Transformations prior to the call to ``.repeat()`` will be cached. However, note that the initial read will not be cached unless there is a subsequent transformation or ``.fully_executed()`` call. Transformations made to the DatasetPipeline after the repeat will always be executed once for each repetition of the Dataset.
For example, in the following pipeline, the ``map(func)`` transformation only occurs once. However, the random shuffle is applied to each repetition in the pipeline. However, if we omitted the map transformation, then the pipeline would re-read from the base data on each repetition.
Result caching only applies if there are *transformation* stages prior to the pipelining operation. If you ``repeat()`` or ``window()`` a Dataset right after the read call (e.g., ````), then the read will still be re-executed on each repetition. This optimization saves memory, at the cost of repeated reads from the datasource. To force result caching in all cases, use ``.fully_executed().repeat()``.
Sometimes, you may want to change the structure of an existing pipeline. For example, after generating a pipeline with ``ds.window(k)``, you may want to repeat that windowed pipeline ``n`` times. This can be done with ``ds.window(k).repeat(n)``. As another example, suppose you have a repeating pipeline generated with ``ds.repeat(n)``. The windowing of that pipeline can be changed with ``ds.repeat(n).rewindow(k)``. Note the subtle difference in the two examples: the former is repeating a windowed pipeline that has a base window size of ``k``, while the latter is re-windowing a pipeline of initial window size of ``ds.num_blocks()``. The latter may produce windows that span multiple copies of the same original data if ``preserve_epoch=False`` is set: