Here is a simple example of using the function API. You can report intermediate metrics by simply calling ```` within the provided function.
..tip:: Do not use ```` within a ``Trainable`` class.
Tune will run this function on a separate thread in a Ray actor process.
Function API Checkpointing
Many Tune features rely on checkpointing, including the usage of certain Trial Schedulers and fault tolerance. To use Tune's checkpointing features, you must expose a ``checkpoint`` argument in the function signature, and call ``tune.make_checkpoint_dir`` and ``tune.save_checkpoint``:
In this example, checkpoints will be saved by training iteration to ``local_dir/exp_name/trial_name/checkpoint_<step>``. You can restore a single trial checkpoint by using ``<checkpoint_dir>)``:
Tune also may copy or move checkpoints during the course of tuning. For this purpose, it is important not to depend on absolute paths in the implementation of ``save``.
1.``setup`` function is invoked once training starts.
2.``step`` is invoked **multiple times**. Each time, the Trainable object executes one logical iteration of training in the tuning process, which may include one or more iterations of actual training.
3.``cleanup`` is invoked when training is finished.
..tip:: As a rule of thumb, the execution time of ``step`` should be large enough to avoid overheads (i.e. more than a few seconds), but short enough to report progress periodically (i.e. at most a few minutes).
**Manual Checkpointing**: A custom Trainable can manually trigger checkpointing by returning ``should_checkpoint: True`` (or ``tune.result.SHOULD_CHECKPOINT: True``) in the result dictionary of `step`. This can be especially helpful in spot instances:
**Periodic Checkpointing**: periodic checkpointing can be used to provide fault-tolerance for experiments. This can be enabled by setting ``checkpoint_freq=<int>`` and ``max_failures=<int>`` to checkpoint trials every *N* iterations and recover from up to *M* crashes per trial, e.g.:
**Checkpointing at Termination**: The checkpoint_freq may not coincide with the exact end of an experiment. If you want a checkpoint to be created at the end
of a trial, you can additionally set the ``checkpoint_at_end=True``:
Your Trainable can often take a long time to start. To avoid this, you can do ```` to reuse the same Trainable Python process and object for multiple hyperparameters.
This requires you to implement ``Trainable.reset_config``, which provides a new set of hyperparameters. It is up to the user to correctly update the hyperparameters of your trainable.
Trainables can themselves be distributed. If your trainable function / class creates further Ray actors or tasks that also consume CPU / GPU resources, you will want to set ``extra_cpu`` or ``extra_gpu`` inside ```` to reserve extra resource slots. For example, if a trainable class requires 1 GPU itself, but also launches 4 actors, each using another GPU, then you should set ``"gpu": 1, "extra_gpu": 4``.
The ``Trainable`` also provides the ``default_resource_requests`` interface to automatically declare the ``resources_per_trial`` based on the given configuration.