mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 02:21:39 -05:00
[java] Fix the logic of generating TaskID (#2747)
## What do these changes do? Because the logic of generating `TaskID` in java is different from python's, there are many tests fail when we change the `Ray Core` code. In this change, I rewrote the logic of generating `TaskID` in java which is the same as the python's. In java, we call the native method `_generateTaskId()` to generate a `TaskID` which is also used in python. We change `computePutId()`'s logic too. ## Related issue number [#2608](https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/2608)
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 255 additions and 299 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import java.util.Random;
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
* Unique ID for task, worker, function...
* Unique ID for task, worker, function.
public class UniqueID implements Serializable {
@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ public class UniqueID implements Serializable {
public UniqueID(byte[] id) {
if (id.length != LENGTH) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal argument: " + id.toString());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal argument for UniqueID, expect " + LENGTH
+ " bytes, but got " + id.length + " bytes.");
this.id = id;
@ -86,11 +87,6 @@ public class UniqueID implements Serializable {
public boolean isNil() {
for (byte b : id) {
if (b != (byte) 0xFF) {
return false;
return true;
return this.equals(NIL);
@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ public abstract class RayRuntime implements RayApi {
RemoteFunctionManager remoteLoader,
PathConfig pathManager
) {
remoteFunctionManager = remoteLoader;
pathConfig = pathManager;
@ -3,274 +3,68 @@ package org.ray.core;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.BitField;
import org.ray.api.UniqueID;
import org.ray.util.MD5Digestor;
import org.ray.util.logger.RayLog;
// see src/common/common.h for UniqueID layout
// Helper methods for UniqueID. These are the same as the helper functions in src/ray/id.h.
public class UniqueIdHelper {
public static final int OBJECT_INDEX_POS = 0;
public static final int OBJECT_INDEX_LENGTH = 4;
private static final ThreadLocal<ByteBuffer> longBuffer = ThreadLocal
.withInitial(() -> ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE));
private static final ThreadLocal<Random> rand = ThreadLocal.withInitial(Random::new);
private static final ThreadLocal<Long> randSeed = new ThreadLocal<>();
private static final int batchPos = 0;
private static final int uniquenessPos = Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE;
private static final int typePos = 2 * Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE;
private static final BitField typeField = new BitField(0x7);
private static final int testPos = 2 * Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE;
private static final BitField testField = new BitField(0x1 << 3);
private static final int unionPos = 2 * Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE;
private static final BitField multipleReturnField = new BitField(0x1 << 8);
private static final BitField isReturnIdField = new BitField(0x1 << 9);
private static final BitField withinTaskIndexField = new BitField(0xFFFFFC00);
public static void setThreadRandomSeed(long seed) {
if (randSeed.get() != null) {
RayLog.core.error("Thread random seed is already set to " + randSeed.get()
+ " and now to be overwritten to " + seed);
throw new RuntimeException("Thread random seed is already set to " + randSeed.get()
+ " and now to be overwritten to " + seed);
RayLog.core.debug("Thread random seed is set to " + seed);
* Compute the object ID of an object returned by the task.
* @param taskId The task ID of the task that created the object.
* @param returnIndex What number return value this object is in the task.
* @return The computed object ID.
public static UniqueID computeReturnId(UniqueID taskId, int returnIndex) {
return computeObjectId(taskId, returnIndex);
public static Long getNextCreateThreadRandomSeed() {
UniqueID currentTaskId = WorkerContext.currentTask().taskId;
byte[] bytes;
ByteBuffer lbuffer = longBuffer.get();
// similar to task id generation (see nextTaskId below)
if (!currentTaskId.isNil()) {
ByteBuffer rbb = ByteBuffer.wrap(currentTaskId.getBytes());
long cid = rbb.getLong(uniquenessPos);
byte[] cbuffer = lbuffer.putLong(cid).array();
bytes = MD5Digestor.digest(cbuffer, WorkerContext.nextCallIndex());
} else {
long cid = rand.get().nextLong();
byte[] cbuffer = lbuffer.putLong(cid).array();
bytes = MD5Digestor.digest(cbuffer, rand.get().nextLong());
lbuffer.put(bytes, 0, Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE);
long r = lbuffer.getLong();
return r;
private static Type getType(ByteBuffer bb) {
byte v = bb.get(typePos);
return Type.values()[typeField.getValue(v)];
private static boolean getIsTest(ByteBuffer bb) {
byte v = bb.get(testPos);
return testField.getValue(v) == 1;
private static int getIsReturn(ByteBuffer bb) {
int v = bb.getInt(unionPos);
return isReturnIdField.getValue(v);
private static int getWithinTaskIndex(ByteBuffer bb) {
int v = bb.getInt(unionPos);
return withinTaskIndexField.getValue(v);
public static void setTest(UniqueID id, boolean isTest) {
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(id.getBytes());
setIsTest(bb, isTest);
private static void setIsTest(ByteBuffer bb, boolean isTest) {
byte v = bb.get(testPos);
v = (byte) testField.setValue(v, isTest ? 1 : 0);
bb.put(testPos, v);
public static long getUniqueness(UniqueID id) {
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(id.getBytes());
return getUniqueness(bb);
private static long getUniqueness(ByteBuffer bb) {
return bb.getLong(uniquenessPos);
public static UniqueID taskComputeReturnId(
UniqueID uid,
int returnIndex,
boolean hasMultipleReturn
) {
return objectIdFromTaskId(uid, true, hasMultipleReturn, returnIndex);
private static UniqueID objectIdFromTaskId(UniqueID taskId,
boolean isReturn,
boolean hasMultipleReturn,
int index
) {
UniqueID oid = newZero();
ByteBuffer rbb = ByteBuffer.wrap(taskId.getBytes());
ByteBuffer wbb = ByteBuffer.wrap(oid.getBytes());
* Compute the object ID from the task ID and the index.
* @param taskId The task ID of the task that created the object.
* @param index The index which can distinguish different objects in one task.
* @return The computed object ID.
private static UniqueID computeObjectId(UniqueID taskId, int index) {
byte[] objId = new byte[UniqueID.LENGTH];
System.arraycopy(taskId.getBytes(),0, objId, 0, UniqueID.LENGTH);
ByteBuffer wbb = ByteBuffer.wrap(objId);
setBatch(wbb, getBatch(rbb));
setUniqueness(wbb, getUniqueness(rbb));
setType(wbb, Type.OBJECT);
setHasMultipleReturn(wbb, hasMultipleReturn ? 1 : 0);
setIsReturn(wbb, isReturn ? 1 : 0);
setWithinTaskIndex(wbb, index);
return oid;
wbb.putInt(UniqueIdHelper.OBJECT_INDEX_POS, index);
return new UniqueID(objId);
private static UniqueID newZero() {
byte[] b = new byte[UniqueID.LENGTH];
Arrays.fill(b, (byte) 0);
return new UniqueID(b);
* Compute the object ID of an object put by the task.
* @param taskId The task ID of the task that created the object.
* @param putIndex What number put this object was created by in the task.
* @return The computed object ID.
public static UniqueID computePutId(UniqueID taskId, int putIndex) {
// We multiply putIndex by -1 to distinguish from returnIndex.
return computeObjectId(taskId, -1 * putIndex);
private static void setBatch(ByteBuffer bb, long batchId) {
bb.putLong(batchPos, batchId);
* Compute the task ID of the task that created the object.
* @param objectId The object ID.
* @return The task ID of the task that created this object.
public static UniqueID computeTaskId(UniqueID objectId) {
byte[] taskId = new byte[UniqueID.LENGTH];
System.arraycopy(objectId.getBytes(), 0, taskId, 0, UniqueID.LENGTH);
Arrays.fill(taskId, UniqueIdHelper.OBJECT_INDEX_POS,
UniqueIdHelper.OBJECT_INDEX_POS + UniqueIdHelper.OBJECT_INDEX_LENGTH, (byte) 0);
return new UniqueID(taskId);
private static long getBatch(ByteBuffer bb) {
return bb.getLong(batchPos);
private static void setUniqueness(ByteBuffer bb, long uniqueness) {
bb.putLong(uniquenessPos, uniqueness);
private static void setUniqueness(ByteBuffer bb, byte[] uniqueness) {
for (int i = 0; i < Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE; ++i) {
bb.put(uniquenessPos + i, uniqueness[i]);
private static void setType(ByteBuffer bb, Type type) {
byte v = bb.get(typePos);
v = (byte) typeField.setValue(v, type.ordinal());
bb.put(typePos, v);
private static void setHasMultipleReturn(ByteBuffer bb, int hasMultipleReturnOrNot) {
int v = bb.getInt(unionPos);
v = multipleReturnField.setValue(v, hasMultipleReturnOrNot);
bb.putInt(unionPos, v);
private static void setIsReturn(ByteBuffer bb, int isReturn) {
int v = bb.getInt(unionPos);
v = isReturnIdField.setValue(v, isReturn);
bb.putInt(unionPos, v);
private static void setWithinTaskIndex(ByteBuffer bb, int index) {
int v = bb.getInt(unionPos);
v = withinTaskIndexField.setValue(v, index);
bb.putInt(unionPos, v);
public static UniqueID taskComputePutId(UniqueID uid, int putIndex) {
return objectIdFromTaskId(uid, false, false, putIndex);
public static boolean hasMultipleReturnOrNotFromReturnObjectId(UniqueID returnId) {
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(returnId.getBytes());
return getHasMultipleReturn(bb) != 0;
private static int getHasMultipleReturn(ByteBuffer bb) {
int v = bb.getInt(unionPos);
return multipleReturnField.getValue(v);
public static UniqueID taskIdFromObjectId(UniqueID objectId) {
UniqueID taskId = newZero();
ByteBuffer rbb = ByteBuffer.wrap(objectId.getBytes());
ByteBuffer wbb = ByteBuffer.wrap(taskId.getBytes());
setBatch(wbb, getBatch(rbb));
setUniqueness(wbb, getUniqueness(rbb));
setType(wbb, Type.TASK);
return taskId;
public static UniqueID nextTaskId(long batchId) {
UniqueID taskId = newZero();
ByteBuffer wbb = ByteBuffer.wrap(taskId.getBytes());
setType(wbb, Type.TASK);
UniqueID currentTaskId = WorkerContext.currentTask().taskId;
ByteBuffer rbb = ByteBuffer.wrap(currentTaskId.getBytes());
// setup batch id
if (batchId == -1) {
setBatch(wbb, getBatch(rbb));
} else {
setBatch(wbb, batchId);
// setup unique id (task id)
byte[] idBytes;
ByteBuffer lbuffer = longBuffer.get();
// if inside a task
if (!currentTaskId.isNil()) {
long cid = rbb.getLong(uniquenessPos);
byte[] cbuffer = lbuffer.putLong(cid).array();
idBytes = MD5Digestor.digest(cbuffer, WorkerContext.nextCallIndex());
// if not
} else {
long cid = rand.get().nextLong();
byte[] cbuffer = lbuffer.putLong(cid).array();
idBytes = MD5Digestor.digest(cbuffer, rand.get().nextLong());
setUniqueness(wbb, idBytes);
return taskId;
public static void markCreateActorStage1Function(UniqueID functionId) {
ByteBuffer wbb = ByteBuffer.wrap(functionId.getBytes());
setUniqueness(wbb, 1);
// WARNING: see hack in MethodId.java which must be aligned with here
public static boolean isNonLambdaCreateActorStage1Function(UniqueID functionId) {
ByteBuffer wbb = ByteBuffer.wrap(functionId.getBytes());
return getUniqueness(wbb) == 1;
public static boolean isNonLambdaCommonFunction(UniqueID functionId) {
ByteBuffer wbb = ByteBuffer.wrap(functionId.getBytes());
return getUniqueness(wbb) == 0;
public enum Type {
@ -82,7 +82,9 @@ public class Worker {
public RayObject submit(RayFunc func, Object[] args) {
MethodId methodId = methodIdOf(func);
UniqueID taskId = UniqueIdHelper.nextTaskId(-1);
UniqueID taskId = scheduler.generateTaskId(WorkerContext.currentTask().driverId,
if (args.length > 0 && args[0].getClass().equals(RayActor.class)) {
return actorTaskSubmit(taskId, methodId, args, (RayActor<?>) args[0]);
} else {
@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ public class Worker {
public UniqueID getCurrentTaskNextPutId() {
return UniqueIdHelper.taskComputePutId(
return UniqueIdHelper.computePutId(
WorkerContext.currentTask().taskId, WorkerContext.nextPutIndex());
@ -21,5 +21,7 @@ public interface LocalSchedulerLink {
void notifyUnblocked();
UniqueID generateTaskId(UniqueID driverId, UniqueID parentTaskId, int taskIndex);
List<byte[]> wait(byte[][] objectIds, int timeoutMs, int numReturns);
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public class LocalSchedulerProxy {
private UniqueID[] genReturnIds(UniqueID taskId, int numReturns) {
UniqueID[] ret = new UniqueID[numReturns];
for (int i = 0; i < numReturns; i++) {
ret[i] = UniqueIdHelper.taskComputeReturnId(taskId, i, false);
ret[i] = UniqueIdHelper.computeReturnId(taskId, i + 1);
return ret;
@ -129,4 +129,8 @@ public class LocalSchedulerProxy {
return new WaitResult<>(readyObjs, remainObjs);
public UniqueID generateTaskId(UniqueID driverId, UniqueID parentTaskId, int taskIndex) {
return scheduler.generateTaskId(driverId, parentTaskId, taskIndex);
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class RayDevRuntime extends RayRuntime {
private byte[] createLocalActor(String className) {
UniqueID taskId = WorkerContext.currentTask().taskId;
UniqueID actorId = UniqueIdHelper.taskComputeReturnId(taskId, 0, false);
UniqueID actorId = UniqueIdHelper.computeReturnId(taskId, 0);
try {
Class<?> cls = Class.forName(className);
@ -89,6 +89,11 @@ public class MockLocalScheduler implements LocalSchedulerLink {
public UniqueID generateTaskId(UniqueID driverId, UniqueID parentTaskId, int taskIndex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented here.");
public List<byte[]> wait(byte[][] objectIds, int timeoutMs, int numReturns) {
return store.wait(objectIds, timeoutMs, numReturns);
@ -243,8 +243,13 @@ public class RayNativeRuntime extends RayRuntime {
public <T> RayActor<T> create(Class<T> cls) {
UniqueID createTaskId = UniqueIdHelper.nextTaskId(-1);
UniqueID actorId = UniqueIdHelper.taskComputeReturnId(createTaskId, 0, false);
UniqueID createTaskId = localSchedulerProxy.generateTaskId(
UniqueID actorId = UniqueIdHelper.computeReturnId(createTaskId, 0);
RayActor<T> actor = new RayActor<>(actorId);
UniqueID cursorId;
@ -6,8 +6,11 @@ import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.ray.api.Ray;
import org.ray.api.UniqueID;
import org.ray.core.RayRuntime;
import org.ray.core.UniqueIdHelper;
import org.ray.spi.LocalSchedulerLink;
import org.ray.spi.model.FunctionArg;
import org.ray.spi.model.TaskSpec;
@ -42,6 +45,8 @@ public class DefaultLocalSchedulerClient implements LocalSchedulerLink {
private static native byte[] _computePutId(long client, byte[] taskId, int putIndex);
private static native byte[] _generateTaskId(byte[] driverId, byte[] parentTaskId, int taskIndex);
private static native void _task_done(long client);
private static native boolean[] _waitObject(long conn, byte[][] objectIds,
@ -111,10 +116,19 @@ public class DefaultLocalSchedulerClient implements LocalSchedulerLink {
public void reconstructObjects(List<UniqueID> objectIds, boolean fetchOnly) {
RayLog.core.info("reconstruct objects {}", objectIds);
if (RayLog.core.isInfoEnabled()) {
RayLog.core.info("Reconstructing objects for task {}, object IDs are {}",
UniqueIdHelper.computeTaskId(objectIds.get(0)), objectIds);
_reconstruct_objects(client, getIdBytes(objectIds), fetchOnly);
public UniqueID generateTaskId(UniqueID driverId, UniqueID parentTaskId, int taskIndex) {
byte[] bytes = _generateTaskId(driverId.getBytes(), parentTaskId.getBytes(), taskIndex);
return new UniqueID(bytes);
public void notifyUnblocked() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
package org.ray.api.test;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.ray.api.UniqueID;
import org.ray.core.UniqueIdHelper;
public class UniqueIdTest {
public void testConstructUniqueId() {
// Test `fromHexString()`
UniqueID id1 = UniqueID.fromHexString("00000000123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF00");
Assert.assertEquals("00000000123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF00", id1.toString());
try {
UniqueID id2 = UniqueID.fromHexString("000000123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF00");
// This shouldn't be happened.
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
UniqueID id3 = UniqueID.fromHexString("GGGGGGGGGGGGG");
// This shouldn't be happened.
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Test `fromByteBuffer()`
byte[] bytes = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary("0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF01234567");
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, 0, 20);
UniqueID id4 = UniqueID.fromByteBuffer(byteBuffer);
Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(bytes, id4.getBytes()));
Assert.assertEquals("0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF01234567", id4.toString());
// Test `genNil()`
UniqueID id6 = UniqueID.genNil();
public void testComputeReturnId() {
// Mock a taskId, and the lowest 4 bytes should be 0.
UniqueID taskId = UniqueID.fromHexString("00000000123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF00");
UniqueID returnId = UniqueIdHelper.computeReturnId(taskId, 1);
Assert.assertEquals("01000000123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF00", returnId.toString());
returnId = UniqueIdHelper.computeReturnId(taskId, 0x01020304);
Assert.assertEquals("04030201123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF00", returnId.toString());
public void testComputeTaskId() {
UniqueID objId = UniqueID.fromHexString("34421980123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF00");
UniqueID taskId = UniqueIdHelper.computeTaskId(objId);
Assert.assertEquals("00000000123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF00", taskId.toString());
public void testComputePutId() {
// Mock a taskId, the lowest 4 bytes should be 0.
UniqueID taskId = UniqueID.fromHexString("00000000123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF00");
UniqueID putId = UniqueIdHelper.computePutId(taskId, 1);
Assert.assertEquals("FFFFFFFF123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF00", putId.toString());
putId = UniqueIdHelper.computePutId(taskId, 0x01020304);
Assert.assertEquals("FCFCFDFE123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF00", putId.toString());
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "local_scheduler/lib/java/org_ray_spi_impl_DefaultLocalSchedulerClient.h"
#include "local_scheduler_client.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "ray/id.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -299,6 +300,31 @@ Java_org_ray_spi_impl_DefaultLocalSchedulerClient__1waitObject(
return resultArray;
JNIEnv *env,
jbyteArray did,
jbyteArray ptid,
jint parent_task_counter) {
UniqueIdFromJByteArray o1(env, did);
ray::DriverID driver_id = *o1.PID;
UniqueIdFromJByteArray o2(env, ptid);
ray::TaskID parent_task_id = *o2.PID;
ray::TaskID task_id =
ray::GenerateTaskId(driver_id, parent_task_id, parent_task_counter);
jbyteArray result = env->NewByteArray(sizeof(ray::TaskID));
if (nullptr == result) {
return nullptr;
env->SetByteArrayRegion(result, 0, sizeof(TaskID),
reinterpret_cast<jbyte *>(&task_id));
return result;
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -130,6 +130,18 @@ Java_org_ray_spi_impl_DefaultLocalSchedulerClient__1waitObject(JNIEnv *,
* Class: org_ray_spi_impl_DefaultLocalSchedulerClient
* Method: _generateTaskId
* Signature: ([B[BI)[B
Java_org_ray_spi_impl_DefaultLocalSchedulerClient__1generateTaskId(JNIEnv *,
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <mutex>
#include <random>
#include "common/common.h"
#include "ray/constants.h"
#include "ray/status.h"
@ -177,6 +178,7 @@ const ObjectID ComputeReturnId(const TaskID &task_id, int64_t return_index) {
const ObjectID ComputePutId(const TaskID &task_id, int64_t put_index) {
RAY_CHECK(put_index >= 1 && put_index <= kMaxTaskPuts);
// We multiply put_index by -1 to distinguish from return_index.
return ComputeObjectId(task_id, -1 * put_index);
@ -190,6 +192,26 @@ const TaskID ComputeTaskId(const ObjectID &object_id) {
return task_id;
const TaskID GenerateTaskId(const DriverID &driver_id, const TaskID &parent_task_id,
int parent_task_counter) {
// Compute hashes.
SHA256_CTX ctx;
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *)&driver_id, sizeof(driver_id));
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *)&parent_task_id, sizeof(parent_task_id));
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *)&parent_task_counter, sizeof(parent_task_counter));
// Compute the final task ID from the hash.
sha256_final(&ctx, buff);
TaskID task_id;
RAY_DCHECK(sizeof(task_id) <= DIGEST_SIZE);
memcpy(&task_id, buff, sizeof(task_id));
task_id = FinishTaskId(task_id);
return task_id;
int64_t ComputeObjectIndex(const ObjectID &object_id) {
const int64_t *first_bytes = reinterpret_cast<const int64_t *>(&object_id);
uint64_t bitmask = static_cast<uint64_t>(-1) << kObjectIdIndexSize;
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
#include "ray/constants.h"
#include "ray/util/visibility.h"
extern "C" {
#include "sha256.h"
namespace ray {
class RAY_EXPORT UniqueID {
@ -81,6 +85,15 @@ const ObjectID ComputePutId(const TaskID &task_id, int64_t put_index);
/// \return The task ID of the task that created this object.
const TaskID ComputeTaskId(const ObjectID &object_id);
/// Generate a task ID from the given info.
/// \param driver_id The driver that creates the task.
/// \param parent_task_id The parent task of this task.
/// \param parent_task_counter The task index of the worker.
/// \return The task ID generated from the given info.
const TaskID GenerateTaskId(const DriverID &driver_id, const TaskID &parent_task_id,
int parent_task_counter);
/// Compute the index of this object in the task that created it.
/// \param object_id The object ID.
@ -1195,21 +1195,11 @@ void NodeManager::HandleTaskReconstruction(const TaskID &task_id) {
[this](ray::gcs::AsyncGcsClient *client, const TaskID &task_id) {
// The task was not in the GCS task table. It must therefore be in the
// lineage cache.
if (!lineage_cache_.ContainsTask(task_id)) {
// The task was not in the lineage cache.
// TODO(swang): This should not ever happen, but Java TaskIDs are
// currently computed differently from Python TaskIDs, so
// reconstruction is currently broken for Java. Once the TaskID
// generation code matches for both frontends, we should be able to
// remove this warning and make it a fatal check.
RAY_LOG(WARNING) << "Task " << task_id << " to reconstruct was not found in "
"the GCS or the lineage cache. This "
"job may hang.";
} else {
// Use a copy of the cached task spec to re-execute the task.
const Task task = lineage_cache_.GetTask(task_id);
// Use a copy of the cached task spec to re-execute the task.
const Task task = lineage_cache_.GetTask(task_id);
@ -63,20 +63,8 @@ TaskSpecification::TaskSpecification(
: spec_() {
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb;
// Compute hashes.
SHA256_CTX ctx;
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *)&driver_id, sizeof(driver_id));
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *)&parent_task_id, sizeof(parent_task_id));
sha256_update(&ctx, (BYTE *)&parent_counter, sizeof(parent_counter));
TaskID task_id = GenerateTaskId(driver_id, parent_task_id, parent_counter);
// Compute the final task ID from the hash.
sha256_final(&ctx, buff);
TaskID task_id;
RAY_DCHECK(sizeof(task_id) <= DIGEST_SIZE);
memcpy(&task_id, buff, sizeof(task_id));
task_id = FinishTaskId(task_id);
// Add argument object IDs.
std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<Arg>> arguments;
for (auto &argument : task_arguments) {
Add table
Reference in a new issue