For specialized use-cases, it is possible to override the Ray pod GPU capacities advertised to Ray.
To do so, set a value for the `num-gpus` key of the head or worker group's `rayStartParams`.
For example,
..code-block:: yaml
# Note that all rayStartParam values must be supplied as strings.
num-gpus: "2"
The Ray scheduler and autoscaler will then account 2 units of GPU capacity for each
Ray pod in the group, even if the container limits do not indicate the presence of GPU.
GPU pod scheduling (advanced)
GPU taints and tolerations
Managed Kubernetes services typically take care of GPU-related taints and tolerations
for you. If you are using a managed Kubernetes service, you might not need to worry
about this section.
The `Nvidia gpu plugin`_ for Kubernetes applies `taints`_ to GPU nodes; these taints prevent non-GPU pods from being scheduled on GPU nodes.
Managed Kubernetes services like GKE, EKS, and AKS automatically apply matching `tolerations`_
to pods requesting GPU resources. Tolerations are applied by means of Kubernetes's `ExtendedResourceToleration`_`admission controller`_.
If this admission controller is not enabled for your Kubernetes cluster, you may need to manually add a GPU toleration each of to your GPU pod configurations. For example,
..code-block:: yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
generateName: example-cluster-ray-worker
- effect: NoSchedule
operator: Exists
- name: ray-node
image: rayproject/ray:nightly-gpu
Node selectors and node labels
To ensure Ray pods are bound to Kubernetes nodes satisfying specific
conditions (such as the presence of GPU hardware), you may wish to use
the `nodeSelector` field of your `workerGroup`'s pod template `spec`.
See the `Kubernetes docs`_ for more about Pod-to-Node assignment.
Further reference and discussion
Read about Kubernetes device plugins `here <>`__,
about Kubernetes GPU plugins `here <>`__,
and about Nvidia's GPU plugin for Kubernetes `here <>`__.