You can view debug stats for your Dataset and DatasetPipeline executions via ``ds.stats()``.
These stats can be used to understand the performance of your Datasets workload and can help you debug problematic bottlenecks.
At a high level, execution stats for tasks (e.g., CPU time) are attached to block metadata objects.
Datasets have stats objects that hold references to these stats and parent dataset stats (this avoids stats holding references to parent datasets, allowing them to be garbage collected).
Similarly, DatasetPipelines hold stats from recently computed datasets.
In addition, we also collect statistics about iterator timings (time spent waiting / processing / in user code).
Here's a sample output of getting stats in one of the most advanced use cases,
namely iterating over a split of a dataset pipeline in a remote task:
By default, Ray requests 0.5 CPUs per read task, which means two read tasks can concurrently execute per CPU.
For data sources that can benefit from higher degress of I/O parallelism, you can specify a lower ``num_cpus`` value for the read function via the ``ray_remote_args`` parameter.
For example, use ``, ray_remote_args={"num_cpus": 0.25})`` to allow up to four read tasks per CPU.
The number of read tasks can also be increased by increasing the ``parallelism`` parameter.
For example, use ``, parallelism=1000)`` to create up to 1000 read tasks.
Typically, increasing the number of read tasks only helps if you have more cluster CPUs than the default parallelism.
Tuning Max Block Size
Block splitting is off by default. To enable block splitting (beta), run `` = True``.
Once enabled, the max target block size can be adjusted via the Dataset context API.
For example, to configure a max target block size of 8GiB, run `` = 8192 * 1024 * 1024`` prior to creating the Dataset.
Lower block sizes reduce the max amount of object store and Python heap memory required during execution.
However, having too many blocks may introduce task scheduling overheads.
We do not recommend adjusting this value for most workloads.
However, if shuffling a large amount of data, increasing the block size limit reduces the number of intermediate blocks (as a rule of thumb, shuffle creates ``O(num_blocks**2)`` intermediate blocks).
Alternatively, you can ``.repartition()`` the dataset to reduce the number of blocks prior to shuffle/groupby operations.
If you're seeing out of memory errors during map tasks, reducing the max block size may also be worth trying.
Note that the number of blocks a Dataset created from ``*`` contains is not fully known until all read tasks are fully executed.
The number of blocks printed in the Dataset's string representation is initially set to the number of read tasks generated.
To view the actual number of blocks created after block splitting, use ``len(ds.get_internal_block_refs())``, which will block until all data has been read.
Some Dataset operations require a *shuffle* operation, meaning that data is shuffled from all of the input partitions to all of the output partitions.
These operations include ``Dataset.random_shuffle``, ``Dataset.sort`` and ``Dataset.groupby``.
Shuffle can be challenging to scale to large data sizes and clusters, especially when the total dataset size cannot fit into memory.
Starting in Ray v1.13, Datasets provides an alternative shuffle implementation known as push-based shuffle for improving large-scale performance.
We recommend trying this out if your dataset has more than 1k partitions (input files) or 1TB of data.
To try this out locally or on a cluster, you can start with the `nightly release test <>`_ that Ray runs for ``Dataset.random_shuffle`` and ``Dataset.sort``.
To get an idea of the performance you can expect, here are some run time results for ``Dataset.random_shuffle`` on 1-10TB of data on 20 machines (m5.4xlarge instances on AWS EC2, each with 16 vCPUs, 64GB RAM).
Push-based shuffle is available as **alpha** in Ray 1.13+. Expect some rough edges, and please file any feature requests and bug reports on GitHub Issues.