameters and settings are available in `the repository `__ (some of them are tuned to run on GPUs). If you find better settings or tune an algorithm on a different domain, consider submitting a Pull Request! The User API ------------ You will be using this part of the API if you run the existing algorithms on a new problem. Note that the API is not considered to be stable yet. Here is an example how to use it: :: import ray import ray.rllib.ppo as ppo ray.init() config = ppo.DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy() alg = ppo.PPOAgent("CartPole-v1", config) # Can optionally call alg.restore(path) to load a checkpoint. for i in range(10): # Perform one iteration of the algorithm. result = alg.train() print("result: {}".format(result)) print("checkpoint saved at path: {}".format(alg.save())) Custom Environments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To train against a custom environment, i.e. one not in the gym catalog, you can pass a function that returns an env instead of an env id. For example: :: env_creator = lambda: create_my_env() alg = ppo.PPOAgent(env_creator, config) The Developer API ----------------- This part of the API will be useful if you need to change existing RL algorithms or implement new ones. Note that the API is not considered to be stable yet. Agents ~~~~~~ Agents implement a particular algorithm and can be used to run some number of iterations of the algorithm, save and load the state of training and evaluate the current policy. All agents inherit from a common base class: .. autoclass:: ray.rllib.agent.Agent :members: Models ~~~~~~ Models are subclasses of the Model class: .. autoclass:: ray.rllib.models.Model Currently we support fully connected policies, convolutional policies and LSTMs: .. autofunction:: ray.rllib.models.FullyConnectedNetwork .. autofunction:: ray.rllib.models.ConvolutionalNetwork .. autofunction:: ray.rllib.models.LSTM Action Distributions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Actions can be sampled from different distributions, they have a common base class: .. autoclass:: ray.rllib.models.ActionDistribution :members: Currently we support the following action distributions: .. autofunction:: ray.rllib.models.Categorical .. autofunction:: ray.rllib.models.DiagGaussian .. autofunction:: ray.rllib.models.Deterministic The Model Catalog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To make picking the right action distribution and models easier, there is a mechanism to pick good default values for various gym environments. .. autoclass:: ray.rllib.models.ModelCatalog :members: Using RLLib on a cluster ------------------------ First create a cluster as described in `managing a cluster with parallel ssh`_. You can then run RLLib on this cluster by passing the address of the main redis shard into ``train.py`` with ``--redis-address``. .. _`managing a cluster with parallel ssh`: http://ray.readthedocs.io/en/latest/using-ray-on-a-large-cluster.html