diff --git a/BUILD.bazel b/BUILD.bazel index 6e773e145..b87f25388 100644 --- a/BUILD.bazel +++ b/BUILD.bazel @@ -1973,7 +1973,7 @@ genrule( outs = ["ray_pkg.out"], cmd = """ if [ "$${OSTYPE-}" = "msys" ]; then - mv -f python/ray/_raylet.so python/ray/_raylet.pyd + ln -P -f -- python/ray/_raylet.so python/ray/_raylet.pyd fi # NOTE(hchen): Protobuf doesn't allow specifying Python package name. So we use this `sed` # command to change the import path in the generated file. diff --git a/bazel/ray.bzl b/bazel/ray.bzl index 0e41f930a..5d4abcbc7 100644 --- a/bazel/ray.bzl +++ b/bazel/ray.bzl @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ def copy_to_workspace(name, srcs, dstdir = ""): for f in {locations}; do rm -f -- {dstdir}$${{f##*/}} cp -f -- "$$f" {dstdir} - echo $$f {dstdir}$${{f##*/}} - done > $@ + done + date > $@ """.format( locations = src_locations, dstdir = "." + ("/" + dstdir.replace("\\", "/")).rstrip("/") + "/", @@ -131,10 +131,9 @@ def copy_to_workspace(name, srcs, dstdir = ""): ) && ( for %f in ({locations}) do @( (if exist {dstdir}%~nxf del /f /q {dstdir}%~nxf) && - copy /B /Y %f {dstdir} >NUL && - (echo %f {dstdir}%~nxf) + copy /B /Y %f {dstdir} >NUL ) - ) > $@ + ) && >$@ echo %TIME% """.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", " ").format( locations = src_locations, dstdir = "." + ("\\" + dstdir.replace("/", "\\")).rstrip("\\") + "\\",