Ray SGD v1 has been denoted as a deprecated API for a while. This PR fully deprecates Ray SGD v1. An error will be raised if ray.util.sgd package is attempted to be imported.
Continuing docs overhaul, tune now has:
- [x] better landing page
- [x] a getting started guide
- [x] user guide was cut down, partially merged with FAQ, and partially integrated with tutorials
- [x] the new user guide contains guides to tune features and practical integrations
- [x] we rewrote some of the feature guides for clarity
- [x] we got rid of sphinx-gallery for this sub-project (only data and core left), as it looks bad and is unnecessarily complicated anyway (plus, makes the build slower)
- [x] sphinx-gallery examples are now moved to markdown notebook, as started in #22030.
- [x] Examples are tested in the new framework, of course.
There's still a lot one can do, but this is already getting too large. Will follow up with more fine-tuning next week.
Co-authored-by: Antoni Baum <antoni.baum@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Kai Fricke <krfricke@users.noreply.github.com>