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Dask on Ray
Ray offers a scheduler integration for Dask, allowing you to build data
analyses using the familiar Dask collections (dataframes, arrays) and execute
the underlying computations on a Ray cluster. Using this Dask scheduler, the
entire Dask ecosystem can be executed on top of Ray.
The Dask-Ray scheduler can execute any valid Dask graph, and can be used with
any Dask `.compute() <https://docs.dask.org/en/latest/api.html#dask.compute>`__
Here's an example:
.. code-block:: python
import ray
from ray.util.dask import ray_dask_get
import dask.delayed
import time
# Start Ray.
# Tip: If you're connecting to an existing cluster, use ray.init(address="auto").
def inc(x):
return x + 1
def add(x, y):
return x + y
x = inc(1)
y = inc(2)
z = add(x, y)
# The Dask scheduler submits the underlying task graph to Ray.
Why use Dask on Ray?
1. If you'd like to create data analyses using the familiar NumPy and Pandas
APIs provided by Dask and execute them on a production-ready distributed
task execution system like Ray.
2. If you'd like to use Dask and Ray libraries in the same application
without having two different task execution backends.
3. To take advantage of Ray-specific features such as the
:ref:`cluster launcher <ref-automatic-cluster>` and
:ref:`shared-memory store <memory>`.
Note that for execution on a Ray cluster, you should *not* use the
`Dask.distributed <https://distributed.dask.org/en/latest/quickstart.html>`__
client; simply use plain Dask and its collections, and pass ``ray_dask_get``
to ``.compute()`` calls. Follow the instructions for
:ref:`using Ray on a cluster <using-ray-on-a-cluster>` to modify the
``ray.init()`` call.
Dask-on-Ray is an ongoing project and is not expected to achieve the same performance as using Ray directly.
Dask's `custom callback abstraction <https://docs.dask.org/en/latest/diagnostics-local.html#custom-callbacks>`__
is extended with Ray-specific callbacks, allowing the user to hook into the
Ray task submission and execution lifecycles.
With these hooks, implementing Dask-level scheduler and task introspection,
such as progress reporting, diagnostics, caching, etc., is simple.
Here's an example that measures and logs the execution time of each task using
the ``ray_pretask`` and ``ray_posttask`` hooks:
.. code-block:: python
from ray.util.dask import RayDaskCallback
from timeit import default_timer as timer
class MyTimerCallback(RayDaskCallback):
def _ray_pretask(self, key, object_refs):
# Executed at the start of the Ray task.
start_time = timer()
return start_time
def _ray_posttask(self, key, result, pre_state):
# Executed at the end of the Ray task.
execution_time = timer() - pre_state
print(f"Execution time for task {key}: {execution_time}s")
with MyTimerCallback():
# Any .compute() calls within this context will get MyTimerCallback()
# as a Dask-Ray callback.
The following Ray-specific callbacks are provided:
1. :code:`ray_presubmit(task, key, deps)`: Run before submitting a Ray
task. If this callback returns a non-`None` value, a Ray task will _not_
be created and this value will be used as the would-be task's result
2. :code:`ray_postsubmit(task, key, deps, object_ref)`: Run after submitting
a Ray task.
3. :code:`ray_pretask(key, object_refs)`: Run before executing a Dask task
within a Ray task. This executes after the task has been submitted,
within a Ray worker. The return value of this task will be passed to the
ray_posttask callback, if provided.
4. :code:`ray_posttask(key, result, pre_state)`: Run after executing a Dask
task within a Ray task. This executes within a Ray worker. This callback
receives the return value of the ray_pretask callback, if provided.
5. :code:`ray_postsubmit_all(object_refs, dsk)`: Run after all Ray tasks
have been submitted.
6. :code:`ray_finish(result)`: Run after all Ray tasks have finished
executing and the final result has been returned.
See the docstring for
:meth:`RayDaskCallback.__init__() <ray.util.dask.callbacks.RayDaskCallback>.__init__`
for further details about these callbacks, their arguments, and their return
When creating your own callbacks, you can use
:class:`RayDaskCallback <ray.util.dask.callbacks.RayDaskCallback>`
directly, passing the callback functions as constructor arguments:
.. code-block:: python
def my_presubmit_cb(task, key, deps):
print(f"About to submit task {key}!")
with RayDaskCallback(ray_presubmit=my_presubmit_cb):
or you can subclass it, implementing the callback methods that you need:
.. code-block:: python
class MyPresubmitCallback(RayDaskCallback):
def _ray_presubmit(self, task, key, deps):
print(f"About to submit task {key}!")
with MyPresubmitCallback():
You can also specify multiple callbacks:
.. code-block:: python
# The hooks for both MyTimerCallback and MyPresubmitCallback will be
# called.
with MyTimerCallback(), MyPresubmitCallback():
Combining Dask callbacks with an actor yields simple patterns for stateful data
aggregation, such as capturing task execution statistics and caching results.
Here is an example that does both, caching the result of a task if its
execution time exceeds some user-defined threshold:
.. code-block:: python
class SimpleCacheActor:
def __init__(self):
self.cache = {}
def get(self, key):
# Raises KeyError if key isn't in cache.
return self.cache[key]
def put(self, key, value):
self.cache[key] = value
class SimpleCacheCallback(RayDaskCallback):
def __init__(self, cache_actor_handle, put_threshold=10):
self.cache_actor = cache_actor_handle
self.put_threshold = put_threshold
def _ray_presubmit(self, task, key, deps):
return ray.get(self.cache_actor.get.remote(str(key)))
except KeyError:
return None
def _ray_pretask(self, key, object_refs):
start_time = timer()
return start_time
def _ray_posttask(self, key, result, pre_state):
execution_time = timer() - pre_state
if execution_time > self.put_threshold:
self.cache_actor.put.remote(str(key), result)
cache_actor = SimpleCacheActor.remote()
cache_callback = SimpleCacheCallback(cache_actor, put_threshold=2)
with cache_callback:
Note that the existing Dask scheduler callbacks (``start``, ``start_state``,
``pretask``, ``posttask``, ``finish``) are also available, which can be used to
introspect the Dask task to Ray task conversion process, but that ``pretask``
and ``posttask`` are executed before and after the Ray task is *submitted*, not
executed, and that ``finish`` is executed after all Ray tasks have been
*submitted*, not executed.
This callback API is currently unstable and subject to change.