* Test examples for pep8 compliance.
* Make rl_pong example pep8 compliant.
* Make policy gradient example pep8 compliant.
* Make lbfgs example pep8 compliant.
* Make hyperopt example pep8 compliant.
* Make a3c example pep8 compliant.
* Make evolution strategies example pep8 compliant.
* Make resnet example pep8 compliant.
* Fix.
* Remove start_ray_local from ray.init and change default number of workers to 10.
* Remove alexnet example.
* Move array methods to experimental.
* Remove TRPO example.
* Remove old files.
* Compile plasma when we build numbuf.
* Address comments.
* Updated code to mesh with get_weights returning a dict and new tf code
* Added tf.global_variables_initalizer to hyperopt example as well
* Small fix.
* Small name change.
* Update documentation for serialization.
* Update documentation for reusable variables.
* Update documentation for using Ray with TensorFlow. This change is to allow code blocks to be copied and pasted into a Python interpreter.
* Fix documentation for hyperparameter optimization example.
* Re-implemented select, changed name to wait
* Changed tests for select to tests for wait
* Updated the hyperopt example to match wait
* Small fixes and improve example readme.
* Make tests pass.