Each workflow has a unique ``workflow_id``. By default, when you call ``.run()`` or ``.run_async()``, a random id is generated. It is recommended you explicitly assign each workflow an id via ``.run(workflow_id="id")``.
Ray Workflow currently has no built-in job scheduler. You can however easily use any external job scheduler to interact with your Ray cluster (via :ref:`job submission <jobs-overview>` or :ref:`client connection <ray-client>`) trigger workflow runs.
* Local file system: the data is stored locally. This is only for single node testing. It needs to be a NFS to work with multi-node clusters. To use local storage, specify ``ray.init(storage="/path/to/storage_dir")``.
Additional storage backends can be written by subclassing the ``Storage`` class and passing a storage instance to ``ray.init()`` [TODO: note that the Storage API is not currently stable].
If left unspecified, ``/tmp/ray/workflow_data`` will be used for temporary storage. This default setting *will only work for single-node Ray clusters*.
before executing any workflow. ``workflow.init()`` again with a different configuration would raise an error.
For example, ``workflow.init(max_running_workflows=10, max_pending_workflows=50)`` means there will be at most 10 workflows running, 50 workflows pending.
Submitting workflows when the number of pending workflows are at maximum would raise ``queue.Full("Workflow queue has been full")``. Getting the output of a pending workflow would be blocking until the workflow finishes running later.
A pending workflows has the ``PENDING`` status. After the pending workflow get interrupted (e.g., a cluster failure), it can be resumed.
When resuming interrupted workflows that were running and pending with ``workflow.resume_all()``, running workflows have higher priority than pending workflows (i.e. the pending workflows would still likely be pending).
We currently does not guarantee that resumed pending workflows are running in the same order as they originally did.
Ray logs the runtime environment (code and dependencies) of the workflow to storage at submission time. This ensures that the workflow can be resumed at a future time on a different Ray cluster.