2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
.. _getting-involved:
Getting Involved / Contributing
Ray is more than a framework for distributed applications but also an active community of developers,
researchers, and folks that love machine learning.
2021-02-04 01:14:34 -08:00
.. tip :: Ask questions on `our forum <https://discuss.ray.io/> `_ ! The
2020-12-10 01:13:40 -08:00
community is extremely active in helping people succeed in building their
Ray applications.
2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
You can join (and Star!) us on `on GitHub`_ .
.. _`on GitHub`: https://github.com/ray-project/ray
Contributing to Ray
2019-08-05 23:33:14 -07:00
We welcome (and encourage!) all forms of contributions to Ray, including and not limited to:
- Code reviewing of patches and PRs.
- Pushing patches.
- Documentation and examples.
- Community participation in forums and issues.
- Code readability and code comments to improve readability.
- Test cases to make the codebase more robust.
- Tutorials, blog posts, talks that promote the project.
What can I work on?
We use Github to track issues, feature requests, and bugs. Take a look at the
ones labeled `"good first issue" <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22> `__ and `"help wanted" <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22help+wanted%22> `__ for a place to start.
2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
Setting up your development environment
To edit the Ray source code, you'll want to checkout the repository and also build Ray from source. Follow :ref: `these instructions for building <building-ray>` a local copy of Ray to easily make changes.
2019-08-05 23:33:14 -07:00
Submitting and Merging a Contribution
There are a couple steps to merge a contribution.
2021-03-19 10:42:47 -05:00
1. First merge the most recent version of master into your development branch.
2019-08-05 23:33:14 -07:00
.. code :: bash
git remote add upstream https://github.com/ray-project/ray.git
2021-09-19 20:14:51 -07:00
git pull . upstream/master
2019-08-05 23:33:14 -07:00
2021-10-25 12:23:23 -07:00
2. Make sure all existing `tests <getting-involved.html#testing> `__ and `linters <getting-involved.html#lint-and-formatting> `__ pass.
Run `` setup_hooks.sh `` to create a git hook that will run the linter before you push your changes.
2019-08-05 23:33:14 -07:00
3. If introducing a new feature or patching a bug, be sure to add new test cases
2021-10-25 12:23:23 -07:00
in the relevant file in `` ray/python/ray/tests/ `` .
2019-08-05 23:33:14 -07:00
4. Document the code. Public functions need to be documented, and remember to provide an usage
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example if applicable. See `` doc/README.md `` for instructions on editing and building public documentation.
5. Address comments on your PR. During the review
2021-09-19 20:14:51 -07:00
process you may need to address merge conflicts with other changes. To resolve merge conflicts,
run `` git pull . upstream/master `` on your branch (please do not use rebase, as it is less
friendly to the GitHub review tool. All commits will be squashed on merge.)
2019-08-05 23:33:14 -07:00
6. Reviewers will merge and approve the pull request; be sure to ping them if
the pull request is getting stale.
2021-10-25 12:23:23 -07:00
PR Review Process
For contributors who are in the `` ray-project `` organization:
- When you first create a PR, add an reviewer to the `assignee` section.
- Assignees will review your PR and add the `@author-action-required` label if further actions are required.
- Address their comments and remove the `@author-action-required` label from the PR.
- Repeat this process until assignees approve your PR.
- Once the PR is approved, the author is in charge of ensuring the PR passes the build. Add the `test-ok` label if the build succeeds.
- Committers will merge the PR once the build is passing.
For contributors who are not in the `` ray-project `` organization:
- Your PRs will have assignees shortly. Assignees of PRs will be actively engaging with contributors to merge the PR.
- Please actively ping assignees after you address your comments!
2019-08-05 23:33:14 -07:00
Even though we have hooks to run unit tests automatically for each pull request,
we recommend you to run unit tests locally beforehand to reduce reviewers’
burden and speedup review process.
2021-07-28 14:26:40 -07:00
If you are running tests for the first time, you can install the required dependencies with:
2019-08-05 23:33:14 -07:00
.. code-block :: shell
2021-07-28 14:26:40 -07:00
pip install -r python/requirements.txt
2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
Testing for Python development
2021-09-19 20:14:51 -07:00
The full suite of tests is too large to run on a single machine. However, you can run individual relevant Python test files. Suppose that one of the tests in a file of tests, e.g., `` python/ray/tests/test_basic.py `` , is failing. You can run just that test file locally as follows:
2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
.. code-block :: shell
2021-09-19 20:14:51 -07:00
pytest -v -s python/ray/tests/test_basic.py
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2021-09-19 20:14:51 -07:00
This will run all of the tests in the file. To run a specific test, use the following:
2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
.. code-block :: shell
2021-09-19 20:14:51 -07:00
pytest -v -s test_file.py::name_of_the_test
2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
Testing for C++ development
To compile and run all C++ tests, you can run:
.. code-block :: shell
bazel test $(bazel query 'kind(cc_test, ...)')
Alternatively, you can also run one specific C++ test. You can use:
.. code-block :: shell
bazel test $(bazel query 'kind(cc_test, ...)') --test_filter=ClientConnectionTest --test_output=streamed
2021-09-19 20:14:51 -07:00
Code Style
2022-02-01 10:37:21 -08:00
In general, we follow the `Google style guide <https://google.github.io/styleguide/> `__ for C++ code and the `Black code style <https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/the_black_code_style/current_style.html> `__ for Python code. However, it is more important for code to be in a locally consistent style than to strictly follow guidelines. Whenever in doubt, follow the local code style of the component.
2021-09-19 20:14:51 -07:00
For Python documentation, we follow a subset of the `Google pydoc format <https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_google.html> `__ . The following code snippet demonstrates the canonical Ray pydoc formatting:
.. code-block :: python
def ray_canonical_doc_style(param1: int, param2: str) -> bool:
"""First sentence MUST be inline with the quotes and fit on one line.
Additional explanatory text can be added in paragraphs such as this one.
Do not introduce multi-line first sentences.
>>> # Provide code examples as possible.
>>> ray_canonical_doc_style(41, "hello")
>>> # A second example.
>>> ray_canonical_doc_style(72, "goodbye")
param1: The first parameter. Do not include the types in the
docstring (they should be defined only in the signature).
Multi-line parameter docs should be indented by four spaces.
param2: The second parameter.
The return value. Do not include types here.
2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
Lint and Formatting
2019-08-05 23:33:14 -07:00
We also have tests for code formatting and linting that need to pass before merge.
2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
2021-07-28 14:26:40 -07:00
* For Python formatting, install the `required dependencies <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/requirements_linters.txt> `_ first with:
.. code-block :: shell
pip install -r python/requirements_linters.txt
2021-09-24 17:59:05 -07:00
* If developing for C++, you will need `clang-format <https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/process/clang-format.html> `_ version `` 12 `` (download this version of Clang from `here <http://releases.llvm.org/download.html> `_ )
2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
You can run the following locally:
2019-08-05 23:33:14 -07:00
.. code-block :: shell
2021-09-19 20:14:51 -07:00
2019-08-05 23:33:14 -07:00
2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
An output like the following indicates failure:
.. code-block :: shell
WARNING: clang-format is not installed! # This is harmless
From https://github.com/ray-project/ray
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
python/ray/util/sgd/tf/tf_runner.py:4:1: F401 'numpy as np' imported but unused # Below is the failure
2021-09-19 20:14:51 -07:00
In addition, there are other formatting and semantic checkers for components like the following (not included in `` scripts/format.sh `` ):
2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
* Python README format:
.. code-block :: shell
cd python
python setup.py check --restructuredtext --strict --metadata
* Bazel format:
.. code-block :: shell
2021-09-24 17:59:05 -07:00
* clang-tidy for C++ lint, requires `` clang `` and `` clang-tidy `` version 12 to be installed:
2021-09-09 00:41:53 -07:00
.. code-block :: shell
2021-10-25 12:23:23 -07:00
You can run `` setup_hooks.sh `` to create a git hook that will run the linter before you push your changes.
2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
Understanding CI test jobs
The Ray project automatically runs continuous integration (CI) tests once a PR
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is opened using `Buildkite <https://buildkite.com/ray-project/> `_ with
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multiple CI test jobs.
2021-06-18 09:07:03 +02:00
The `CI`_ test folder contains all integration test scripts and they
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invoke other test scripts via `` pytest `` , `` bazel `` -based test or other bash
scripts. Some of the examples include:
* Raylet integration tests commands:
* `` bazel test //:core_worker_test ``
* Bazel test command:
* `` bazel test --build_tests_only //:all ``
* Ray serving test commands:
* `` pytest python/ray/serve/tests ``
* `` python python/ray/serve/examples/echo_full.py ``
2021-06-18 09:07:03 +02:00
If a CI build exception doesn't appear to be related to your change,
please visit `this link <https://flakey-tests.ray.io/> `_ to
2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
check recent tests known to be flaky.
2021-06-18 09:07:03 +02:00
.. _`CI`: https://github.com/ray-project/ray/tree/master/ci/travis
2020-06-25 12:38:12 -07:00
2021-08-25 13:34:43 -07:00
API stability
Ray provides stability guarantees for its public APIs in Ray core and libraries. The level of stability provided depends on how the API is annotated.
.. autofunction :: ray.util.annotations.PublicAPI
.. autofunction :: ray.util.annotations.DeveloperAPI
.. autofunction :: ray.util.annotations.Deprecated
Undecorated functions can be generally assumed to not be part of the Ray public API.
API compatibility style guide
It's hard to fully capture the semantics of API compatibility into a single annotation (for example, public APIs may have "experimental" arguments). For more granular stability contracts, those can be noted in the pydoc (e.g., "the `` random_shuffle `` option is experimental"). When possible, experimental arguments should also be prefixed by underscores in Python (e.g., `_owner=` ).
**Other recommendations** :
In Python APIs, consider forcing the use of kwargs instead of positional arguments (with the `` * `` operator). Kwargs are easier to keep backwards compatible than positional arguments, e.g. imagine if you needed to deprecate "opt1" below, it's easier with forced kwargs:
.. code-block :: python
def foo_bar(file, *, opt1=x, opt2=y)
For callback APIs, consider adding a `` **kwargs `` placeholder as a "forward compatibility placeholder" in case more args need to be passed to the callback in the future, e.g.:
.. code-block :: python
def tune_user_callback(model, score, **future_kwargs):
2019-08-05 23:33:14 -07:00
Becoming a Reviewer
We identify reviewers from active contributors. Reviewers are individuals who
not only actively contribute to the project and are also willing
to participate in the code review of new contributions.
A pull request to the project has to be reviewed by at least one reviewer in order to be merged.
There is currently no formal process, but active contributors to Ray will be
solicited by current reviewers.
2019-09-16 20:26:03 -07:00
More Resources for Getting Involved
[docs] new structure (#21776)
This PR consolidates both #21667 and #21759 (look there for features), but improves on them in the following way:
- [x] we reverted renaming of existing projects `tune`, `rllib`, `train`, `cluster`, `serve`, `raysgd` and `data` so that links won't break. I think my consolidation efforts with the `ray-` prefix were a little overeager in that regard. It's better like this. Only the creation of `ray-core` was a necessity, and some files moved into the `rllib` folder, so that should be relatively benign.
- [x] Additionally, we added Algolia `docsearch`, screenshot below. This is _much_ better than our current search. Caveat: there's a sphinx dependency that needs to be replaced (`sphinx-tabs`) by another, newer one (`sphinx-panels`), as the former prevents loading of the `algolia.js` library. Will follow-up in the next PR (hoping this one doesn't get re-re-re-re-reverted).
2022-01-22 00:42:05 +01:00
.. include :: ../ray-contribute/involvement.rst
2019-09-16 20:26:03 -07:00
2019-08-05 23:33:14 -07:00
.. note ::
These tips are based off of the TVM `contributor guide <https://github.com/dmlc/tvm> `__ .