The original link doesn't exist.
I fixed it by linking the raw github file link. This should have the exactly same flow as before. I tried finding a link to this image file, but I couldn't. I also couldn't find an easy way to add only a link (without embedding an image). Please lmk if you prefer other option
The package "ml" should be renamed to "air".
Main question: Keep a `` with `from ray.air import *` for some level of backwards compatibility?
I'd go for no to force people to use the new structure.
What: This class adds a generic BatchPredictor class that offers an interface to run batch inference on Ray datasets. It takes a Predictor class and checkpoint as an input, and provides a predict(dataset) method to run scalable scoring inference.
Why: Currently users have to implement scorers themselves. This is mostly boilerplate and prone to errors, so we should provide a simple solution instead.
Note that this predictor also implements the Predictor interface.