RLlib works with several different types of environments, including `OpenAI Gym <https://gym.openai.com/>`__, user-defined, multi-agent, and also batched environments.
Not all environments work with all algorithms. Check out the `algorithm overview <rllib-algorithms.html#available-algorithms-overview>`__ for more information.
You can pass either a string name or a Python class to specify an environment. By default, strings will be interpreted as a gym `environment name <https://gym.openai.com/envs>`__. Custom env classes passed directly to the trainer must take a single ``env_config`` parameter in their constructor:
You can also register a custom env creator function with a string name. This function must take a single ``env_config`` (dict) parameter and return an env instance:
For a full runnable code example using the custom environment API, see `custom_env.py <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/custom_env.py>`__.
The gym registry is not compatible with Ray. Instead, always use the registration flows documented above to ensure Ray workers can access the environment.
In the above example, note that the ``env_creator`` function takes in an ``env_config`` object. This is a dict containing options passed in through your trainer. You can also access ``env_config.worker_index`` and ``env_config.vector_index`` to get the worker id and env id within the worker (if ``num_envs_per_worker > 0``). This can be useful if you want to train over an ensemble of different environments, for example:
When using logging in an environment, the logging configuration needs to be done inside the environment, which runs inside Ray workers. Any configurations outside the environment, e.g., before starting Ray will be ignored.
RLlib uses Gym as its environment interface for single-agent training. For more information on how to implement a custom Gym environment, see the `gym.Env class definition <https://github.com/openai/gym/blob/master/gym/core.py>`__. You may find the `SimpleCorridor <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/custom_env.py>`__ example useful as a reference.
1.**Vectorization within a single process:** Though many envs can achieve high frame rates per core, their throughput is limited in practice by policy evaluation between steps. For example, even small TensorFlow models incur a couple milliseconds of latency to evaluate. This can be worked around by creating multiple envs per process and batching policy evaluations across these envs.
You can configure ``{"num_envs_per_worker": M}`` to have RLlib create ``M`` concurrent environments per worker. RLlib auto-vectorizes Gym environments via `VectorEnv.wrap() <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/env/vector_env.py>`__.
2.**Distribute across multiple processes:** You can also have RLlib create multiple processes (Ray actors) for experience collection. In most algorithms this can be controlled by setting the ``{"num_workers": N}`` config.
You can also combine vectorization and distributed execution, as shown in the above figure. Here we plot just the throughput of RLlib policy evaluation from 1 to 128 CPUs. PongNoFrameskip-v4 on GPU scales from 2.4k to ∼200k actions/s, and Pendulum-v1 on CPU from 15k to 1.5M actions/s. One machine was used for 1-16 workers, and a Ray cluster of four machines for 32-128 workers. Each worker was configured with ``num_envs_per_worker=64``.
Some environments may be very resource-intensive to create. RLlib will create ``num_workers + 1`` copies of the environment since one copy is needed for the driver process. To avoid paying the extra overhead of the driver copy, which is needed to access the env's action and observation spaces, you can defer environment initialization until ``reset()`` is called.
RLlib will auto-vectorize Gym envs for batch evaluation if the ``num_envs_per_worker`` config is set, or you can define a custom environment class that subclasses `VectorEnv <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/env/vector_env.py>`__ to implement ``vector_step()`` and ``vector_reset()``.
Note that auto-vectorization only applies to policy inference by default. This means that policy inference will be batched, but your envs will still be stepped one at a time. If you would like your envs to be stepped in parallel, you can set ``"remote_worker_envs": True``. This will create env instances in Ray actors and step them in parallel. These remote processes introduce communication overheads, so this only helps if your env is very expensive to step / reset.
When using remote envs, you can control the batching level for inference with ``remote_env_batch_wait_ms``. The default value of 0ms means envs execute asynchronously and inference is only batched opportunistically. Setting the timeout to a large value will result in fully batched inference and effectively synchronous environment stepping. The optimal value depends on your environment step / reset time, and model inference speed.
In a multi-agent environment, there are more than one "agent" acting simultaneously, in a turn-based fashion, or in a combination of these two.
For example, in a traffic simulation, there may be multiple "car" and "traffic light" agents in the environment,
acting simultaneously. Whereas in a board game, you may have two or more agents acting in a turn-base fashion.
The mental model for multi-agent in RLlib is as follows:
(1) Your environment (a sub-class of :py:class:`~ray.rllib.env.multi_agent_env.MultiAgentEnv`) returns dictionaries mapping agent IDs (e.g. strings; the env can chose these arbitrarily) to individual agents' observations, rewards, and done-flags.
(2) You define (some of) the policies that are available up front (you can also add new policies on-the-fly throughout training), and
(3) You define a function that maps an env-produced agent ID to any available policy ID, which is then to be used for computing actions for this particular agent.
When implementing your own :py:class:`~ray.rllib.env.multi_agent_env.MultiAgentEnv`, note that you should only return those
agent IDs in an observation dict, for which you expect to receive actions in the next call to `step()`.
This API allows you to implement any type of multi-agent environment, from `turn-based games <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/self_play_with_open_spiel.py>`__
over environments, in which `all agents always act simultaneously <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/env/multi_agent.py>`__, to anything in between.
Here is an example of an env, in which all agents always step simultaneously:
To scale to hundreds of agents (if these agents are using the same policy), MultiAgentEnv batches policy evaluations across multiple agents internally.
Your ``MultiAgentEnvs`` are also auto-vectorized (as can be normal, single-agent envs, e.g. gym.Env) by setting ``num_envs_per_worker > 1``.
`PettingZoo <https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/PettingZoo>`__ is a repository of over 50 diverse multi-agent environments. However, the API is not directly compatible with rllib, but it can be converted into an rllib MultiAgentEnv like in this example
The `rock_paper_scissors_multiagent.py <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/rock_paper_scissors_multiagent.py>`__ example demonstrates several types of policies competing against each other: heuristic policies of repeating the same move, beating the last opponent move, and learned LSTM and feedforward policies.
TensorBoard output of running the rock-paper-scissors example, where a learned policy faces off between a random selection of the same-move and beat-last-move heuristics. Here the performance of heuristic policies vs the learned policy is compared with LSTM enabled (blue) and a plain feed-forward policy (red). While the feedforward policy can easily beat the same-move heuristic by simply avoiding the last move taken, it takes a LSTM policy to distinguish between and consistently beat both policies.
With `ModelV2 <rllib-models.html#tensorflow-models>`__, you can put layers in global variables and straightforwardly share those layer objects between models instead of using variable scopes.
RLlib will create each policy's model in a separate ``tf.variable_scope``. However, variables can still be shared between policies by explicitly entering a globally shared variable scope with ``tf.VariableScope(reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE)``:
There is a full example of this in the `example training script <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/multi_agent_cartpole.py>`__.
The most general way of implementing a centralized critic involves defining the ``postprocess_fn`` method of a custom policy. ``postprocess_fn`` is called by ``Policy.postprocess_trajectory``, which has full access to the policies and observations of concurrent agents via the ``other_agent_batches`` and ``episode`` arguments. The batch of critic predictions can then be added to the postprocessed trajectory. Here's an example:
To update the critic, you'll also have to modify the loss of the policy. For an end-to-end runnable example, see `examples/centralized_critic.py <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/centralized_critic.py>`__.
Alternatively, you can use an observation function to share observations between agents. In this strategy, each observation includes all global state, and policies use a custom model to ignore state they aren't supposed to "see" when computing actions. The advantage of this approach is that it's very simple and you don't have to change the algorithm at all -- just use the observation func (i.e., like an env wrapper) and custom model. However, it is a bit less principled in that you have to change the agent observation spaces to include training-time only information. You can find a runnable example of this strategy at `examples/centralized_critic_2.py <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/centralized_critic_2.py>`__.
It is common to have groups of agents in multi-agent RL. RLlib treats agent groups like a single agent with a Tuple action and observation space. The group agent can then be assigned to a single policy for centralized execution, or to specialized multi-agent policies such as :ref:`Q-Mix <qmix>` that implement centralized training but decentralized execution. You can use the ``MultiAgentEnv.with_agent_groups()`` method to define these groups:
For environments with multiple groups, or mixtures of agent groups and individual agents, you can use grouping in conjunction with the policy mapping API described in prior sections.
Hierarchical training can sometimes be implemented as a special case of multi-agent RL. For example, consider a three-level hierarchy of policies, where a top-level policy issues high level actions that are executed at finer timescales by a mid-level and low-level policy. The following timeline shows one step of the top-level policy, which corresponds to two mid-level actions and five low-level actions:
This can be implemented as a multi-agent environment with three types of agents. Each higher-level action creates a new lower-level agent instance with a new id (e.g., ``low_level_0``, ``low_level_1``, ``low_level_2`` in the above example). These lower-level agents pop in existence at the start of higher-level steps, and terminate when their higher-level action ends. Their experiences are aggregated by policy, so from RLlib's perspective it's just optimizing three different types of policies. The configuration might look something like this:
..code-block:: python
"multiagent": {
"policies": {
"top_level": (custom_policy or None, ...),
"mid_level": (custom_policy or None, ...),
"low_level": (custom_policy or None, ...),
lambda agent_id:
"low_level" if agent_id.startswith("low_level_") else
"mid_level" if agent_id.startswith("mid_level_") else "top_level"
In this setup, the appropriate rewards for training lower-level agents must be provided by the multi-agent env implementation.
The environment class is also responsible for routing between the agents, e.g., conveying `goals <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.01161.pdf>`__ from higher-level
agents to lower-level agents as part of the lower-level agent observation.
See this file for a runnable example: `hierarchical_training.py <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/hierarchical_training.py>`__.
In many situations, it does not make sense for an environment to be "stepped" by RLlib. For example, if a policy is to be used in a web serving system, then it is more natural for an agent to query a service that serves policy decisions, and for that service to learn from experience over time. This case also naturally arises with **external simulators** (e.g. Unity3D, other game engines, or the Gazebo robotics simulator) that run independently outside the control of RLlib, but may still want to leverage RLlib for training.
RLlib provides the `ExternalEnv <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/env/external_env.py>`__ class for this purpose.
Unlike other envs, ExternalEnv has its own thread of control. At any point, agents on that thread can query the current policy for decisions via ``self.get_action()`` and reports rewards, done-dicts, and infos via ``self.log_returns()``.
This can be done for multiple concurrent episodes as well.
Take a look at the examples here for a `simple "CartPole-v0" server <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/serving/cartpole_server.py>`__
and `n client(s) <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/serving/cartpole_client.py>`__
scripts, in which we setup an RLlib policy server that listens on one or more ports for client connections
and connect several clients to this server to learn the env.
Another `example <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/serving/unity3d_server.py>`__ shows,
how to run a similar setup against a Unity3D external game engine.
ExternalEnv provides a ``self.log_action()`` call to support off-policy actions. This allows the client to make independent decisions, e.g., to compare two different policies, and for RLlib to still learn from those off-policy actions. Note that this requires the algorithm used to support learning from off-policy decisions (e.g., DQN).
For applications that are running entirely outside the Ray cluster (i.e., cannot be packaged into a Python environment of any form), RLlib provides the ``PolicyServerInput`` application connector, which can be connected to over the network using ``PolicyClient`` instances.
You can configure any Trainer to launch a policy server with the following config:
..code-block:: python
trainer_config = {
# An environment class is still required, but it doesn't need to be runnable.
# You only need to define its action and observation space attributes.
# Use the existing trainer process to run the server.
"num_workers": 0,
# Disable OPE, since the rollouts are coming from online clients.
"input_evaluation": [],
Clients can then connect in either *local* or *remote* inference mode. In local inference mode, copies of the policy are downloaded from the server and cached on the client for a configurable period of time. This allows actions to be computed by the client without requiring a network round trip each time. In remote inference mode, each computed action requires a network call to the server.
`simple CartPole server <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/serving/cartpole_server.py>`__ (see below), and connecting it to any number of clients
(`cartpole_client.py <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/serving/cartpole_client.py>`__) or
run a `Unity3D learning sever <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/examples/serving/unity3d_server.py>`__
against distributed Unity game engines in the cloud.
For more complex / high-performance environment integrations, you can instead extend the low-level `BaseEnv <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/env/base_env.py>`__ class. This low-level API models multiple agents executing asynchronously in multiple environments. A call to ``BaseEnv:poll()`` returns observations from ready agents keyed by 1) their environment, then 2) agent ids. Actions for those agents are sent back via ``BaseEnv:send_actions()``. BaseEnv is used to implement all the other env types in RLlib, so it offers a superset of their functionality. For example, ``BaseEnv`` is used to implement dynamic batching of observations for inference over `multiple simulator actors <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/rllib/env/remote_vector_env.py>`__.