Task table Redis module (#125)

* Task table redis module implementation

* Publish tasks and take in individual fields as args, not task object

* Scheduling state integer has width 1, error on illegal put

* Unit tests for task table and more documentation

* Task table subscribe, fix publish topics and address Philipp and Alexey's comments

* Helper function to create prefixed strings

* Factor out the table prefixes in the test cases
This commit is contained in:
Stephanie Wang 2016-12-15 19:22:23 -08:00 committed by Robert Nishihara
parent 58a873eb20
commit e23661c375
3 changed files with 322 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ SHOBJ_CFLAGS += -I../thirdparty
all: ray_redis_module.so
$(CC) -I. $(CFLAGS) $(SHOBJ_CFLAGS) -fPIC -c $< -o $@
$(CC) -I. -I.. $(CFLAGS) $(SHOBJ_CFLAGS) -fPIC -c $< -o $@
ray_redis_module.xo: redismodule.h

View file

@ -23,20 +23,29 @@
#define TASK_PREFIX "TT:"
return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, (MESSAGE)); \
RedisModuleKey *OpenPrefixedKey(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
const char *prefix,
RedisModuleString *keyname,
int mode) {
RedisModuleString *CreatePrefixedString(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
const char *prefix,
RedisModuleString *keyname) {
size_t length;
const char *value = RedisModule_StringPtrLen(keyname, &length);
RedisModuleString *prefixed_keyname = RedisModule_CreateStringPrintf(
ctx, "%s%*.*s", prefix, length, length, value);
return prefixed_keyname;
RedisModuleKey *OpenPrefixedKey(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
const char *prefix,
RedisModuleString *keyname,
int mode) {
RedisModuleString *prefixed_keyname =
CreatePrefixedString(ctx, prefix, keyname);
RedisModuleKey *key = RedisModule_OpenKey(ctx, prefixed_keyname, mode);
RedisModule_FreeString(ctx, prefixed_keyname);
return key;
@ -233,6 +242,7 @@ int ObjectTableAdd_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, "data_size must be integer");
/* Set the fields in the object info table. */
RedisModuleKey *key;
key = OpenPrefixedKey(ctx, OBJECT_INFO_PREFIX, object_id,
@ -252,7 +262,9 @@ int ObjectTableAdd_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
RedisModule_HashSet(key, REDISMODULE_HASH_CFIELDS, "hash", new_hash, NULL);
RedisModule_HashSet(key, REDISMODULE_HASH_CFIELDS, "data_size", data_size,
/* Add the location in the object location table. */
RedisModuleKey *table_key;
table_key = OpenPrefixedKey(ctx, OBJECT_LOCATION_PREFIX, object_id,
@ -260,7 +272,12 @@ int ObjectTableAdd_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
/* Sets are not implemented yet, so we use ZSETs instead. */
RedisModule_ZsetAdd(table_key, 0.0, manager, NULL);
/* Inform subscribers. */
/* Build the PUBLISH topic and message for object table subscribers. The
* topic is a string in the format "OBJECT_LOCATION_PREFIX:<object ID>". The
* message is a string in the format: "<manager ID> <manager ID> ... <manager
* ID>". */
RedisModuleString *publish_topic =
CreatePrefixedString(ctx, OBJECT_LOCATION_PREFIX, object_id);
const char *MANAGERS = "MANAGERS";
RedisModuleString *publish =
RedisModule_CreateString(ctx, MANAGERS, strlen(MANAGERS));
@ -277,17 +294,15 @@ int ObjectTableAdd_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
RedisModule_StringAppendBuffer(ctx, publish, val, size);
} while (RedisModule_ZsetRangeNext(table_key));
RedisModuleCallReply *reply;
reply = RedisModule_Call(ctx, "PUBLISH", "ss", object_id, publish);
RedisModuleCallReply *reply =
RedisModule_Call(ctx, "PUBLISH", "ss", publish_topic, publish);
RedisModule_FreeString(ctx, publish);
RedisModule_FreeString(ctx, publish_topic);
if (reply == NULL) {
return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, "PUBLISH unsuccessful");
/* Clean up. */
RedisModule_ReplyWithSimpleString(ctx, "OK");
@ -345,7 +360,7 @@ int ResultTableAdd_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
* Add a new entry to the result table or update an existing one.
* Lookup an entry in the result table.
* This is called from a client with the command:
@ -387,6 +402,214 @@ int ResultTableLookup_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
int TaskTableWrite(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
RedisModuleString *task_id,
RedisModuleString *state,
RedisModuleString *node_id,
RedisModuleString *task_spec) {
/* Pad the state integer to a fixed-width integer, and make sure it has width
* less than or equal to 2. */
long long state_integer;
int status = RedisModule_StringToLongLong(state, &state_integer);
if (status != REDISMODULE_OK) {
return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(
ctx, "Invalid scheduling state (must be an integer)");
state = RedisModule_CreateStringPrintf(ctx, "%2d", state_integer);
size_t length;
RedisModule_StringPtrLen(state, &length);
if (length != 2) {
return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(
ctx, "Invalid scheduling state width (must have width 2)");
/* Add the task to the task table. If no spec was provided, get the existing
* spec out of the task table so we can publish it. */
RedisModuleKey *key =
OpenPrefixedKey(ctx, TASK_PREFIX, task_id, REDISMODULE_WRITE);
if (task_spec == NULL) {
RedisModule_HashSet(key, REDISMODULE_HASH_CFIELDS, "state", state, "node",
node_id, NULL);
RedisModule_HashGet(key, REDISMODULE_HASH_CFIELDS, "task_spec", &task_spec,
if (task_spec == NULL) {
return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(
ctx, "Cannot update a task that doesn't exist yet");
} else {
RedisModule_HashSet(key, REDISMODULE_HASH_CFIELDS, "state", state, "node",
node_id, "task_spec", task_spec, NULL);
/* Build the PUBLISH topic and message for task table subscribers. The topic
* is a string in the format "TASK_PREFIX:<node ID>:<state>". The
* message is a string in the format: "<task ID> <state> <node ID> <task
* specification>". */
RedisModuleString *publish_topic =
CreatePrefixedString(ctx, TASK_PREFIX, node_id);
RedisModule_StringAppendBuffer(ctx, publish_topic, ":", strlen(":"));
const char *state_string = RedisModule_StringPtrLen(state, &length);
RedisModule_StringAppendBuffer(ctx, publish_topic, state_string, length);
/* Append the fields to the PUBLISH message. */
RedisModuleString *publish_message =
RedisModule_CreateStringFromString(ctx, task_id);
const char *publish_field;
/* Append the scheduling state. */
publish_field = state_string;
RedisModule_StringAppendBuffer(ctx, publish_message, " ", strlen(" "));
RedisModule_StringAppendBuffer(ctx, publish_message, publish_field, length);
/* Append the node ID. */
publish_field = RedisModule_StringPtrLen(node_id, &length);
RedisModule_StringAppendBuffer(ctx, publish_message, " ", strlen(" "));
RedisModule_StringAppendBuffer(ctx, publish_message, publish_field, length);
/* Append the task specification. */
publish_field = RedisModule_StringPtrLen(task_spec, &length);
RedisModule_StringAppendBuffer(ctx, publish_message, " ", strlen(" "));
RedisModule_StringAppendBuffer(ctx, publish_message, publish_field, length);
RedisModuleCallReply *reply =
RedisModule_Call(ctx, "PUBLISH", "ss", publish_topic, publish_message);
if (reply == NULL) {
return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, "PUBLISH unsuccessful");
RedisModule_FreeString(ctx, publish_message);
RedisModule_FreeString(ctx, publish_topic);
RedisModule_ReplyWithSimpleString(ctx, "ok");
* Add a new entry to the task table. This will overwrite any existing entry
* with the same task ID.
* This is called from a client with the command:
* RAY.task_table_add <task ID> <state> <node ID> <task spec>
* @param task_id A string that is the ID of the task.
* @param state A string that is the current scheduling state (a
* scheduling_state enum instance). The string's value must be a
* nonnegative integer less than 100, so that it has width at most 2. If
* less than 2, the value will be left-padded with spaces to a width of
* 2.
* @param node_id A string that is the ID of the associated node, if any.
* @param task_spec A string that is the specification of the task, which can
* be cast to a `task_spec`.
* @return OK if the operation was successful.
int TaskTableAddTask_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
RedisModuleString **argv,
int argc) {
if (argc != 5) {
return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx);
return TaskTableWrite(ctx, argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
* Update an entry in the task table. This does not update the task
* specification in the table.
* This is called from a client with the command:
* RAY.task_table_update_task <task ID> <state> <node ID>
* @param task_id A string that is the ID of the task.
* @param state A string that is the current scheduling state (a
* scheduling_state enum instance). The string's value must be a
* nonnegative integer less than 100, so that it has width at most 2. If
* less than 2, the value will be left-padded with spaces to a width of
* 2.
* @param node_id A string that is the ID of the associated node, if any.
* @return OK if the operation was successful.
int TaskTableUpdate_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
RedisModuleString **argv,
int argc) {
if (argc != 4) {
return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx);
return TaskTableWrite(ctx, argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], NULL);
* Get an entry from the task table.
* This is called from a client with the command:
* RAY.task_table_get <task ID>
* @param task_id A string of the task ID to look up.
* @return An array of strings representing the task fields in the following
* order: 1) (integer) scheduling state 2) (string) associated node ID,
* if any 3) (string) the task specification, which can be casted to a
* task_spec. If the task ID is not in the table, returns nil.
int TaskTableGetTask_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
RedisModuleString **argv,
int argc) {
if (argc != 2) {
return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx);
RedisModuleKey *key =
OpenPrefixedKey(ctx, TASK_PREFIX, argv[1], REDISMODULE_READ);
int keytype = RedisModule_KeyType(key);
/* If the key exists, look up the fields and return them in an array. */
RedisModuleString *state = NULL, *node = NULL, *task_spec = NULL;
RedisModule_HashGet(key, REDISMODULE_HASH_CFIELDS, "state", &state, "node",
&node, "task_spec", &task_spec, NULL);
if (state == NULL || node == NULL || task_spec == NULL) {
/* We must have either all fields or no fields. */
return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(
ctx, "Missing fields in the task table entry");
size_t state_length;
const char *state_string = RedisModule_StringPtrLen(state, &state_length);
int state_integer;
int scanned = sscanf(state_string, "%2d", &state_integer);
if (scanned != 1 || state_length != 2) {
return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,
"Found invalid scheduling state (must "
"be an integer of width 2");
RedisModule_ReplyWithArray(ctx, 3);
RedisModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx, state_integer);
RedisModule_ReplyWithString(ctx, node);
RedisModule_ReplyWithString(ctx, task_spec);
RedisModule_FreeString(ctx, task_spec);
RedisModule_FreeString(ctx, node);
RedisModule_FreeString(ctx, state);
} else {
/* If the key does not exist, return nil. */
int TaskTableSubscribe_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
RedisModuleString **argv,
int argc) {
/* TODO(swang): Implement this. */
/* This function must be present on each Redis module. It is used in order to
* register the commands into the Redis server. */
int RedisModule_OnLoad(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
@ -447,5 +670,29 @@ int RedisModule_OnLoad(RedisModuleCtx *ctx,
if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "ray.task_table_add",
TaskTableAddTask_RedisCommand, "write pubsub",
0, 0, 0) == REDISMODULE_ERR) {
if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "ray.task_table_update",
TaskTableUpdate_RedisCommand, "write pubsub", 0,
if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "ray.task_table_get",
TaskTableGetTask_RedisCommand, "readonly", 0, 0,
if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "ray.task_table_subscribe",
TaskTableSubscribe_RedisCommand, "pubsub", 0, 0,

View file

@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ if not os.path.exists(redis_path):
module_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "ray_redis_module.so")
print("path to the redis module is {}".format(module_path))
class TestGlobalStateStore(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
@ -72,7 +77,7 @@ class TestGlobalStateStore(unittest.TestCase):
def testObjectTableSubscribe(self):
p = self.redis.pubsub()
# Subscribe to an object ID.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.OBJECT_TABLE_ADD", "object_id1", 1, "hash1", "manager_id1")
# Receive the acknowledgement message.
self.assertEqual(p.get_message()["data"], 1)
@ -92,5 +97,61 @@ class TestGlobalStateStore(unittest.TestCase):
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.RESULT_TABLE_LOOKUP", "object_id2")
self.assertEqual(response, b"task_id2")
def testInvalidTaskTableAdd(self):
# Check that Redis returns an error when RAY.TASK_TABLE_ADD is called with
# the wrong arguments.
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_ADD", "hello")
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_ADD", "task_id", 3, "node_id")
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
# Non-integer scheduling states should not be added.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_ADD", "task_id",
"invalid_state", "node_id", "task_spec")
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
# Scheduling states with invalid width should not be added.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_ADD", "task_id", 101,
"node_id", "task_spec")
with self.assertRaises(redis.ResponseError):
# Should not be able to update a non-existent task.
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_UPDATE", "task_id", 10,
def testTaskTableAddAndLookup(self):
# Check that task table adds, updates, and lookups work correctly.
task_args = [1, "node_id", "task_spec"]
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_ADD", "task_id",
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_GET", "task_id")
self.assertEqual(response, task_args)
task_args[0] = 2
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_UPDATE", "task_id", *task_args[:2])
response = self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_GET", "task_id")
self.assertEqual(response, task_args)
def testTaskTableSubscribe(self):
scheduling_state = 1
node_id = "node_id"
# Subscribe to the task table.
p = self.redis.pubsub()
p.psubscribe("{prefix}*:{state: >2}".format(prefix=TASK_PREFIX, state=scheduling_state))
p.psubscribe("{prefix}{node}:*".format(prefix=TASK_PREFIX, node=node_id))
task_args = ["task_id", scheduling_state, node_id, "task_spec"]
self.redis.execute_command("RAY.TASK_TABLE_ADD", *task_args)
# Receive the acknowledgement message.
self.assertEqual(p.get_message()["data"], 1)
self.assertEqual(p.get_message()["data"], 2)
self.assertEqual(p.get_message()["data"], 3)
# Receive the actual data.
for i in range(3):
message = p.get_message()["data"]
message = message.split()
message[1] = int(message[1])
self.assertEqual(message, task_args)
if __name__ == "__main__":