Creates a zip of session_latest dir with test name and timestamp upon python test failure. Writes to dir specified by env var `RAY_TEST_FAILURE_LOGS_DIR`. Noop if env var does not exist.
Downstream consumer (e.g. CI) can upload all created artifacts in this dir. Thereby, PR submitters can more easily debug their CI failures, especially if they can't repro locally.
- a file importing the main ray needs to be present in same dir as test. This presents a challenge for e.g. dashboard tests which are highly scattered
Clean up the ci/ directory. This means getting rid of the travis/ path completely and moving the files into sensible subdirectories.
- Moves everything under ci/travis into subdirectories, e.g. ci/build, ci/lint, etc.
- Minor adjustments to some scripts (variable renames)
- Removes the outdated (unused) asan tests