INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 622 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 623 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 624 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 625 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 626 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 627 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 628 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 629 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 630 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 631 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 632 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 633 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 634 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 635 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 636 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 637 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 638 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 639 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 640 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 641 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 642 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 643 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 644 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 645 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 646 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 647 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 648 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 649 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 650 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 651 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 652 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 653 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 654 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 655 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 656 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 657 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 658 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 659 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 660 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 661 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 662 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 663 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 664 INFO:__main__:remove_group iteration 665 2021-08-25 00:24:46,958 WARNING -- WARNING: 8 PYTHON worker processes have been started on node: 4bc8d5ab28cef16a5ad3d30c4502a260d1e1df3d588225a348183a5b with address: This could be a result of using a large number of actors, or due to tasks blocked in ray.get() calls (see for some discussion of workarounds). 2021-08-25 00:24:48,990 WARNING -- WARNING: 10 PYTHON worker processes have been started on node: 4bc8d5ab28cef16a5ad3d30c4502a260d1e1df3d588225a348183a5b with address: This could be a result of using a large number of actors, or due to tasks blocked in ray.get() calls (see for some discussion of workarounds). 2021-08-25 00:24:50,791 WARNING -- WARNING: 12 PYTHON worker processes have been started on node: 4bc8d5ab28cef16a5ad3d30c4502a260d1e1df3d588225a348183a5b with address: This could be a result of using a large number of actors, or due to tasks blocked in ray.get() calls (see for some discussion of workarounds). Avg placement group creating time: 0.6881522147153959 ms Avg placement group removing time: 4.041917145644407 ms PASSED.