From 6b886d394c229c5df7df72a00df85eba26037269 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: liuyang-my <>
Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2022 00:07:12 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] [Serve] Java documentation (#26321)
doc/source/_toc.yml | 1 +
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java/dependencies.bzl | 1 +
.../docdemo/ | 119 ++++++++++++++
.../serve/docdemo/ | 20 +++
.../ray/serve/docdemo/ | 78 ++++++++++
.../serve/docdemo/ | 30 ++++
.../java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/ | 35 +++++
.../io/ray/serve/docdemo/ | 28 ++++
.../serve/docdemo/ | 92 +++++++++++
.../ray/serve/docdemo/ | 11 ++
14 files changed, 696 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 doc/source/serve/
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create mode 100644 java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
create mode 100644 java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
create mode 100644 java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
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index 933a92213..34b9244a7 100644
--- a/doc/source/_toc.yml
+++ b/doc/source/_toc.yml
@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ parts:
- file: serve/performance
- file: serve/dev-workflow
- file: serve/production
+ - file: serve/managing-java-deployments
- file: serve/migration
- file: serve/architecture
- file: serve/tutorials/index
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63c8e4711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/serve/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Managing Java Deployments
+Java is one of the mainstream programming languages for production services. Ray Serve natively supports Java API for creating, updating, and managing deployments. You can create Ray Serve deployments using Java and call them via Python, or vice versa.
+This section helps you to:
+- create, query, update and configure Java deployments
+- configure resources of your Java deployments
+- manage Python deployments using Java API
+## Creating a Deployment
+By specifying the full name of the class as an argument to `Serve.deployment()` method, as shown in the code below, we can create and deploy our deployment of the class.
+```{literalinclude} ../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-create-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-create-start
+## Accessing a Deployment
+Once a deployment is deployed, you can fetch its instance by name.
+```{literalinclude} ../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-query-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-query-start
+## Updating a Deployment
+We can update the code and the configuration of a deployment and redeploy it. The following example updates the initial value of the deployment 'counter' to 2.
+```{literalinclude} ../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-update-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-update-start
+## Configuring a Deployment
+There are a couple of deployment configuration Serve supports:
+- ability to scale out by increasing number of deployment replicas
+- ability to assign resources such as CPU and GPUs.
+The next two sections describe how to configure your deployments.
+### Scaling Out
+By specifying the `numReplicas` parameter, you can change the number of deployment replicas:
+```{literalinclude} ../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-scale-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-scale-start
+### Resource Management (CPUs, GPUs)
+Through the `rayActorOptions` parameter, you can set the resources of deployment, such as using one GPU:
+```{literalinclude} ../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-resource-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-resource-start
+## Managing a Python Deployment
+A python deployment can also be managed and called by the Java API. Suppose we have a python file `` in path `/path/to/code/`:
+from ray import serve
+class Counter(object):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = int(value)
+ def increase(self, delta):
+ self.value += int(delta)
+ return str(self.value)
+We deploy it as a deployment and call it through RayServeHandle:
+import io.ray.api.Ray;
+import io.ray.serve.api.Serve;
+import io.ray.serve.deployment.Deployment;
+import io.ray.serve.generated.DeploymentLanguage;
+public class ManagePythonDeployment {
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ System.setProperty(
+ "ray.job.code-search-path",
+ System.getProperty("java.class.path") + File.pathSeparator + "/path/to/code/");
+ Serve.start(true, false, null);
+ Deployment deployment =
+ Serve.deployment()
+ .setDeploymentLanguage(DeploymentLanguage.PYTHON)
+ .setName("counter")
+ .setDeploymentDef("counter.Counter")
+ .setNumReplicas(1)
+ .setInitArgs(new Object[] {"1"})
+ .create();
+ deployment.deploy(true);
+ System.out.println(Ray.get(deployment.getHandle().method("increase").remote("2")));
+ }
+> NOTE: Before `Ray.init` or `Serve.start`, we need to set the directory to find the Python code. For details, please refer to [Cross-Language Programming](cross_language).
+## Future Roadmap
+In the future, we will provide more features on Ray Serve Java, such as:
+- improved API to match the Python version
+- HTTP ingress support
+- bring your own Java Spring project as a deployment
diff --git a/doc/source/serve/tutorials/ b/doc/source/serve/tutorials/
index b334346b9..d9ac906ec 100644
--- a/doc/source/serve/tutorials/
+++ b/doc/source/serve/tutorials/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ serve-ml-models
Other Topics:
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index 000000000..d46888dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/serve/tutorials/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Java Tutorial
+To use Java Ray Serve, you need the following dependency in your pom.xml.
+ io.ray
+ ray-serve
+ ${ray.version}
+ provided
+> NOTE: After installing Ray via Python, the Java jar of Ray Serve is included locally. The `provided` scope could ensure the Java code using Ray Serve can be compiled and will not cause version conflicts when deployed on the cluster.
+## Example Model
+Our example use case is derived from production workflow of a financial application. The application needs to compute the best strategy to interact with different banks for a single task.
+```{literalinclude} ../../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-strategy-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-strategy-start
+This `Strategy` class is used to calculate the indicators of a number of banks.
+* The `calc` method is the entry of the calculation. The input parameters are the time interval of calculation and the map of the banks and their indicators. As we can see, the `calc` method contains a two-tier `for` loop, traversing each indicator list of each bank, and calling the `calcBankIndicators` method to calculate the indicators of the specified bank.
+- There is another layer of `for` loop in the `calcBankIndicators` method, which traverses each indicator, and then calls the `calcIndicator` method to calculate the specific indicator of the bank.
+- The `calcIndicator` method is a specific calculation logic based on the bank, the specified time interval and the indicator.
+This is the code that uses the `Strategy` class:
+```{literalinclude} ../../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-strategy-calc-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-strategy-calc-start
+When the scale of banks and indicators expands, the three-tier `for` loop will slow down the calculation. Even if the thread pool is used to calculate each indicator in parallel, we may encounter a single machine performance bottleneck. Moreover, this `Strategy` object cannot be reused as a resident service.
+## Converting to a Ray Serve Deployment
+Through Ray Serve, the core computing logic of `Strategy` can be deployed as a scalable distributed computing service.
+First, we can extract the indicator calculation of each institution into a separate `StrategyOnRayServe` class:
+```{literalinclude} ../../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-strategy-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-strategy-start
+Next, we start the Ray Serve runtime and deploy `StrategyOnRayServe` as a deployment.
+```{literalinclude} ../../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-deploy-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-deploy-start
+The `Deployment.create` makes a Deployment object named "strategy." After executing `Deployment.deploy`, this "strategy" deployment is deployed in the instance of Ray Serve with four replicas, and we can access it for distributed parallel computing.
+## Testing the Ray Serve Deployment
+Now we can test the "strategy" deployment using RayServeHandle inside Ray:
+```{literalinclude} ../../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-calc-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-calc-start
+At present, the calculation of each bank's each indicator is still executed serially, and sent to Ray for execution. We can make the calculation concurrent, which not only improves the calculation efficiency, but also solves the bottleneck of single machine.
+```{literalinclude} ../../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-parallel-calc-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-parallel-calc-start
+Now, we can use `StrategyCalcOnRayServe` like the example in the `main` method:
+```{literalinclude} ../../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-main-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-main-start
+## Calling Ray Serve Deployment with HTTP
+Another way to test or call a deployment is through the HTTP request. But there are now two limitations for the Java deployments:
+- The HTTP requests can only be processed by the `call` method of the user class.
+- The `call` method could only have one input parameter, and the type of the input parameter and the returned value can only be `String`.
+If we want to call the "strategy" deployment via HTTP, the class can be rewritten like this:
+```{literalinclude} ../../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-strategy-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-strategy-start
+After deploying this deployment, we can access it through `curl` command:
+curl -d '{"time":1641038674, "bank":"test_bank", "indicator":"test_indicator"}'
+It can also be accessed using HTTP Client in Java code:
+```{literalinclude} ../../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-http-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-http-start
+The example of strategy calculation using HTTP to access deployment is as follows:
+```{literalinclude} ../../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-calc-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-calc-start
+This code can also be rewritten to support concurrency:
+```{literalinclude} ../../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-parallel-calc-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-parallel-calc-start
+Finally, the complete usage of `HttpStrategyCalcOnRayServe` is like this:
+```{literalinclude} ../../../../java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
+:end-before: docs-main-end
+:language: java
+:start-after: docs-main-start
diff --git a/java/BUILD.bazel b/java/BUILD.bazel
index 7fe1bb8f6..f06f9b04e 100644
--- a/java/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/java/BUILD.bazel
@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ define_java_module(
+ "@maven//:org_apache_httpcomponents_client5_httpclient5_fluent",
diff --git a/java/dependencies.bzl b/java/dependencies.bzl
index 4a2c47c52..9041bda60 100644
--- a/java/dependencies.bzl
+++ b/java/dependencies.bzl
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ def gen_java_deps():
+ "org.apache.httpcomponents.client5:httpclient5-fluent:5.0.3",
group = "org.testng",
artifact = "testng",
diff --git a/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/ b/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a4001d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+package io.ray.serve.docdemo;
+import io.ray.serve.api.Serve;
+import io.ray.serve.deployment.Deployment;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
+import java.util.concurrent.Future;
+import org.apache.hc.client5.http.fluent.Request;
+public class HttpStrategyCalcOnRayServe {
+ public void deploy() {
+ Serve.start(true, false, null);
+ Deployment deployment =
+ Serve.deployment()
+ .setName("http-strategy")
+ .setDeploymentDef(HttpStrategyOnRayServe.class.getName())
+ .setNumReplicas(4)
+ .create();
+ deployment.deploy(true);
+ }
+ // docs-http-start
+ private Gson gson = new Gson();
+ public String httpCalc(long time, String bank, String indicator) {
+ Map data = new HashMap<>();
+ data.put("time", time);
+ data.put("bank", bank);
+ data.put("indicator", indicator);
+ String result;
+ try {
+ result =
+ .bodyString(gson.toJson(data), null)
+ .execute()
+ .returnContent()
+ .asString();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ result = "error";
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // docs-http-end
+ // docs-calc-start
+ public List calc(long time, Map>> banksAndIndicators) {
+ List results = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (Entry>> e : banksAndIndicators.entrySet()) {
+ String bank = e.getKey();
+ for (List indicators : e.getValue()) {
+ for (String indicator : indicators) {
+ results.add(httpCalc(time, bank, indicator));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ // docs-calc-end
+ // docs-parallel-calc-start
+ private ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);
+ public List parallelCalc(long time, Map>> banksAndIndicators) {
+ List results = new ArrayList<>();
+ List> futures = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (Entry>> e : banksAndIndicators.entrySet()) {
+ String bank = e.getKey();
+ for (List indicators : e.getValue()) {
+ for (String indicator : indicators) {
+ futures.add(executorService.submit(() -> httpCalc(time, bank, indicator)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (Future future : futures) {
+ try {
+ results.add(future.get());
+ } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e1) {
+ results.add("error");
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ // docs-parallel-calc-end
+ // docs-main-start
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ String bank1 = "demo_bank_1";
+ String bank2 = "demo_bank_2";
+ String indicator1 = "demo_indicator_1";
+ String indicator2 = "demo_indicator_2";
+ Map>> banksAndIndicators = new HashMap<>();
+ banksAndIndicators.put(bank1, Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList(indicator1, indicator2)));
+ banksAndIndicators.put(
+ bank2, Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList(indicator1), Arrays.asList(indicator2)));
+ HttpStrategyCalcOnRayServe strategy = new HttpStrategyCalcOnRayServe();
+ strategy.deploy();
+ List results = strategy.parallelCalc(time, banksAndIndicators);
+ System.out.println(results);
+ }
+ // docs-main-end
diff --git a/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/ b/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc4bcb587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package io.ray.serve.docdemo;
+// docs-strategy-start
+import java.util.Map;
+public class HttpStrategyOnRayServe {
+ private Gson gson = new Gson();
+ public String call(String dataJson) {
+ Map data = gson.fromJson(dataJson, Map.class);
+ long time = (long) data.get("time");
+ String bank = (String) data.get("bank");
+ String indicator = (String) data.get("indicator");
+ // do bank data calculation
+ return bank + "-" + indicator + "-" + time; // Demo;
+ }
+// docs-strategy-end
diff --git a/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/ b/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67d2bc73e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+package io.ray.serve.docdemo;
+import io.ray.serve.api.Serve;
+import io.ray.serve.deployment.Deployment;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
+public class ManageDeployment {
+ // docs-create-start
+ public static class Counter {
+ private AtomicInteger value;
+ public Counter(Integer value) {
+ this.value = new AtomicInteger(value);
+ }
+ public String call(String delta) {
+ return String.valueOf(value.addAndGet(Integer.valueOf(delta)));
+ }
+ }
+ public void create() {
+ Serve.deployment()
+ .setName("counter")
+ .setDeploymentDef(Counter.class.getName())
+ .setInitArgs(new Object[] {1})
+ .setNumReplicas(2)
+ .create()
+ .deploy(true);
+ }
+ // docs-create-end
+ // docs-query-start
+ public void query() {
+ Deployment deployment = Serve.getDeployment("counter");
+ }
+ // docs-query-end
+ // docs-update-start
+ public void update() {
+ Serve.deployment()
+ .setName("counter")
+ .setDeploymentDef(Counter.class.getName())
+ .setInitArgs(new Object[] {2})
+ .setNumReplicas(2)
+ .create()
+ .deploy(true);
+ }
+ // docs-update-end
+ // docs-scale-start
+ public void scaleOut() {
+ Deployment deployment = Serve.getDeployment("counter");
+ // Scale up to 10 replicas.
+ deployment.options().setNumReplicas(10).create().deploy(true);
+ // Scale down to 1 replica.
+ deployment.options().setNumReplicas(1).create().deploy(true);
+ }
+ // docs-scale-end
+ // docs-resource-start
+ public void manageResource() {
+ Map rayActorOptions = new HashMap<>();
+ rayActorOptions.put("num_gpus", 1);
+ Serve.deployment()
+ .setName("counter")
+ .setDeploymentDef(Counter.class.getName())
+ .setRayActorOptions(rayActorOptions)
+ .create()
+ .deploy(true);
+ }
+ // docs-resource-end
diff --git a/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/ b/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..075f3128e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+package io.ray.serve.docdemo;
+import io.ray.api.Ray;
+import io.ray.serve.api.Serve;
+import io.ray.serve.deployment.Deployment;
+public class ManagePythonDeployment {
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ System.setProperty(
+ "ray.job.code-search-path",
+ System.getProperty("java.class.path") + File.pathSeparator + "/path/to/code/");
+ Serve.start(true, false, null);
+ Deployment deployment =
+ Serve.deployment()
+ // .setDeploymentLanguage(DeploymentLanguage.PYTHON)
+ .setName("counter")
+ .setDeploymentDef("counter.Counter")
+ .setNumReplicas(1)
+ .setInitArgs(new Object[] {"1"})
+ .create();
+ deployment.deploy(true);
+ System.out.println(Ray.get(deployment.getHandle().method("increase").remote("2")));
+ }
diff --git a/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/ b/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62fee2b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package io.ray.serve.docdemo;
+// docs-strategy-start
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
+public class Strategy {
+ public List calc(long time, Map>> banksAndIndicators) {
+ List results = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (Entry>> e : banksAndIndicators.entrySet()) {
+ String bank = e.getKey();
+ for (List indicators : e.getValue()) {
+ results.addAll(calcBankIndicators(time, bank, indicators));
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ public List calcBankIndicators(long time, String bank, List indicators) {
+ List results = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (String indicator : indicators) {
+ results.add(calcIndicator(time, bank, indicator));
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ public String calcIndicator(long time, String bank, String indicator) {
+ // do bank data calculation
+ return bank + "-" + indicator + "-" + time; // Demo;
+ }
+// docs-strategy-end
diff --git a/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/ b/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10e0333b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package io.ray.serve.docdemo;
+// docs-strategy-calc-start
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+public class StrategyCalc {
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ String bank1 = "demo_bank_1";
+ String bank2 = "demo_bank_2";
+ String indicator1 = "demo_indicator_1";
+ String indicator2 = "demo_indicator_2";
+ Map>> banksAndIndicators = new HashMap<>();
+ banksAndIndicators.put(bank1, Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList(indicator1, indicator2)));
+ banksAndIndicators.put(
+ bank2, Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList(indicator1), Arrays.asList(indicator2)));
+ Strategy strategy = new Strategy();
+ List results = strategy.calc(time, banksAndIndicators);
+ System.out.println(results);
+ }
+// docs-strategy-calc-end
diff --git a/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/ b/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9b5d9c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/serve/src/test/java/io/ray/serve/docdemo/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+package io.ray.serve.docdemo;
+import io.ray.api.ObjectRef;
+import io.ray.serve.api.Serve;
+import io.ray.serve.deployment.Deployment;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
+public class StrategyCalcOnRayServe {
+ // docs-deploy-start
+ public void deploy() {
+ Serve.start(true, false, null);
+ Deployment deployment =
+ Serve.deployment()
+ .setName("strategy")
+ .setDeploymentDef(StrategyOnRayServe.class.getName())
+ .setNumReplicas(4)
+ .create();
+ deployment.deploy(true);
+ }
+ // docs-deploy-end
+ // docs-calc-start
+ public List calc(long time, Map>> banksAndIndicators) {
+ Deployment deployment = Serve.getDeployment("strategy");
+ List results = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (Entry>> e : banksAndIndicators.entrySet()) {
+ String bank = e.getKey();
+ for (List indicators : e.getValue()) {
+ for (String indicator : indicators) {
+ results.add(
+ (String)
+ deployment
+ .getHandle()
+ .method("calcIndicator")
+ .remote(time, bank, indicator)
+ .get());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ // docs-calc-end
+ // docs-parallel-calc-start
+ public List parallelCalc(long time, Map>> banksAndIndicators) {
+ Deployment deployment = Serve.getDeployment("strategy");
+ List results = new ArrayList<>();
+ List> refs = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (Entry>> e : banksAndIndicators.entrySet()) {
+ String bank = e.getKey();
+ for (List indicators : e.getValue()) {
+ for (String indicator : indicators) {
+ refs.add(deployment.getHandle().method("calcIndicator").remote(time, bank, indicator));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (ObjectRef