# You can also use Deployment.options() to change options without redefining
# the class. This is useful for programmatically updating deployments.
By default, each call to `.deploy()` will cause a redeployment, even if the underlying code and options didn't change.
This could be detrimental if you have many deployments in a script and and only want to update one: if you re-run the script, all of the deployments will be redeployed, not just the one you updated.
To prevent this, you may provide a `version` string for the deployment as a keyword argument in the decorator or `Deployment.options()`.
If provided, the replicas will only be updated if the value of `version` is updated; if the value of `version` is unchanged, the call to `.deploy()` will be a no-op.
When a redeployment happens, Serve will perform a rolling update, bringing down at most 20% of the replicas at any given time.
## Configuring a Deployment
There are a number of things you'll likely want to do with your serving application including
scaling out or configuring the maximum number of in-flight requests for a deployment.
All of these options can be specified either in {mod}`@serve.deployment <ray.serve.api.deployment>` or in `Deployment.options()`.
To update the config options for a running deployment, simply redeploy it with the new options set.
func.deploy() # The func deployment will now autoscale based on requests demand.
The `min_replicas` and `max_replicas` fields configure the range of replicas which the
Serve autoscaler chooses from. Deployments will start with `min_replicas` initially.
The `target_num_ongoing_requests_per_replica` configuration specifies how aggressively the
autoscaler should react to traffic. Serve will try to make sure that each replica has roughly that number
of requests being processed and waiting in the queue. For example, if your processing time is `10ms`
and the latency constraint is `100ms`, you can have at most `10` requests ongoing per replica so
the last requests can finish within the latency constraint. We recommend you benchmark your application
code and set this number based on end to end latency objective.
The Ray Serve Autoscaler is an application-level autoscaler that sits on top of the [Ray Autoscaler](cluster-index).
Concretely, this means that the Ray Serve autoscaler asks Ray to start a number of replica actors based on the request demand.
If the Ray Autoscaler determines there aren't enough available CPUs to place these actors, it responds by adding more nodes.
Similarly, when Ray Serve scales down and terminates some replica actors, it may result in some nodes being empty, at which point the Ray autoscaler will remove those nodes.
### Resource Management (CPUs, GPUs)
To assign hardware resources per replica, you can pass resource requirements to
By default, each replica requires one CPU.
To learn about options to pass in, take a look at [Resources with Actor](actor-resource-guide) guide.
For example, to create a deployment where each replica uses a single GPU, you can do the
Deep learning models like PyTorch and Tensorflow often use multithreading when performing inference.
The number of CPUs they use is controlled by the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable.
To [avoid contention](omp-num-thread-note), Ray sets `OMP_NUM_THREADS=1` by default because Ray workers and actors use a single CPU by default.
If you *do* want to enable this parallelism in your Serve deployment, just set OMP_NUM_THREADS to the desired value either when starting Ray or in your function/class definition:
OMP_NUM_THREADS=12 ray start --head
OMP_NUM_THREADS=12 ray start --address=$HEAD_NODE_ADDRESS
class MyDeployment:
def __init__(self, parallelism):
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = parallelism
# Download model weights, initialize model, etc.
Some other libraries may not respect `OMP_NUM_THREADS` and have their own way to configure parallelism.
For example, if you're using OpenCV, you'll need to manually set the number of threads using `cv2.setNumThreads(num_threads)` (set to 0 to disable multi-threading).
You can check the configuration using `cv2.getNumThreads()` and `cv2.getNumberOfCPUs()`.