1. Navigate to the root directory of the Ray repo you have cloned locally.
2. Locate the `fake_multi_node/example.yaml <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/autoscaler/_private/fake_multi_node/example.yaml>`__ example file and fill in the number of CPUs and GPUs the local machine has for the head node type config. The YAML follows the same format as cluster autoscaler configurations, but some fields are not supported.
3. Configure worker types and other autoscaling configs as desired in the YAML file.
To programmatically create a fake multi-node autoscaling cluster and connect to it, you can use `cluster_utils.AutoscalingCluster <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/cluster_utils.py>`__. Here's an example of a basic autoscaling test that launches tasks triggering autoscaling:
Most of the features of the autoscaler are supported in fake multi-node mode. For example, if you update the contents of the YAML file, the autoscaler will pick up the new configuration and apply changes, as it does in a real cluster. Node selection, launch, and termination are governed by the same bin-packing and idle timeout algorithms as in a real cluster.
1. All node raylets run uncontainerized on the local machine, and hence they share the same IP address. See the :ref:`fake_multinode_docker <fake-multinode-docker>` section for an alternative local multi node setup.
To go one step further and locally test a multi node setup where each node uses its own container (and thus
has a separate filesystem, IP address, and Ray processes), you can use the ``fake_multinode_docker`` node provider.
The setup is very similar to the :ref:`fake_multinode <fake-multinode>` provider. However, you need to start a monitoring process
(``docker_monitor.py``) that takes care of running the ``docker compose`` command.
1. Make sure you have `docker <https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/>`_ installed.
2. Make sure you have the `docker compose V2 plugin <https://docs.docker.com/compose/cli-command/#installing-compose-v2>`_ installed.
Using ``RAY_FAKE_CLUSTER=1 ray up``
1. Navigate to the root directory of the Ray repo you have cloned locally.
2. Locate the `fake_multi_node/example_docker.yaml <https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/autoscaler/_private/fake_multi_node/example_docker.yaml>`__ example file and fill in the number of CPUs and GPUs the local machine has for the head node type config. The YAML follows the same format as cluster autoscaler configurations, but some fields are not supported.
3. Configure worker types and other autoscaling configs as desired in the YAML file.
4. Make sure the ``shared_volume_dir`` is empty on the host system