C++ API need to call python and java worker, this pr support call python worker. Call python worker is similar with call c++ worker, need to pass PyFunction, PyActorClass and PyActorMethod.
## call python normal task
import ray
def py_return_input(v):
return v
c++ api call python function
auto py_obj1 = ray::Task(ray::PyFunction</*ReturnType*/int>{/*module_name=*/"test_cross_language_invocation",
EXPECT_EQ(42, *py_obj1.Get());
The user need to fill python module name and function name, then pass arguments into the remote.
The user also need to assign the return type and arguments types of the python function, it used to do static safe checking and get result.
## call python actor task
class Counter(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = int(value)
def increase(self, delta):
self.value += int(delta)
return str(self.value)
c++ api call python actor function
// Create python actor
auto py_actor_handle =
ray::Actor(ray::PyActorClass{/*module_name=*/"test_cross_language_invocation", /*class_name=*/"Counter"})
// Call python actor task
auto py_actor_ret =
EXPECT_EQ("2", *py_actor_ret.Get());
The user need to fill python module name and class name when creating python actor.
PyActorMethod only need to fill the function name.
It's also similar with calling c++ actor task, also has compile-time safe checking.
* Update build rules and patches for darwin_arm64 platform.
Changes include:
Update nelhage/rules_boost package from current version (08/5/2020) to 5/27/2021 version.
Remove rules_boost-undefine-boost_fallthrough.patch, since BOOST_FALLTHROUGH seems to be defined now.
Minor changes to rules_boost-windows-linkopts.patch to use default condition to add -lpthread flag for all platforms.
Add darwin_arm64 config to BUILD files for lib civetweb pulled in via prometheu dependency.
* upgrade boost to 1.74.0 from 1.71.0 to match the udpated build file for windows.
* Fix ray_cpp_pkg
* Use boost/bind/bind.hpp
boost/bind.hpp and global namespace placeholders are deprecated.
* lint
* Use absl::bind_front when possible. Otherwise, NOLINT
* lint
* lint
* lint
* lint
* more lint
* final lint
* trigger build