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+layout: post
+title: "Fast Python Serialization with Ray and Apache Arrow"
+excerpt: "This post describes How serialization works in Ray."
+date: 2017-10-15 14:00:00
+author: Philipp Moritz, Robert Nishihara
+This post elaborates on the integration between [Ray][1] and [Apache Arrow][2].
+The main problem this addresses is [data serialization][3].
+From [Wikipedia][3], **serialization** is
+> ... the process of translating data structures or object state into a format
+> that can be stored ... or transmitted ... and reconstructed later (possibly
+> in a different computer environment).
+Why is any translation necessary? Well, when you create a Python object, it may
+have pointers to other Python objects, and these objects are all allocated in
+different regions of memory, and all of this has to make sense when unpacked by
+another process on another machine.
+Serialization and deserialization are **bottlenecks in parallel and distributed
+computing**, especially in machine learning applications with large objects and
+large quantities of data.
+## Design Goals
+As Ray is optimized for machine learning and AI applications, we have focused a
+lot on serialization and data handling, with the following design goals:
+1. It should be very efficient with **large numerical data** (this includes
+NumPy arrays and Pandas DataFrames, as well as objects that recursively contain
+Numpy arrays and Pandas DataFrames).
+2. It should be about as fast as Pickle for **general Python types**.
+3. It should be compatible with **shared memory**, allowing multiple processes
+to use the same data without copying it.
+4. **Deserialization** should be extremely fast (when possible, it should not
+require reading the entire serialized object).
+5. It should be **language independent** (eventually we'd like to enable Python
+workers to use objects created by workers in Java or other languages and vice
+## Our Approach and Alternatives
+The go-to serialization approach in Python is the **pickle** module. Pickle is
+very general, especially if you use variants like [cloudpickle][4]. However, it
+does not satisfy requirements 1, 3, 4, or 5. Alternatives like **json** satisfy
+5, but not 1-4.
+**Our Approach:** To satisfy requirements 1-5, we chose to use the
+[Apache Arrow][2] format as our underlying data representation. In collaboration
+with the Apache Arrow team, we built [libraries][7] for mapping general Python
+objects to and from the Arrow format. Some properties of this approach:
+- The data layout is language independent (requirement 5).
+- Offsets into a serialized data blob can be computed in constant time without
+reading the full object (requirements 1 and 4).
+- Arrow supports **zero-copy reads**, so objects can naturally be stored in
+shared memory and used by multiple processes (requirements 1 and 3).
+- We can naturally fall back to pickle for anything we can’t handle well
+(requirement 2).
+**Alternatives to Arrow:** We could have built on top of
+[**Protocol Buffers**][5], but protocol buffers really isn't designed for
+numerical data, and that approach wouldn’t satisfy 1, 3, or 4. Building on top
+of [**Flatbuffers**][6] actually could be made to work, but it would have
+required implementing a lot of the facilities that Arrow already has and we
+preferred a columnar data layout more optimized for big data.
+## Speedups
+Here we show some performance improvements over Python’s pickle module. The
+experiments were done using `pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL`. Code for generating these
+plots is included at the end of the post.
+**With NumPy arrays:** In machine learning and AI applications, data (e.g.,
+images, neural network weights, text documents) are typically represented as
+data structures containing NumPy arrays. When using NumPy arrays, the speedups
+are impressive.
+The fact that the Ray bars for deserialization are barely visible is not a
+mistake. This is a consequence of the support for zero-copy reads (the savings
+largely come from the lack of memory movement).


+Note that the biggest wins are with deserialization. The speedups here are
+multiple orders of magnitude and get better as the NumPy arrays get larger
+(thanks to design goals 1, 3, and 4). Making **deserialization** fast is
+important for two reasons. First, an object may be serialized once and then
+deserialized many times (e.g., an object that is broadcast to all workers).
+Second, a common pattern is for many objects to be serialized in parallel and
+then aggregated and deserialized one at a time on a single worker making
+deserialization the bottleneck.
+**Without NumPy arrays:** When using regular Python objects, for which we
+cannot take advantage of shared memory, the results are comparable to pickle.


+These are just a few examples of interesting Python objects. The most important
+case is the case where NumPy arrays are nested within other objects. Note that
+our serialization library works with very general Python types including custom
+Python classes and deeply nested objects.
+## Data Representation
+We use Apache Arrow as the underlying language-independent data layout. Objects
+are stored in two parts: a **schema** and a **data blob**. At a high level, the
+data blob is roughly a flattened concatenation of all of the data values
+recursively contained in the object, and the schema defines the types and
+nesting structure of the data blob.
+Python sequences (e.g., dictionaries, lists, tuples, sets) are encoded as
+[UnionArrays][8] of other types (e.g., bools, ints, strings, bytes, floats,
+doubles, date64s, tensors (i.e., NumPy arrays), lists, tuples, dicts and sets).
+Nested sequences are encoded using [ListArrays][9]. All tensors are collected
+and appended to the end of the serialized object, and the UnionArray contains
+references to these tensors.
+To give a concrete example, consider the following object.
+[(1, 2), 'hello', 3, 4, np.array([5.0, 6.0])]
+It would be represented in Arrow with the following structure.
+UnionArray(type_ids=[tuple, string, int, int, ndarray],
+ tuples=ListArray(offsets=[0, 2],
+ UnionArray(type_ids=[int, int],
+ ints=[1, 2])),
+ strings=['hello'],
+ ints=[3, 4],
+ ndarrays=[])
+Arrow uses Flatbuffers to encode serialized schemas. **Using only the schema, we
+can compute the offsets of each value in the data blob without scanning through
+the data blob.** This means that we can avoid copying or otherwise converting
+large arrays and other values during deserialization. Tensors are appended at
+the end of the UnionArray and can be efficiently shared and accessed using
+shared memory.
+Note that the actual object would be laid out in memory as shown below.

+The layout of a Python object in the heap. Each box is allocated in a
+different memory region, and arrows between boxes represent pointers.
+The Arrow serialized representation would be as follows.

+The memory layout of the Arrow-serialized object.
+## The API
+The serialization library can be used directly through pyarrow as follows. More
+documentation is available [here][7].
+x = [(1, 2), 'hello', 3, 4, np.array([5.0, 6.0])]
+serialized_x = pyarrow.serialize(x).to_buffer()
+deserialized_x = pyarrow.deserialize(serialized_x)
+It can be used directly through the Ray API as follows.
+x = [(1, 2), 'hello', 3, 4, np.array([5.0, 6.0])]
+x_id = ray.put(x)
+deserialized_x = ray.get(x_id)
+## Getting Involved
+We welcome contributions, especially in the following areas.
+- Use the C++ and Java implementations of Arrow to implement versions of this
+for C++ and Java.
+- Implement support for more Python types and better test coverage.
+## Reproducing the Figures Above
+For reference, the figures can be reproduced with the following code.
+Benchmarking `ray.put` and `ray.get` instead of `pyarrow.serialize` and
+`pyarrow.deserialize` gives similar figures.
+import pickle
+import pyarrow
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+import timeit
+def benchmark_object(obj, number=10):
+ # Time serialization and deserialization for pickle.
+ pickle_serialize = timeit.timeit(
+ lambda: pickle.dumps(obj, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL),
+ number=number)
+ serialized_obj = pickle.dumps(obj, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+ pickle_deserialize = timeit.timeit(lambda: pickle.loads(serialized_obj),
+ number=number)
+ # Time serialization and deserialization for Ray.
+ ray_serialize = timeit.timeit(
+ lambda: pyarrow.serialize(obj).to_buffer(), number=number)
+ serialized_obj = pyarrow.serialize(obj).to_buffer()
+ ray_deserialize = timeit.timeit(
+ lambda: pyarrow.deserialize(serialized_obj), number=number)
+ return [[pickle_serialize, pickle_deserialize],
+ [ray_serialize, ray_deserialize]]
+def plot(pickle_times, ray_times, title, i):
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ fig.set_size_inches(3.8, 2.7)
+ bar_width = 0.35
+ index = np.arange(2)
+ opacity = 0.6
+ plt.bar(index, pickle_times, bar_width,
+ alpha=opacity, color='r', label='Pickle')
+ plt.bar(index + bar_width, ray_times, bar_width,
+ alpha=opacity, color='c', label='Ray')
+ plt.title(title, fontweight='bold')
+ plt.ylabel('Time (seconds)', fontsize=10)
+ labels = ['serialization', 'deserialization']
+ plt.xticks(index + bar_width / 2, labels, fontsize=10)
+ plt.legend(fontsize=10, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))
+ plt.tight_layout()
+ plt.yticks(fontsize=10)
+ plt.savefig('plot-' + str(i) + '.png', format='png')
+test_objects = [
+ [np.random.randn(50000) for i in range(100)],
+ {'weight-' + str(i): np.random.randn(50000) for i in range(100)},
+ {i: set(['string1' + str(i), 'string2' + str(i)]) for i in range(100000)},
+ [str(i) for i in range(200000)]
+titles = [
+ 'List of large numpy arrays',
+ 'Dictionary of large numpy arrays',
+ 'Large dictionary of small sets',
+ 'Large list of strings'
+for i in range(len(test_objects)):
+ plot(*benchmark_object(test_objects[i]), titles[i], i)
+[1]: http://ray.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
+[2]: https://arrow.apache.org/
+[3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serialization
+[4]: https://github.com/cloudpipe/cloudpickle/
+[5]: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
+[6]: https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/
+[7]: https://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/ipc.html#arbitrary-object-serialization
+[8]: http://arrow.apache.org/docs/memory_layout.html#dense-union-type
+[9]: http://arrow.apache.org/docs/memory_layout.html#list-type
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