2021-06-17 21:41:57 -04:00
This part of the docs is generated from the ray.util.collective readme using m2r
To update:
- run `m2r RAY_ROOT/python/ray/util/collective/README.md`
- copy the contents of README.rst here
- Be sure not to delete the API reference section in the bottom of this file.
2022-05-13 01:29:59 -07:00
.. _ray-collective:
2021-06-17 21:41:57 -04:00
Ray Collective Communication Lib
2022-05-03 21:36:26 -07:00
The Ray collective communication library (\ `` ray.util.collective ` ` \ ) offers a set of native collective primitives for
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communication between distributed CPUs or GPUs.
Ray collective communication library
* enables 10x more efficient out-of-band collective communication between Ray actor and task processes,
* operates on both distributed CPUs and GPUs,
* uses NCCL and GLOO as the optional high-performance communication backends,
* is suitable for distributed ML programs on Ray.
Collective Primitives Support Matrix
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See below the current support matrix for all collective calls with different backends.
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.. list-table ::
:header-rows: 1
* - Backend
- `gloo <https://github.com/ray-project/pygloo> `_
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2021-06-17 21:41:57 -04:00
- `nccl <https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/nccl/user-guide/docs/index.html> `_
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* - Device
* - send
- ✔
- ✘
- ✘
- ✔
* - recv
- ✔
- ✘
- ✘
- ✔
* - broadcast
- ✔
- ✘
- ✘
- ✔
* - allreduce
- ✔
- ✘
- ✘
- ✔
* - reduce
- ✔
- ✘
- ✘
- ✔
* - allgather
- ✔
- ✘
- ✘
- ✔
* - gather
- ✘
- ✘
- ✘
- ✘
* - scatter
- ✘
- ✘
- ✘
- ✘
* - reduce_scatter
- ✔
- ✘
- ✘
- ✔
* - all-to-all
- ✘
- ✘
- ✘
- ✘
* - barrier
- ✔
- ✘
- ✘
- ✔
Supported Tensor Types
* `` torch.Tensor ``
* `` numpy.ndarray ``
* `` cupy.ndarray ``
Installation and Importing
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Ray collective library is bundled with the released Ray wheel. Besides Ray, users need to install either `pygloo <https://github.com/ray-project/pygloo> `_
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or `cupy <https://docs.cupy.dev/en/stable/install.html> `_ in order to use collective communication with the GLOO and NCCL backend, respectively.
.. code-block :: python
pip install pygloo
pip install cupy-cudaxxx # replace xxx with the right cuda version in your environment
To use these APIs, import the collective package in your actor/task or driver code via:
.. code-block :: python
import ray.util.collective as col
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Collective functions operate on collective groups.
A collective group contains a number of processes (in Ray, they are usually Ray-managed actors or tasks) that will together enter the collective function calls.
Before making collective calls, users need to declare a set of actors/tasks, statically, as a collective group.
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Below is an example code snippet that uses the two APIs `` init_collective_group() `` and `` declare_collective_group() `` to initialize collective groups among a few
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remote actors. Refer to `APIs <#api-reference> `_ for the detailed descriptions of the two APIs.
.. code-block :: python
import ray
import ray.util.collective as collective
import cupy as cp
class Worker:
def __init__(self):
self.send = cp.ones((4, ), dtype=cp.float32)
self.recv = cp.zeros((4, ), dtype=cp.float32)
def setup(self, world_size, rank):
collective.init_collective_group(world_size, rank, "nccl", "default")
return True
def compute(self):
collective.allreduce(self.send, "default")
return self.send
def destroy(self):
# imperative
num_workers = 2
workers = []
init_rets = []
for i in range(num_workers):
w = Worker.remote()
init_rets.append(w.setup.remote(num_workers, i))
_ = ray.get(init_rets)
results = ray.get([w.compute.remote() for w in workers])
# declarative
for i in range(num_workers):
w = Worker.remote()
_options = {
"group_name": "177",
"world_size": 2,
"ranks": [0, 1],
"backend": "nccl"
collective.declare_collective_group(workers, **_options)
results = ray.get([w.compute.remote() for w in workers])
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Note that for the same set of actors/task processes, multiple collective groups can be constructed, with `` group_name `` as their unique identifier.
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This enables to specify complex communication patterns between different (sub)set of processes.
Collective Communication
Check `the support matrix <#collective-primitives-support-matrix> `_ for the current status of supported collective calls and backends.
Note that the current set of collective communication API are imperative, and exhibit the following behaviours:
* All the collective APIs are synchronous blocking calls
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* Since each API only specifies a part of the collective communication, the API is expected to be called by each participating process of the (pre-declared) collective group.
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Upon all the processes have made the call and rendezvous with each other, the collective communication happens and proceeds.
* The APIs are imperative and the communication happends out-of-band --- they need to be used inside the collective process (actor/task) code.
An example of using `` ray.util.collective.allreduce `` is below:
.. code-block :: python
import ray
import cupy
import ray.util.collective as col
class Worker:
def __init__(self):
self.buffer = cupy.ones((10,), dtype=cupy.float32)
def compute(self):
col.allreduce(self.buffer, "default")
return self.buffer
# Create two actors A and B and create a collective group following the previous example...
A = Worker.remote()
B = Worker.remote()
# Invoke allreduce remotely
ray.get([A.compute.remote(), B.compute.remote()])
Point-to-point Communication
2022-05-13 01:29:59 -07:00
`` ray.util.collective `` also supports P2P send/recv communication between processes.
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The send/recv exhibits the same behavior with the collective functions:
they are synchronous blocking calls -- a pair of send and recv must be called together on paired processes in order to specify the entire communication,
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and must successfully rendezvous with each other to proceed. See the code example below:
.. code-block :: python
import ray
import cupy
import ray.util.collective as col
class Worker:
def __init__(self):
self.buffer = cupy.ones((10,), dtype=cupy.float32)
def get_buffer(self):
return self.buffer
def do_send(self, target_rank=0):
# this call is blocking
def do_recv(self, src_rank=0):
# this call is blocking
def do_allreduce(self):
# this call is blocking as well
return self.buffer
# Create two actors
A = Worker.remote()
B = Worker.remote()
# Put A and B in a collective group
col.declare_collective_group([A, B], options={rank=[0, 1], ...})
# let A to send a message to B; a send/recv has to be specified once at each worker
ray.get([A.do_send.remote(target_rank=1), B.do_recv.remote(src_rank=0)])
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# An anti-pattern: the following code will hang, because it doesn't instantiate the recv side call
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Single-GPU and Multi-GPU Collective Primitives
2022-05-13 01:29:59 -07:00
In many cluster setups, a machine usually has more than 1 GPU;
effectively leveraging the GPU-GPU bandwidth, such as `NVLINK <https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/design-visualization/nvlink-bridges/> `_ \ ,
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can significantly improve communication performance.
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`` ray.util.collective `` supports multi-GPU collective calls, in which case, a process (actor/tasks) manages more than 1 GPU (e.g., via `` ray.remote(num_gpus=4) ` ` \ ).
Using these multi-GPU collective functions are normally more performance-advantageous than using single-GPU collective API
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and spawning the number of processes equal to the number of GPUs.
See the API references for the signatures of multi-GPU collective APIs.
Also of note that all multi-GPU APIs are with the following restrictions:
* Only NCCL backend is supported.
* Collective processes that make multi-GPU collective or P2P calls need to own the same number of GPU devices.
* The input to multi-GPU collective functions are normally a list of tensors, each located on a different GPU device owned by the caller process.
An example code utilizing the multi-GPU collective APIs is provided below:
.. code-block :: python
import ray
import ray.util.collective as collective
import cupy as cp
from cupy.cuda import Device
class Worker:
def __init__(self):
with Device(0):
self.send1 = cp.ones((4, ), dtype=cp.float32)
with Device(1):
self.send2 = cp.ones((4, ), dtype=cp.float32) * 2
with Device(0):
self.recv1 = cp.ones((4, ), dtype=cp.float32)
with Device(1):
self.recv2 = cp.ones((4, ), dtype=cp.float32) * 2
def setup(self, world_size, rank):
2022-04-25 11:20:51 -07:00
self.rank = rank
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collective.init_collective_group(world_size, rank, "nccl", "177")
return True
def allreduce_call(self):
collective.allreduce_multigpu([self.send1, self.send2], "177")
return [self.send1, self.send2]
def p2p_call(self):
if self.rank == 0:
collective.send_multigpu(self.send1 * 2, 1, 1, "8")
collective.recv_multigpu(self.recv2, 0, 0, "8")
return self.recv2
# Note that the world size is 2 but there are 4 GPUs.
num_workers = 2
workers = []
init_rets = []
for i in range(num_workers):
w = Worker.remote()
init_rets.append(w.setup.remote(num_workers, i))
a = ray.get(init_rets)
results = ray.get([w.allreduce_call.remote() for w in workers])
results = ray.get([w.p2p_call.remote() for w in workers])
More Resources
The following links provide helpful resources on how to efficiently leverage the `` ray.util.collective `` library.
* `More running examples <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/tree/master/python/ray/util/collective/examples> `_ under `` ray.util.collective.examples `` .
* `Scaling up the Spacy Name Entity Recognition (NER) pipeline <https://github.com/explosion/spacy-ray> `_ using Ray collective library.
* `Implementing the AllReduce strategy <https://github.com/ray-project/distml/blob/master/distml/strategy/allreduce_strategy.py> `_ for data-parallel distributed ML training.
API References
.. automodule :: ray.util.collective.collective