Improve release docs and add results from 0.7.7 (#6506)

* Improve docs, add logs

* add logs

* microbenchmark

* lint
This commit is contained in:
Edward Oakes 2019-12-16 15:51:39 -08:00 committed by Eric Liang
parent b7d23405fe
commit 8636d67b72
7 changed files with 170 additions and 113 deletions

View file

@ -9,32 +9,47 @@ This document describes the process for creating new releases.
``releases/<release-version>``. Then push that branch to the ray repo:
``git push upstream releases/<release-version>``.
2. **Update the release branch version:** Push a commit that increments the Python
package version in python/ray/ and src/ray/raylet/ You can
push this directly to the release branch.
2. **Update the release branch version:** Push a commit directly to the
newly-created release branch that increments the Python package version in
python/ray/ and src/ray/raylet/ See this
`sample commit for bumping the release branch version`_.
3. **Update the master branch version:** Create a pull request to
increment the version of the master branch, see `this PR`_.
The format of the new version is as follows:
increment the dev version in of the master branch. See this
`sample PR for bumping a minor release version`_. **NOTE:** Not all of
the version numbers should be replaced. For example, ``0.7.0`` appears in
this file but should not be updated.
New minor release (e.g., 0.7.0): Increment the minor version and append
``.dev0`` to the version. For example, if the version of the new release is
0.7.0, the master branch needs to be updated to 0.8.0.dev0.
This should be merged soon after cutting the release branch (step 1) to
closely track the development version.
New micro release (e.g., 0.7.1): Increment the ``dev`` number, such that the
For a new micro release (e.g., 0.7.1): Increment the ``dev`` number, such that the
number after ``dev`` equals the micro version. For example, if the version
of the new release is 0.7.1, the master branch needs to be updated to
After the wheels for the new version are built, create and merge a
`PR like this`_.
For a new minor release (e.g., 0.7.0): Increment the minor version and append
``.dev0`` to the version. For example, if the new release is 0.7.0,
the master branch should be updated to 0.8.0.dev0.
These should be merged as soon as step 1 is complete to make sure the links
in the documentation keep working and the master stays on the development
4. **Testing:** Before releasing, the following sets of tests should be run. The results
of each of these tests for previous releases are checked in under ``doc/dev/release_tests``,
and should be compared against to identify any regressions.
4. **Testing:** Before a release is created, significant testing should be done.
Run the following scripts
1. Long-running tests
.. code-block:: bash
Follow the instructions to kick off the tests and check the status of the workloads
These tests should run for at least 24 hours (printing new iterations and CPU load
stable in the AWS console).
The last hundred lines or so printed by each test should be checked in under
2. Stress tests
.. code-block:: bash
@ -42,22 +57,25 @@ This document describes the process for creating new releases.
ray/ci/stress_tests/ <release-version> <release-commit>
rllib train -f rllib/tuned_examples/compact-regression-test.yaml
and make sure they pass. For the RLlib regression tests, see the comment on the
Make sure that these pass. For the RLlib regression tests, see the comment on the
file for the pass criteria. For the rest, it will be obvious if they passed.
This will use the autoscaler to start a bunch of machines and run some tests.
**Caution!**: By default, the stress tests will require expensive GPU instances.
You'll also want to kick off the long-running tests by following the instructions
The summaries printed by each test should be checked in under
.. code-block:: bash
3. Microbenchmarks
.. code-block:: bash
Following the instructions to check the status of the workloads to verify that they
are running. Let them run for at least 24 hours, and check them again. They should
all still be running (printing new iterations), and their CPU load should be stable
when you view them in the AWS monitoring console (not increasing over time).
ray microbenchmark
Run `ray microbenchmark` on an `m4.16xl` instance running `Ubuntu 18.04` with `Python 3` to get the
latest microbenchmark numbers and update them in `profiling.rst`.
The results should be updated in ``doc/dev/profiling.rst`` and checked in under
5. **Resolve release-blockers:** If a release blocking issue arises, there are
two ways the issue can be resolved: 1) Fix the issue on the master branch and
@ -67,7 +85,30 @@ This document describes the process for creating new releases.
These changes should then be pushed directly to the release branch.
6. **Download all the wheels:** Now the release is ready to begin final
6. **Create a GitHub release:** Create a `GitHub release`_. This should include
**release notes**. Copy the style and formatting used by previous releases.
Create a draft of the release notes containing information about substantial
changes/updates/bugfixes and their PR numbers. Once you have a draft, send it
out to other Ray developers (especially those who contributed heavily during
this release) for feedback. At the end of the release note, you should also
add a list of contributors.
Run ``doc/dev/`` to generate the list of commits corresponding
to this release and the formatted list of contributors.
You will need to provide a GitHub personal access token
( -> settings -> developer settings -> personal access tokens).
.. code-block:: bash
# Must be run from inside the Ray repository.
pip install PyGitHub tqdm
python --help
python \
--access-token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
--prev-release-commit="<COMMIT_SHA>" \
7. **Download all the wheels:** Now the release is ready to begin final
testing. The wheels are automatically uploaded to S3, even on the release
branch. To test, ``pip install`` from the following URLs:
@ -84,20 +125,20 @@ This document describes the process for creating new releases.
pip install -U$RAY_VERSION/$RAY_HASH/ray-$RAY_VERSION-cp36-cp36m-macosx_10_6_intel.whl
pip install -U$RAY_VERSION/$RAY_HASH/ray-$RAY_VERSION-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_6_intel.whl
7. **Upload to PyPI Test:** Upload the wheels to the PyPI test site using
``twine`` (ask Robert to add you as a maintainer to the PyPI project on both the
real and test PyPI). You'll need to run a command like
8. **Upload to PyPI Test:** Upload the wheels to the PyPI test site using
.. code-block:: bash
twine upload --repository-url ray/.whl/*
# Downloads all of the wheels to the current directory.
RAY_VERSION=<version> COMMIT=<commit_sha> bash
assuming that you've downloaded the wheels from the ``ray-wheels`` S3 bucket
and put them in ``ray/.whl``, that you've installed ``twine`` through
``pip``, and that you've created both PyPI accounts.
# Will ask for your PyPI test credentials and require that you're a maintainer
# on PyPI test. If you are not, ask @robertnishihara to add you.
pip install twine
twine upload --repository-url *.whl
Test that you can install the wheels with pip from the PyPI test repository
Test that you can install the wheels with pip from the PyPI test repository:
.. code-block:: bash
@ -112,77 +153,29 @@ This document describes the process for creating new releases.
scripts. Make sure that it is finding the version of Ray that you just
installed by checking ``ray.__version__`` and ``ray.__file__``.
Do this at least for MacOS and for Linux, as well as for Python 2 and Python
Do this at least for MacOS and Linux, as well as for Python 2 and Python 3.
8. **Upload to PyPI:** Now that you've tested the wheels on the PyPI test
9. **Upload to PyPI:** Now that you've tested the wheels on the PyPI test
repository, they can be uploaded to the main PyPI repository. Be careful,
**it will not be possible to modify wheels once you upload them**, so any
mistake will require a new release. You can upload the wheels with a command
mistake will require a new release.
.. code-block:: bash
twine upload --repository-url ray/.whl/*
# Will ask for your real PyPI credentials and require that you're a maintainer
# on real PyPI. If you are not, ask @robertnishihara to add you.
twine upload --repository-url *.whl
Verify that
Now, try installing from the real PyPI mirror. Verify that the correct version is
installed and that you can run some simple scripts.
.. code-block:: bash
pip install -U ray
finds the correct Ray version, and successfully runs some simple scripts on
both MacOS and Linux as well as Python 2 and Python 3.
9. **Create a GitHub release:** Create a GitHub release through the
`GitHub website`_. The release should be created at the commit from the
previous step. This should include **release notes**. Copy the style and
formatting used by previous releases. Create a draft of the release notes
containing information about substantial changes/updates/bugfixes and their
PR numbers. Once you have a draft, make sure you solicit feedback from other
Ray developers before publishing. Use the following to get started:
.. code-block:: bash
git pull origin master --tags
git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --pretty=format:"%s" | sort
At the end of the release note, you can add a list of contributors that help
creating this release. Use the ``doc/dev/`` to generate this
list. You will need to create a GitHub personal access token first if you don't
have one ( -> settings -> developer settings -> personal access tokens).
.. code-block:: bash
# Must be run from inside the Ray repository.
python --help
python \
--access-token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
--prev-branch="ray-0.7.1" \
Run `ray microbenchmark` on an `m4.16xl` instance running `Ubuntu 18.04` with `Python 3.7` to get the
latest microbenchmark numbers and update them in `profiling.rst`.
.. code-block:: bash
ray microbenchmark
10. **Update version numbers throughout codebase:** Suppose we just released
0.7.1. The previous release version number (in this case 0.7.0) and the
previous dev version number (in this case 0.8.0.dev0) appear in many places
throughout the code base including the installation documentation, the
example autoscaler config files, and the testing scripts. Search for all of
the occurrences of these version numbers and update them to use the new
release and dev version numbers. **NOTE:** Not all of the version numbers
should be replaced. For example, ``0.7.0`` appears in this file but should
not be updated.
11. **Improve the release process:** Find some way to improve the release
10. **Improve the release process:** Find some way to improve the release
process so that whoever manages the release next will have an easier time.
.. _`this example`:
.. _`this PR`:
.. _`PR like this`:
.. _`GitHub website`:
.. _`sample PR for bumping a minor release version`:
.. _`sample commit for bumping the release branch version`:
.. _`GitHub release`:

View file

@ -16,18 +16,24 @@ Create them at
help="Previous version branch like ray-0.7.1")
help="Last commit SHA of the previous release.")
help="Current version branch like ray-0.7.2")
def run(access_token, prev_branch, curr_branch):
help="Last commit SHA of the current release.")
def run(access_token, prev_release_commit, curr_release_commit):
print("Writing commit descriptions to 'commits.txt'...")
("'git log {prev_release_commit}..{curr_release_commit} "
f"--pretty=format:'%s' > commits.txt"),
# Generate command
cmd = []
cmd.append(f'git log {prev_branch}..{curr_branch} --pretty=format:"%s" '
' | grep -Eo "#(\d+)"')
cmd.append((f"git log {prev_release_commit}..{curr_release_commit} "
f"--pretty=format:'%s' "
f" | grep -Eo '#(\d+)'"))
joined = " && ".join(cmd)
cmd = f"bash -c '{joined}'"
cmd = shlex.split(cmd)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
single client get calls per second 28595.02 +- 580.33
single client put calls per second 6313.62 +- 66.88
single client put gigabytes per second 11.6 +- 6.86
multi client put calls per second 16800.89 +- 381.69
multi client put gigabytes per second 23.33 +- 0.96
single client tasks sync per second 1963.72 +- 48.48
single client tasks async per second 5181.29 +- 30.0
multi client tasks async per second 5566.7 +- 280.72
1:1 actor calls sync per second 1595.47 +- 38.32
1:1 actor calls async per second 2496.26 +- 37.62
1:1 direct actor calls async per second 7233.63 +- 205.75
n:n actor calls async per second 5357.63 +- 116.9
n:n direct actor calls async per second 90703.32 +- 805.56
n:n direct actor calls with arg async per second 13300.47 +- 532.66

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
| Trial name | status | loc | iter | total time (s) | timesteps | reward |
| IMPALA_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_4445a400 | TERMINATED | | 294 | 3600.28 | 6183500 | 352.15 |
| IMPALA_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_44461b92 | TERMINATED | | 292 | 3610.1 | 6178500 | 147.14 |
| IMPALA_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_44467b28 | TERMINATED | | 293 | 3611.05 | 6200500 | 275.1 |
| IMPALA_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_4446e1bc | TERMINATED | | 294 | 3611.16 | 6161500 | 322.95 |
| PPO_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_44474a4e | TERMINATED | | 549 | 3603.09 | 2745000 | 36.41 |
| PPO_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_4447b740 | TERMINATED | | 545 | 3604.43 | 2725000 | 16.83 |
| PPO_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_44481ea6 | TERMINATED | | 549 | 3605.4 | 2745000 | 52.36 |
| PPO_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_444885a8 | TERMINATED | | 546 | 3605.27 | 2730000 | 34.94 |
| APEX_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_4448feac | TERMINATED | | 113 | 3629.93 | 3552960 | 13.47 |
| APEX_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_44497684 | TERMINATED | | 112 | 3615.5 | 3539360 | 28.65 |
| APEX_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_4449f01e | TERMINATED | | 113 | 3621.85 | 3524640 | 28.17 |
| APEX_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_444a5dd8 | TERMINATED | | 112 | 3616.41 | 3447520 | 20.56 |
| A2C_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_444acb7e | TERMINATED | | 349 | 3604.38 | 2981000 | 108.8 |
| A2C_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_444b3a50 | TERMINATED | | 349 | 3602.3 | 2967500 | 145.82 |
| A2C_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_444b9ebe | TERMINATED | | 349 | 3605.71 | 2990500 | 127.3 |
| A2C_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_444c0016 | TERMINATED | | 349 | 3602.58 | 2970000 | 112.92 |
| DQN_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_444c6830 | TERMINATED | | 30 | 3662.81 | 300000 | 18.71 |
| DQN_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_444cdeb4 | TERMINATED | | 30 | 3608.95 | 300000 | 17.45 |
| DQN_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_444d5038 | TERMINATED | | 31 | 3658.65 | 310000 | 17.43 |
| DQN_BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4_444dbfb4 | TERMINATED | | 31 | 3696.8 | 310000 | 18.63 |

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Finished in: 361.19257402420044s
Average iteration time: 3.6119208979606627s
Max iteration time: 6.086421489715576s
Min iteration time: 0.23141980171203613s

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Stage 1 results:
Total time: 562.7756896018982
Average iteration time: 56.277525544166565
Max iteration time: 59.43245506286621
Min iteration time: 46.18883228302002
Stage 2 results:
Total time: 650.9956197738647
Average iteration time: 130.19871163368225
Max iteration time: 134.73312878608704
Min iteration time: 126.5669572353363
Stage 3 results:
Actor creation time: 0.12409853935241699
Total time: 3345.6912751197815

View file

@ -66,17 +66,20 @@ Ubuntu 18.04 and Python 3.6:
.. code-block:: text
single core get calls per second 13387.15 +- 9.53
single core put calls per second 4569.31 +- 53.59
single core put gigabytes per second 12.64 +- 6.07
multi core put calls per second 15667.53 +- 110.85
multi core put gigabytes per second 22.85 +- 1.15
single core tasks sync per second 1822.1 +- 51.61
single core tasks async per second 6603.71 +- 39.5
multi core tasks async per second 8161.46 +- 456.28
single core actor calls sync per second 1374.22 +- 81.32
single core actor calls async per second 1786.57 +- 138.77
multi core actor calls async per second 6418.93 +- 128.0
single client get calls per second 28595.02 +- 580.33
single client put calls per second 6313.62 +- 66.88
single client put gigabytes per second 11.6 +- 6.86
multi client put calls per second 16800.89 +- 381.69
multi client put gigabytes per second 23.33 +- 0.96
single client tasks sync per second 1963.72 +- 48.48
single client tasks async per second 5181.29 +- 30.0
multi client tasks async per second 5566.7 +- 280.72
1:1 actor calls sync per second 1595.47 +- 38.32
1:1 actor calls async per second 2496.26 +- 37.62
1:1 direct actor calls async per second 7233.63 +- 205.75
n:n actor calls async per second 5357.63 +- 116.9
n:n direct actor calls async per second 90703.32 +- 805.56
n:n direct actor calls with arg async per second 13300.47 +- 532.66